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I think OSU will contend for the Big 10 title as usual but I don't see us beating Nebraska, I sure hope so.


I think Penn State will knock off Bama or Nebraska with both of those games in Happy valley.


I like Oklahoma for the national title but they do tend to choke on that 1 game a season though.

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I think OSU will contend for the Big 10 title as usual but I don't see us beating Nebraska, I sure hope so.


Will be a very tough game in Lincoln. The Huskers will be pumped for their first ever Big 10 home game and they get to have it against the kings of the Big 10 for the last decade. We get 3 starters back on offense. It's a night game.


At least they're not in our division because we can lose in Lincoln then go undefeated in our division and meet them again in Indianapolis.

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What do you think about Texas A&M leaving the B12 for the SEC? There is also rumors giong around that Texas and ND are in talks about building a new super conference, at this point its just speculation but that would be crazy. ESPN really is ruining college football, as they are behind the Long Horn Network which is making teams in the B12 dislike Texas even more


Also rumors of ND and Texas still debating on joining the b10 as well as Oklahoma. WTF? The big 12 disbands and comes to the big 10? How about instead of Legends and Leaders we call it B12 vs B10

Edited by DaddyBuiltRacing
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I really hope that isn't the case. To me it ruins college football. I like having a whole lot of conferences and bowl games matchups between conferences. The whole "college football needs a playoff" shit is garbage. First off its college football where it really has no impact on 99% of the fans daily lives. 2. This didn't become an issue until the 2000s, you never heard ppl bitching about a playoff system before the 2000s. 3. You load 4 conferences with power houses and you'll have the same 4 teams playing every year in the playoffs.
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I really hope that isn't the case. To me it ruins college football. I like having a whole lot of conferences and bowl games matchups between conferences. The whole "college football needs a playoff" shit is garbage. First off its college football where it really has no impact on 99% of the fans daily lives. 2. This didn't become an issue until the 2000s, you never heard ppl bitching about a playoff system before the 2000s. 3. You load 4 conferences with power houses and you'll have the same 4 teams playing every year in the playoffs.



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Its like the NFL, you can almost bet on who the playoff teams will be each year. I just think its a bad deal for college football, the reason I loved CFB was because you had all these conferences and great rivalrys and bowl matchups every year. The more teams that enter the B10, the less I seem to care about CFB. I still don't picture Nebraska as a B10 team. To me the Big10 is Wisky, Penn State, Michigan and Ohio State, plus the other ones of course, but you say Big10 those 4 schools pop up instantly. Kinda like ACC basketball you think Duke and UNC
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I'm not exactly thrilled about a future playoff system because I love how controversial and interesting the BCS season is as far as bids and placement and whatnot. It's a lot easier to like all that controversy when you're a fan of a team with a fanbase as notorious as Ohio State's because you know the BCS bowls love our money and will almost always pick us for at-large bids if we're not an automatic qualifier.


One thing I would absolutely look forward to if we went to a playoff is better out of conference matchups. Granted OSU already has a wonderful, marquee matchup every year in the OOC schedule for the next 10 years or so it will be nice to see a rise in games like OSU-USC, OSU-Texas, FSU-OU, etc. if those games don't look to hurt you much at all if you're given the opportunity to simply win your conference and have a shot at the title in a playoff.


Also I don't agree that it would be the same 4 teams every year at all. The SEC has 4-5 teams that would have a shot, the Big 10 has 3-4 teams then you look at the upcoming expansion. A&M to the SEC is done and the SEC is looking to go to 16 with Clemson, FSU and Missouri. The Big 10 wants Missouri too. The rumor for about a year now was that the Big 10 would go to 16 with Missouri, Maryland, ND and Rutgers. If Missouri goes to the SEC then the Big 10 will look next to Virginia Tech.

