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Why do kids have to be so dumb?


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The kid is here all the time and to hear him without seeing, you would think he's the whitest person ever and he doesnt wear a towel. I think thats a different country entirely. Hes a good kid and is the funnist kid you'd ever want to meet. Right after he did it my wife told my son to come tell me and suggested that the kid leave immediately. I was already having a bad day when this put the icing on the cake. He will be allowed back over. I know he didnt do it necessarily on purpose and I know he will apologize. Hell, they make money everyday right?


You seem like a real stand up guy.

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Wow, Jason you're way to easy, I'd tell his parents and see how they react. If they don't beleive in discipline I would rather my kid not hang out with him anyway.


Guess you should keep the BBgun out of any kid's reach.


+1. Gotta side with Scott on this one, Jason. Your easygoing attitude in this serious lack of respect and obedience is somewhat shocking.


Apologies are one thing, but having that BB Gun out is an attractive nuisance that could get you in serious trouble if that kid hurt someone else or himself.

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My wife nor I said not to touch it, my son did, and kids really dont understand the respect level with eachother. There was no real lack of respect I felt. Our house has always been the cool house, we do the holiday parties, have the basketball court, had the pool, trampoline, video games, game nights ect.... My wife works at the schools and has always been the class mom, pto president, all the kids know us. I think the kid just did a dumb thing without thinking about it and went it a bit of shock directly after. He really wasnt given time to apologize as my wife rushed him home to tell his mom and before I came out to see it. There is a sense of family with the kids that come over here that I think isnt necessarily present with other kids and their friends. We have known the kid since he was little. I know he feels bad just from knowing him. I am sure we have all done dumb things especially as kids, things that went a total opposite direction we thought they would. This is a life lesson that will teach him how to deal with things when he doesnt think them through. I can remember doing similar things that really helped shape how I am today. It will go one of 2 ways, either he wont think its a big deal and act as though or he will feel bad act like it and carry this on into adulthood where hes a more thoughtful person.


That BBgun has sat there for years and these kids never messed with it without asking. I look at it like my kids who do something stupid and I look at them and you can tell by their eyes they werent even thinking before doing but they immediately know they screwed up. I dont expect them to know how to show remorse like an adult, that comes through experience.

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I am just beat down and tend to just roll over and accept that I get fucked regularly. What can you do.


I don't know you but my perspective from the online posts in this thread are that you allow/accept it so it continues. The second you stand up and quit taking the BS, is the second these things will quit happening...



My wife nor I said not to touch it, my son did, and kids really dont understand the respect level with eachother. There was no real lack of respect I felt. Our house has always been the cool house, we do the holiday parties, have the basketball court, had the pool, trampoline, video games, game nights ect.... My wife works at the schools and has always been the class mom, pto president, all the kids know us. I think the kid just did a dumb thing without thinking about it and went it a bit of shock directly after. He really wasnt given time to apologize as my wife rushed him home to tell his mom and before I came out to see it. There is a sense of family with the kids that come over here that I think isnt necessarily present with other kids and their friends. We have known the kid since he was little. I know he feels bad just from knowing him. I am sure we have all done dumb things especially as kids, things that went a total opposite direction we thought they would. This is a life lesson that will teach him how to deal with things when he doesnt think them through. I can remember doing similar things that really helped shape how I am today. It will go one of 2 ways, either he wont think its a big deal and act as though or he will feel bad act like it and carry this on into adulthood where hes a more thoughtful person.


That BBgun has sat there for years and these kids never messed with it without asking. I look at it like my kids who do something stupid and I look at them and you can tell by their eyes they werent even thinking before doing but they immediately know they screwed up. I dont expect them to know how to show remorse like an adult, that comes through experience.



You sound like a good guy but maybe people are taking advantage of you because they know you are the cool guy/house that stuff happens at.



IMO, the kid is THIRTEEN YEARS OLD.....and is far to old to be doing that kind of crap. I would make sure HE pays for it, weather he works it off and mows your yard or whatever.....if his parents step up and pay for it fine but he better be earning money to replace what he destroyed...


Otherwise, I would tell him he's no longer welcome at your house until he makes it right! Hes probably going to learn more from this situation than anything else at his age...

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Wait, I really dont get walked on, really just the opposite. What I meant earlier is shit just tends to happen, the issue with my foot, having to deal with people I wouldnt typically deal with, shit breaking down when I have no money, I have to just kind of take it right now and play this game. People dont get over on me except my wife and sometimes my kids lol. My son is small for his age as are his friends that hang out here, one is way small. I am very compassionate for those who dont necessarily get a fair shake, I know they get treated different and feel odd around bigger kids their own size. As a parent I do what I can to help my kids feel accepted by others and even odd friends are better than no friends. I wont ban the kid even if he doesnt apologize, although I know he will. If the kid was a prick I would go demand his parents pay and if they didnt I would do something so we were even, break their windows burn their house down, whatever..... But thats not the case with this one, hes a good kid.


