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Are Cyclists Riding on the Street a Nuisance?

Guest Hal

Are bicyclers a nuisance?  

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  1. 1. Are bicyclers a nuisance?

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It's not an inconvienence issue, it's a safety issue numbnuts. I will hit a bike off the road before I go head on with a car.


Or maybe that's the problem instead trying to squeeze between the car and the rider maybe you could just slow down and wait for a opening then safely pass since its really about safety.

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Or maybe that's the problem instead trying to squeeze between the car and the rider maybe you could just slow down and wait for a opening then safely pass since its really about safety.


No, cyclists are the problem.



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Note how they were on bike paths.


For the record, the chick with Coleman, I'd hit it. :gabe:


The bitch I have with riding side by side is that although the state of Ohio allows bicycles to legally ride two abreast, it can be dangerous and inconsiderate. You shouldn't ride two abreast on hills or curves because it is dangerous. You should not ride two abreast on narrow two-lane roads either, especially if you are holding up traffic. It may be legal, but it is inconsiderate and could become dangerous. IMO most don't give a shit and end up getting what they deserve, a scare when a car roars past them to pass.


Comments about waiting or slowing down are understandable, but bullshit at the same time. It's a road made for cars and to expect a line of traffic on a busy narrow road to wait for bicyclists to make their way down the road at comparably, a snails pace is unrealistic. Move over, select an alternate route, ride somewhere else or take what you get. Law suites may result in the case of an accident, but accidents between motor vehicles and bicycles never end well for the rider. I've also never seen a dead rider celebrate a law suite either.



Edited by TTQ B4U
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I hate it when there is a cyclist, and traffic is backed up because nobody can pass safely. Don't get me wrong, I will never pass a cyclist unsafely. I could not imagine what it would be like to be them, with 40-60 mph cars flying past and not seeing them. I wish they would use sidewalks when available, and bike paths like in Westerville.
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why the fuck would anybody take a bicycle out onto a real road in the first place whether it's legal or not? It just fills my mind full of fuck


I do not know. They probably just want attention.


P.S. You should ban Evan for his week now. Kthnxbye.



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I should ban a lot of people but I'm a close-minded sexist, racist, and homophobe according to everyone so my actions would automatically be reversed.


Fight the system. I've got your back (that may not matter).


I can feel your anger.


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I have to admit out here in the sticks where I live there are a lot of bike riders and i usually bitch,moan and grown everytime I have to go around them. Mainly because we have a lot of hills and dips that makes it really tough to go around them safely. If they all went single file it would help but when they act like they own the road and go 3 wide it does piss me off. Many of times I have gone down a hill and come up on them.
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I hate it when there is a cyclist, and traffic is backed up because nobody can pass safely. Don't get me wrong, I will never pass a cyclist unsafely. I could not imagine what it would be like to be them, with 40-60 mph cars flying past and not seeing them. I wish they would use sidewalks when available, and bike paths like in Westerville.


Your safe passing is appreciated...but if i have 4-5' (which really isnt a lot...if someones riding on white line, this can be accomplished with barely going over center line, if at all), im fine...and a 45mph car isnt as bad as it sounds if youre doing 18-22mph...if youre both going the same direction, i see it as the equivelent of how fast a car would seem driving down a neighborhood street while standing at your mailbox since theyve only got 25-30mph on you. And usually, you'll hear them coming up, so its not really a huge surprise. As stated earlier, sidewalks are not for bikes...i posted about my sister crossing and a car bumping her and cops told my mom she should have been riding on the street...at 11 years old...not to mention, sidewalks are horrid on skinny tires...think of driving over half sized speed bumps constantly...thats what it feels like on a road bike.


Everyone keeps posting about bike paths...theyre fine...for a while...but the same path gets boring as fuck eventually, most are flat, so theres no way to build up strength training on hills, etc. and with all the slow family riders, joggers with dogs, strollers, kids that could jump out, debris from trees and shit, ive had more close calls on 8' 2 lane paths than roads.


Hell, ive ridden 37 from sunbury to johnstown (gasp! A 2 lane 55mph road with hills and turns!)..i dont recall one car slowing down to pass us...they all flew by at a good speed, and still were able to give us enough comfort room, even with oncoming traffic. Dont assume people coming the other way dont see us, because they usually scoot over a bit to let their oncoming traffic pass.


Majority of people in here talking shit are keyboard warriors. They know theyre not going to pass too close, because what happens if someone legally on the road gets hit, injured, or even killed? They know theyre gonna be facing jail time for assault, manslaughter, etc. Are they annoyed? Sure, but no one is going to do anything but grit their teeth, pout, and wait to pass (if needed, which highly doubtful they will need to wait, but lets go with it), go around, then head straight home to post on CR asking if other leople get annoyed too. I would love to follow hal around westerville for an hour and see how many times he actually has to hit his brakes or wait for an oncoming car to pass before he can get around a cyclists.


From a quick google search, travel lanes are approximately 12' wide. Average car width is 6'. That means you could drive and still be in your lane and have 6' from someone riding on the line...if 2 abreast, i might be 2-3 feet into the road, you could pass by going 1' over yellow and still give a safe distance...and i can bet someone coming the other way wont be riding that yellow line putting you at as much risk to move oved slightly as youd be putting someone on a bike at by driving way too close.


