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Official 2012 Football thread


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Hmm, from what i've read I dont see any injuries in 2010. He was behind Tate Forcier and Denard


2011 he played in 8 out of 13 games

2012 he played in atleast 7 games


Just curious as to what they are trying to get the medical redshirt for. I'm not that up to date on the criteria in order to obtain one either.



Oh yeah, anyone know if is true or not that, fat shit Hoke didn't shake Urbans hand after the game? There is a lot of talk about this floating around the boards. If this is true well then I hope Urban hangs 70 on them every year lol

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I didn't have a problem with them not shaking hands because Urban got rushed by ESPN goons and crazy fans and Hoke was rushed out by a police escort once some fans got too rowdy around him and it became obvious he wouldn't make it to Meyer. But then Hoke was a POS about it in his post-game presser. Urban laid out all the reasons I listed above and Hoke was almost smug about not shaking his hand or talking to Urban before or after the game.


And yeah, Gardner played in 2 games in 2010 and had a slight back injury pretty early I think and was fine the last half of the season but didn't play because they didn't need him. He was warming up with the team pre-game and fully dressed for most games. Not injured at all. But they'll still clear it more than likely.


Also, a quick comment on who you have bolded to possibly beat Michigan... Penn State is going to start being really bad really fast now. People thought they'd drop like a rock this year and that was wrong because a lot of kids stuck it out. But I think they could lose a lot of kids moving forward (they have until the start of fall camp 2013 to leave and play right away at their new school still) and obviously they're not going to be attracting many top talents. This was their last hurrah if you will.

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Hoke didn't shake his hand before the game because he coaches the D-line in warmups. They were saying on the radio that he does it every game and don't talk to the opposing head coach before any game of the season.
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In reflecting, it strikes me - and I've said this before - we actually managed to upgrade coaches after a scandal and a firing. Can anyone remember anything like this happening? I think the only reason why the Ohio State Hater Brigade hasn't been more vocal this year is because they know we're banned from post-season play, which kind of takes the sting out of Meyer's stellar entrance.


I really, really like Meyer. I like his "fuck you" attitude, and I find his candor refreshing. Unlike Tressel, who was fine, but could never answer a fucking question directly, Meyer will just give it you straight - and I agree with his assessments. I like where this team is headed. I think Meyer and Ohio State could be on the verge of something special. Of course, time will tell. But, I like our chances - and I guess that's as much as you can ask for as a fan of a team, right?

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I would think tOSU would have gotten a few verbals after The Game on Sat. What gives? I wish C. Smith, Quick and Gibson would hurry up and make a decision so Urban can start handing out offers to kids that really wants to comes to tOSU like Timmons. I just don't see why Gibson won't make a verbal commitment lol. The guy loves the buckeyes and had tOSU far ahead of any other schools for a very very long time.
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It's a strange time to be committing to colleges right now. Lots of players are dealing with their HS teams' playoffs, finishing their seasons, etc., etc. Big visit weekend for kids who will be done with their HS teams' seasons is December 7th. No game, just the kids coming in and getting the celebrity treatment and 100% of the coaches' attention. The Game on Saturday was probably bigger in further building a foundation for the 2014 class. Finishing off the 2013 class will start very soon though.
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Oh and East Carolina is a decent C-USA team... they did beat Boise State in a bowl game in 2007, and beat Virginia Tech in 2008, though I am sure a lot of that credit goes to Skip Holtz... But its Big East for you, stealing from (now other) mid majors to fill the conference....
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I don't think there is a double post "glitch" I think the problem resides between the chair and keyboard.


no seriously, I have noticed, watch. I hit hte "submit reply" ONCE, and when the "glitch" happens, it seems the post gets hung up for awhile, and once it posts, there are two of them...

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