Trust me, my wife takes advantage and nobody else.

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Let me clarify my original statement, I'm the type to think parenting should be left to the kids parents, so by telling his parents and seeing how they react, gives them the chance to be parents. It would make me very happy to know that his parents used the oportunity to push some respect and "act right" at their son. Now if the parents suck at life I can't say I know what I'd do. Situations like this aren't easy, and I'm just getting into these kind of things as a parent. Sometimes I feel like my daughter has no common sense, and thats why I make her fix the things she screws up, maybe at some point it'll sink in.


I get a kick out of some of the comments in this thread, and why there are some things I won't share on CR.


Jason, I'm sure it'll work out.

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I am fine with it, really. It sucks that its happened and I wish it hadnt but even if the kids parents refuse to pay, it is what it is. I must admit my whole perspective on money has changed since my accident. I used to save, kill myself working overtime just to have more money to save, rarely buy my kids anything but necessities except for christmas ect... After I was injured I had to start spending all that money and each month I seen it going away, not like when I was working and I could put more money in the bank if I spent it or work more hours to get more. Eventually it will all be gone and the house will be taken back and all the stress will be for nothing. No more trying to keep up with everyone else, I dont have the need to want the fastest/newest car, I have accepted that its just not going to happen for me. Its just ink on a tree at this point. I dont feel that I was wronged in this situation so no need to do something stupid, save it for when I do.
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Airsoft and bb guns should be treated as any other weapon, it should have been locked away or disabled. The fact the kid new were it was and could just grab it shows me he has no respect for you or firearms and that ou might want to rethink your policy on any projectile weapons
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Tell parents what happened, tell them they need to pay for it, kid's parents whoop his @$$ like the kid deserves, and kid is not allowed back over. Problem solved.


I can't even imagine what my parents would have done to me if I had pulled a stunt like that after being told not to.

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Not sure if serious.



Personally, I wouldnt trust another parent to teach my child gun safety. That is my responsibility. A BB Gun may not be lethal, but it's a gun none the less.


Teenagers, especially 13 year old boys, will push thier boundaries. This 13 boy was no exception. This young man already made a very poor decision with gun. He not only took it without permission, he shot it and caused over a $1000 in damage. What if he had shot it at one o jasons kids and hit them in the eye? What I he had hit another child who was not Jasons? Jason and his wife could be held liable for medical damages for another child. Personally, fromhere on out this BBGun should be locked up and only brought out when supervised, because obviously poor decions are being made by jasons kids friends.


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Personally, I wouldnt trust another parent to teach my child gun safety. That is my responsibility. A BB Gun may not be lethal, but it's a gun none the less.


Teenagers, especially 13 year old boys, will push thier boundaries. This 13 boy was no exception. This young man already made a very poor decision with gun. He not only took it without permission, he shot it and caused over a $1000 in damage. What if he had shot it at one o jasons kids and hit them in the eye? What I he had hit another child who was not Jasons? Jason and his wife could be held liable for medical damages for another child. Personally, fromhere on out this BBGun should be locked up and only brought out when supervised, because obviously poor decions are being made by jasons kids friends.



Actually, a bb gun can and has been lethal. Saw a story years ago about a kid that got shot with one and it got lodged in an artery and worked it's way to his heart and the kid died. He was like 12 or 13.


My buddy got shot by one with one of his friends and it went in his arm by his wrist and very quickly moved down his forearm by his elbow. We had to push it back up and cut the hole a bit bigger to push it out.


BB guns are absolutely not toys.


When I was a kid, I was taught to treat bb guns as any other firearm and was not permitted to touch without explicit permission. A rule which I obeyed.


Kids will be kids? Yes. But that doesn't mean there should not be consequences.

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Actually, a bb gun can and has been lethal. Saw a story years ago about a kid that got shot with one and it got lodged in an artery and worked it's way to his heart and the kid died. He was like 12 or 13.


My buddy got shot by one with one of his friends and it went in his arm by his wrist and very quickly moved down his forearm by his elbow. We had to push it back up and cut the hole a bit bigger to push it out.


BB guns are absolutely not toys.


When I was a kid, I was taught to treat bb guns as any other firearm and was not permitted to touch without explicit permission. A rule which I obeyed.


Kids will be kids? Yes. But that doesn't mean there should not be consequences.

only proving my point further.
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Personally, I wouldnt trust another parent to teach my child gun safety. That is my responsibility. A BB Gun may not be lethal, but it's a gun none the less.


I agree, I don't want someone I hardly know teaching my kid gun safety unless they are a certified instructor. I mean technically I don't think the kid's parents should be responsible for it anyhow. IMO, if the homeowner has weapons he allows the kids to shoot and doesn't have them locked up, it sounds like it'd be the homeowners fault.

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