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No it would be the same 3-4 teams. Look at it now, you have all the top teams fighting for the top spot, then the bottom dwellers taking a beating each year. You add more teams and your just watering down the leagues. I don't want any of the above mentioned teams. What has ND done in the last 30 years outside of 2 good years with Brady Quinn? Missouri? Rutgers? Maryland? All bad choices
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It's not just about football. Missouri, Rutgers and Maryland are all AAU institutions (big research money) and they all increase the Big 10 TV market. Missouri brings St. Louis/Kansas City, Rutgers brings NYC and Maryland brings the east coast/DC area.


And I have no idea why you think it would be the same 4 teams in the playoffs every year.


SEC - Alabama, Florida and LSU have been top 10 programs for a few years now

Big 10 - Ohio State, Nebraska, Wisconsin then the possibility of Michigan coming back on and PSU is a sleeping giant

Pac 12 - iffy but of course USC and Oregon are the premier teams in that league. Don't think Stanford will have staying power with Harbaugh gone and this being Luck's last season


Other teams that are left out right now/could be part of those conferences or another conference would obviously be Texas and Oklahoma.


Seriously... saying it would be the same 4 teams every single year is just dumb.

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My wording just isn't coming out correctly through a keyboard apparently lol. The Big10 Network is aired in other parts of the country you do know this right? In fact would you like to know that states without a Big10 school pay absolutely nothing to have the service, while states that have a school within the conference have to pay for the channel...


Expansion is a fucking joke and I am totally opposed to the idea of it. Call me old school whatever, but I love having conference vs conference powerhouse matchups early in the season or in bowl games. By eliminating conferences and going to say 4 power conferences that eliminates the hype that is built up by those once in a decade type games.


BTW the Big10 said no thank you to Oklahoma and Oklahoma St apparently from what I have been reading over on Scout. I highly doubt they will take a 3rd tier program such as Rutgers/Missouri or Maryland at this point. I am aware that there are other things that are brought to the table outside of athletics, but athletics are a huge part of what each conference thrives on. Who wants to go watch OSU vs Maryland in football or Nebraska vs Rutgers in basketball, no one! If it wasn't for Nebraska history on the football field and recent success, I highly doubt they would have been invited to the Big10, same goes for Notre Dame. The one thing Notre Dame offers is the NBC deal which would get even more Big10 schools on the air outside of the ones they currently play.


You know what expansion talks do, they make great debate topics lol.

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In fact would you like to know that states without a Big10 school pay absolutely nothing to have the service, while states that have a school within the conference have to pay for the channel...


Expansion is a fucking joke and I am totally opposed to the idea of it. Call me old school whatever, but I love having conference vs conference powerhouse matchups early in the season or in bowl games. By eliminating conferences and going to say 4 power conferences that eliminates the hype that is built up by those once in a decade type games.


BTW the Big10 said no thank you to Oklahoma and Oklahoma St apparently from what I have been reading over on Scout. I highly doubt they will take a 3rd tier program such as Rutgers/Missouri or Maryland at this point. I am aware that there are other things that are brought to the table outside of athletics, but athletics are a huge part of what each conference thrives on. Who wants to go watch OSU vs Maryland in football or Nebraska vs Rutgers in basketball, no one! If it wasn't for Nebraska history on the football field and recent success, I highly doubt they would have been invited to the Big10, same goes for Notre Dame. The one thing Notre Dame offers is the NBC deal which would get even more Big10 schools on the air outside of the ones they currently play.


You know what expansion talks do, they make great debate topics lol.


To your first paragraph... I don't think that's accurate. In fact, I think it's the exact opposite. In states with Big 10 schools the BTN is part of basic cable. In states without Big 10 schools the BTN is typically part of a special sports tier (like all the regional Fox Sports channels).


As to your second paragraph... I think those big time matchups would only happen more frequently. You're not going to be punished for losing against a big time OOC opponent early in the season because you can still merely win your own conference and be in the hunt for a national title. So like in college basketball you'd end up with more marquee OOC games. For example, Ohio State basketball plays Florida, Kansas and Duke this year in basketball. And all those games are going to do, win or lose, is make the team better prepared for league play and the post season. We'd get to see less games against Akron and Toledo in the future if a playoff involving 4 super conferences was put into place.