Im not debating people who dont follow the rules arent a nuissance, but to those who do follow the rules, people need to chill the fuck out. If they dont like the rule, do something to change the rule or STFU


Still, hal is a bag of dicks, and thinks hes hot shit by asking a CAR FORUM if cyclists are annoying. Lets go on a cycling forum and ask if cars are annoying...anyone wanna guess what kind of responses will come up?

Edited by evan9381
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I cannot stand these people. They never follow any sort of rules, ever. I have no issues when they are given their own lane and actually stay in it but 99% of the time they think they are a car and never move over. On my way home about 15 minutes ago two riders took up the whole lane and refused to move over I had to stay behind them for a few minutes till I could pass. I always say one of these days I will ram one of them, just like the idiot birds that never move out of the street.




Also to add to this, atleast a few times a week I always see them just fly past a red light and people having to slam on the brakes.

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I cannot stand these people. They never follow any sort of rules, ever. I have no issues when they are given their own lane and actually stay in it but 99% of the time they think they are a car and never move over. On my way home about 15 minutes ago two riders took up the whole lane and refused to move over I had to stay behind them for a few minutes till I could pass. I always say one of these days I will ram one of them, just like the idiot birds that never move out of the street.


Youre going to ram a cyclist with your car because you have to wait to go around them?


Sorry hal, you just lost the title for dumbest motherfucker in this thread...it has been bestowed upon jewtoys

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Youre going to ram a cyclist with your car because you have to wait to go around them?


Sorry hal, you just lost the title for dumbest motherfucker in this thread...it has been bestowed upon jewtoys


I'm dumb because I think cyclists are a nuisance? Odd, I didn't know opinions like that had anything to do with intelligence.


Even if you think I'm dumb, that's better than being a bitch like you. "Oh noes, I can't handle being banned for a week. Sure, I voted in the poll and posted in the thread, but I totally didn't agree to get banned."

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My problem with (most) cyclists is that they can't decide whether they want to be treated like a bike, or a car. They want to be treated like a cyclist when it suits them best, and a car any other time.


A couple examples:

-I've seen it numerous times; cyclist rides down the road like a car until he reaches a stoplight, then he goes into bike mode, and crosses the street in the crosswalk to circumvent the light, then hopes back out onto the road in car mode.


-I live right on a major intersection in Pickaway county and the Tour of the Southern Ohio River Valley goes right threw that intersection and by my house every single year. These bastards are the most inconsiderate fucks I've ever seen. Case in point: This past tour I left my driveway and stopped at the intersection with the intentions of turning left. I was heading the opposite way of the cyclists. Normal rules for a car dictate that each car stops at the stop sign. Cyclists? Psssh. That stop sign isn't for us. So I'm sitting at this stop sign as a group of ~50 bikes rolls up to it. Do you think a single one of them attempted to stop at that sign? Negative. I let about 15 of them roll right on threw it before my temper boiled over and I turned left right into the group of them anyways. The rest of them stopped so I didn't hit any of them, but I'd have slept fine that night even if I had. In fact, I would probably lose count if I tried to keep track of how many of them blow through that sign every year. Again, if they want their share of the road then they need to follow the rules like the rest of us, and not avoid them whenever it suits them. If they did this, I'd have no problem with them. It's the hypocrisy that pisses me off.

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-I've seen it numerous times; cyclist rides down the road like a car until he reaches a stoplight, then he goes into bike mode, and crosses the street in the crosswalk to circumvent the light, then hopes back out onto the road in car mode.


Saw this three times today.

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Your safe passing is appreciated...but if i have 4-5' (which really isnt a lot...if someones riding on white line, this can be accomplished with barely going over center line, if at all), im fine...and a 45mph car isnt as bad as it sounds if youre doing 18-22mph...if youre both going the same direction, i see it as the equivelent of how fast a car would seem driving down a neighborhood street while standing at your mailbox since theyve only got 25-30mph on you. And usually, you'll hear them coming up, so its not really a huge surprise. As stated earlier, sidewalks are not for bikes...i posted about my sister crossing and a car bumping her and cops told my mom she should have been riding on the street...at 11 years old...not to mention, sidewalks are horrid on skinny tires...think of driving over half sized speed bumps constantly...thats what it feels like on a road bike.


Everyone keeps posting about bike paths...theyre fine...for a while...but the same path gets boring as fuck eventually, most are flat, so theres no way to build up strength training on hills, etc. and with all the slow family riders, joggers with dogs, strollers, kids that could jump out, debris from trees and shit, ive had more close calls on 8' 2 lane paths than roads.


Hell, ive ridden 37 from sunbury to johnstown (gasp! A 2 lane 55mph road with hills and turns!)..i dont recall one car slowing down to pass us...they all flew by at a good speed, and still were able to give us enough comfort room, even with oncoming traffic. Dont assume people coming the other way dont see us, because they usually scoot over a bit to let their oncoming traffic pass.


