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MW3, why you no more consistent????

V8 Beast

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I get on and play for a few hours a week because my son likes to play. Every time I get on I spend the first game adjusting to where the kill zone is. Off to the front, out to the left, on the person (happens from time to time). I've also noticed that some of the secondary weapons show low stats but can kill you from across the map in like .2 seconds. :dumb:


I just cant see how its fun to have to miss someone on purpose to get kills, lose kill streaks because they spawn people behind you constantly, and have your guns go from killers to professional hit markers at the drop of a hat. This is one of the most inconsistent games I have ever played in my life.


I thought it was my internet connection or the refresh rate on my tv, but after a few tests its not. I put in MW2, and Black ops and remembered why my KD was so high in those games :fuckyeah:. Ive given this one 20 hours worth of testing and its pretty bad. I'll keep playing it because my son wants me too, but it was not worth the wait imo.



P.S. Who in the fuck thought it would be a good idea to make it where you couldnt have claymores and grenades at the same time!

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I get on and play for a few hours a week because my son likes to play. Every time I get on I spend the first game adjusting to where the kill zone is. Off to the front, out to the left, on the person (happens from time to time). I've also noticed that some of the secondary weapons show low stats but can kill you from across the map in like .2 seconds. :dumb:


I just cant see how its fun to have to miss someone on purpose to get kills, lose kill streaks because they spawn people behind you constantly, and have your guns go from killers to professional hit markers at the drop of a hat. This is one of the most inconsistent games I have ever played in my life.


I thought it was my internet connection or the refresh rate on my tv, but after a few tests its not. I put in MW2, and Black ops and remembered why my KD was so high in those games :fuckyeah:. Ive given this one 20 hours worth of testing and its pretty bad. I'll keep playing it because my son wants me too, but it was not worth the wait imo.



P.S. Who in the fuck thought it would be a good idea to make it where you couldnt have claymores and grenades at the same time!


I honeslty can't agree more. And just add into the fact that the maps are the worst in COD history that I can remember. Major let down for sure, but least there are plenty of other good games out there. Consistancy is a great point some games will play great then the next game half your team has lag issues why.

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Adjust for the gameplay. My K/D playing just HC DM is almost that of six months of HC CTF on Black Ops.


Thats whats gay about it. I feel so lame every time I get a kill by shooting a guys shadow. My K/D was at 1.3 last week before I told the neighbor kids to go ahead and use my name since the game sucks. If I played hardcore it would be higher, but thats a big camper fest and I hate sitting still. In this game if you want to get kills play hardcore. If you want an inconsistent clustermess play regular.

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I hate the no claymore/bouncing betty and grenades too...pisses me off...esp when i forget which class i chose and when the match starts go to toss a grenade at their spawn and set a claymore down.



:lol: The claymore, causing lost multikills all over the globe.


Just went 15-4 with the FMG9 before the other team called me a cheater and rage quit. I could see why they would say that because I was taking bullets like a champ and just running away. Oh well, going back to play Madden. :lol:

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I can not bring myself to even try the new game.


My title is slightly off so I changed it. It should read, "How can you enjoy online play in regular matches by yourself?" When I get a group of people together its great. I played zombies the other day and had fun hitting people with throwing knives like a boss. I say rent it for a day and test it out, you might actually like it.


Its just too hit or miss for me to care about my stats like I did in the others ones. If I do start to care I'll be like Not Brian camping in a corner on hardcore for 20 straight minutes every game and beating off to my post game summary.


Moral of the story... When I play by myself its about as much fun as reading the FBI warning at the beginning of a 1989 porno on VHS.

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I'm about tired of that game for this exact reason. It gets really annoying when I turn a corner and put an entire clip from the acr at some one from 10 feet away, not even get a hit marker, but at soon as I step back behind a corner to reload, that Guy will put a single pistol shot through the building to kill me. I agree with ya Brian, if I didn't have people to play this with, it would be gone already.
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Do a google search on "lag compensation" in MW3. It's a "feature" that has been poorly executed in this version of the game, and has become a pretty big issue. The developer is aware of it and is supposedly issuing a patch to fix that and make a few other changes.


While I do notice it sometimes, it's not very prevalent. My connection is generally good as are those of the people I play multiplayer with.

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My problem is too many sit in corners in this game. I think much more than Black Ops or MW2.


I have found out that using a SMG and bling and assassin pro the gun pulls up faster than using an assault rifle and quick draw. Go figure.


I love on the game winning kill cam that when the person shoots them there's 2 bullets that hit the actual person and 3-5 bullets that are a good 3-5 feet away from the person.

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I only play Domination on PC so your mileage may very...


For MW2 I pretty much lone-wolfed it the entire time. I ended up with an amazing win/lose ratio but still usually got rocked when playing against groups/clans.


For MW3.. any time I run into a decent player, I add them to my friends list. Now when I play I start a group and invite everyone that is online. Instant good team and it is way more fun.

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My problem is too many sit in corners in this game. I think much more than Black Ops or MW2.


With the kill-cam I don't see how campers are a problem. You KNOW where they are. Avoid that area or don't just rush in.


Also, play a mode that takes a little more than a pulse to play.

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My problem is too many sit in corners in this game. I think much more than Black Ops or MW2.


I have found out that using a SMG and bling and assassin pro the gun pulls up faster than using an assault rifle and quick draw. Go figure.


I love on the game winning kill cam that when the person shoots them there's 2 bullets that hit the actual person and 3-5 bullets that are a good 3-5 feet away from the person.


hold a position yourself and quit running around so damn much


there is no "bling" in mw3


The kill cam isn't an exact replication of what happened on that person's screen. If you watch other peoples' views in hardcore while you're dead you'll see the movements aren't all jerky and exact, they're smoothed-out and simplified.

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