And for your third paragraph it's very simple... neither Oklahoma nor Oklahoma St. are AAU members. Nebraska was an AAU member all the way up until this spring, several months after their addition to the conference was made official. Missouri, Maryland and Rutgers are all AAU members. Notre Dame is absolutely a special case. Their institution is highly reputable as far as academics are concerned and they have a national following. I'd watch OSU-Maryland in football. They just got a potentially great HC in Randy Edsall and have been a good program recently. Just not the past few years. I mean, who wants to watch Indiana vs. Minnesota in football? Or Northwestern vs. basically anyone in basketball? There's plenty of crappy matchups in conference already. And teams like Missouri, Rutgers and ND have been highly ranked in the BCS much more recently than any of the Big 10's bottom feeders.


Plus it's not like those 4 schools are my idea...lol. It's coming from the best OSU insider on the web who has sources all over the country regarding all sports. He's been saying those 4 schools for a year now.

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My bad its .10 cents for states that don't have Big 10 schools (Wife works for Time Warner and just corrected me lol). So yes it is cheaper for those that don't have a Big 10 school in their area. The argument in the beginning was how B10 Network was part of standard packages is states without b10 schools, but here it wasn't.


I don't think people would be excited after 10 years to see Ohio State vs Missouri or Ohio State vs Marlyand ect. The thing that makes those games so special is they only happen once in a blue moon. What are you going to do schedule 14+ games because if you goto a league of 16 your not going to play every school, plus your giving up OOC games in order to play more of your own conference teams. Look at it now, OSU doesn't play 2 big ten teams each year as it is.


You would be the only one that would want to see OSU vs Maryland, idc who they hired as a headcoach they will never be dominate at football. Its like UNC hiring Butch Davis yet they couldn't win the ACC of all leagues. Rutgers, ND, Maryland and Missouri would be bottom feeders in the Big 10 as well. Hell they are mid level schools in their current leagues (minus ND independant bastards lol). Atleast were not talking about adding Buffallo or Iowa St, I just saw the list of schools with AAU membership, not very impressive.

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Not very impressive on the field in many cases, yes, but they bring in HUGE dollars for research and as I've said, that's a big factor here. Also like I said, these aren't my suggestions. These are the teams that have been talked about behind the scenes for about a year now.


And I still think you have it mixed up with your BTN thing. States with a Big 10 team in their state, for the most part, have the BTN as part of basic cable. States without a Big 10 team (out west, down south, etc.) have the BTN as part of a special sports tier.


The Big 10 hasn't had everyone play everyone for as long as I've followed football. I think it's actually upped to 3 teams we won't be playing in the league with the addition of Nebraska. In 2017 I think the Big 10 is going to a 9 game conference schedule.


And I guarantee you I'm not the only one who wants to see OSU-Maryland. And I'd bet tons of people would rather watch OSU-Maryland than OSU-Akron. Saying Rutgers, ND, Maryland and Missouri would be bottom feeders as well is just being ignorant. Missouri and Rutgers were ranked in the top 3 in the BCS within the last 4-5 years at times. ND has been top 10 within that time frame. Maryland finished last season ranked in the top 25.

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No I am correct about the cable shit trust me. Thats the thing ppl don't realize, I will ask my wife what the rate is for states with a b10 school, it is more then those without one, its a crock of shit lol.


BTW its now looking like aTm isn't even going to the SEC lol. So this was all for nothing at the moment

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Pryor is holding his pro day today for NFL scouts. Here are the teams reportedly there: Pitt, Wash, NO, TB, Dal, SD, Buff, Cle, Det, Ind, Phi, Oak, Mia, SF. One scout has him reportedly running a 4.38 40 as well.



Also Bucks got a preseason ranking of 18 in the AP poll today

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