Majority of people in here talking shit are keyboard warriors. They know theyre not going to pass too close, because what happens if someone legally on the road gets hit, injured, or even killed? They know theyre gonna be facing jail time for assault, manslaughter, etc. Are they annoyed? Sure, but no one is going to do anything but grit their teeth, pout, and wait to pass (if needed, which highly doubtful they will need to wait, but lets go with it), go around, then head straight home to post on CR asking if other leople get annoyed too. I would love to follow hal around westerville for an hour and see how many times he actually has to hit his brakes or wait for an oncoming car to pass before he can get around a cyclists.


From a quick google search, travel lanes are approximately 12' wide. Average car width is 6'. That means you could drive and still be in your lane and have 6' from someone riding on the line...if 2 abreast, i might be 2-3 feet into the road, you could pass by going 1' over yellow and still give a safe distance...and i can bet someone coming the other way wont be riding that yellow line putting you at as much risk to move oved slightly as youd be putting someone on a bike at by driving way too close.


Im not debating people who dont follow the rules arent a nuissance, but to those who do follow the rules, people need to chill the fuck out. If they dont like the rule, do something to change the rule or STFU


Still, hal is a bag of dicks, and thinks hes hot shit by asking a CAR FORUM if cyclists are annoying. Lets go on a cycling forum and ask if cars are annoying...anyone wanna guess what kind of responses will come up?


Well, just to follow up, I have seen a few cyclists that are flat out in the way. I guess if you pay attention and are comfortable by riding on roads, then I hope it remains problem free. Personally, unless it were a road a lot less traveled, you won't see me riding on it. Other drivers don't pay near enough attention, and I am not going to put my life at risk to avoid bumps on a sidewalk. Again, if this is what you live for, then by all means I will not stop you, but I wish you luck. Stay alive.

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My problem with (most) cyclists is that they can't decide whether they want to be treated like a bike, or a car. They want to be treated like a cyclist when it suits them best, and a car any other time.


A couple examples:

-I've seen it numerous times; cyclist rides down the road like a car until he reaches a stoplight, then he goes into bike mode, and crosses the street in the crosswalk to circumvent the light, then hopes back out onto the road in car mode.


-I live right on a major intersection in Pickaway county and the Tour of the Southern Ohio River Valley goes right threw that intersection and by my house every single year. These bastards are the most inconsiderate fucks I've ever seen. Case in point: This past tour I left my driveway and stopped at the intersection with the intentions of turning left. I was heading the opposite way of the cyclists. Normal rules for a car dictate that each car stops at the stop sign. Cyclists? Psssh. That stop sign isn't for us. So I'm sitting at this stop sign as a group of ~50 bikes rolls up to it. Do you think a single one of them attempted to stop at that sign? Negative. I let about 15 of them roll right on threw it before my temper boiled over and I turned left right into the group of them anyways. The rest of them stopped so I didn't hit any of them, but I'd have slept fine that night even if I had. In fact, I would probably lose count if I tried to keep track of how many of them blow through that sign every year. Again, if they want their share of the road then they need to follow the rules like the rest of us, and not avoid them whenever it suits them. If they did this, I'd have no problem with them. It's the hypocrisy that pisses me off.


yeah, i actually prefer to stop with the traffic because it gives me a minute, if that, to rest, grab a drink, catch my breath. if im out riding 40-80 miles, the last thing im worried about is rushing to get through an intersection to knock 30 seconds off my 3-5 hour ride.


as for stop signs, i could see that happening...i ride a lot on the east side of hoover, we hit like 4-5 stop signs on our route...do we come to a complete stop? no. does a car? no. we slow down, if its completely clear, we go ahead...comparable to a rolling stop. if a car is coming, we wait for them. out of habit, even if we see no one behind us or coming either way at the 3 way stops we come to, we still signal...who knows if a car is coming up after ive already looked back, that way they know which way i intend to go...if its a 4 way stop and someone is needing to turn and everyone keeps running the sign, as you said, thats not right. idk...maybe i try to follow the rules to protect myself as much as possible. unfortunately, others aren't as considerate


edit - going back to read your crosswalk theory, im not getting it...if im riding N to S, and i come up to a light at an E to W road, when my road has the red light, the E to W traffic will be flowing...the crosswalk light to go N to S will not change until traffic starts flowing that way again, at which time, the person would be riding with traffic again...if the light im coming upto is red, the crosswalk going that same way will say do not walk...care to elaborate? not trying to say you're lying, it just doesn't make sense

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Austin, just wanted to update, figures i get a prime example within12 hours...lol...driving through easton today, i saw a guy do it going along stelzer, crossing where you go to get on 270/161. I tried to shout at him but he was going the other way and head headphones in. pissed me off a little...there is no traffic, so I could see how it could happen, but this was at 7 am. I don't see that happening at any other point during the day where there's any moderate traffic


but then I pulled into tim horton's and there were 4 women in bike shorts and race for the cure t shirts standing out back smoking cigarettes. I was cracking up

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That is so badass bro. People who won't give up shits for the law are just "2" sweet.




You're taking what I said out of context. My point was that if it's indeed legal to ride down a 2-lane road at 10mph while impeding the flow of traffic, it's really fucking stupid

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