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Workout/Weight loss thread 2012


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HOLY CRAP!!! That's a lot of mileage!!!:cool:


I would have hit 1500 last year had i not broken my wrist and been out for a solid month...and that was with a shitty work schedule where i couldnt ride during the week...this year i'll hit my goals...flying to florida on 2/23 and renting a bike for 5 days get 2-300 miles in to start this year off

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that would be a good deadlift goal, especially for your weight, where are you at now.

surprised you couldn't squat more even with your messed up knees if you have a deadlift past 500.


I've been working out with 405 on the deads, squats I've been going deep with 225. I bet if i just went to chair height i could get 275-285.

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I've been working out with 405 on the deads, squats I've been going deep with 225. I bet if i just went to chair height i could get 275-285.


well for me going from 405 to 600 took 2 years with hard work, so defiantly do able.

I'm hoping to get 650 this year, and will probably take more work.

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well for me going from 405 to 600 took 2 years with hard work, so defiantly do able.

I'm hoping to get 650 this year, and will probably take more work.


what program did you use? I've been messing around with 531 and have seen pretty good gains after 3 cycles.

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what program did you use? I've been messing around with 531 and have seen pretty good gains after 3 cycles.


just my own program, deadlifting once a week every week.

i squat and do hamstring curls before had, but rotate reps by week

like first week ill pull 5 reps for like 4-5 sets getting increasingly heavier, then the next week 4 reps for 4-5 sets, then 3 reps, 2 reps, then singles repeat or switch the reps numbers up.

i never pull more then 5 reps, and a lot of time try to go heavier

and i have a rule always deadlift heavy, warmups start at 315 double overhanded. Plus i never lift with straps.

I do base a lot of feel, and my energy level.

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One of my other goals, which isnt as important to me but ive been wanting to get to for some time is to bench 225. Always got up to 190-195, and told myself that was good...well, in december i decided to get it done...i knew it was more mental than anything...been going at it hard for 8 weeks or so...tonight, first attempt @225, i got most of it, but i knew my buddy had me on the spot...next time around told him not to touch the bar unless it started going back down...was able to get it by the skin of my teeth...felt good to finally reach that mark though...now to go higher
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You know. What I would like to say is this... My commitment in the last 5 months has opened my eyes. And, it took my trainer (Matt W) to help me understand why it was important (for my own benefit) to change my perspective on diet and exercise. I was always the guy who only did one or the other... Never both. And, I never did it long enough because I never saw any weight loss. But, after I bought in and gave it an honest try I saw results... And now I'm addicted. I'm down 46 pounds. Im going to lose another 40... I fuck harder, snowboard again, have to buy an entire new wardrobe, and I just plain feel alive again like I was 18 again
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I are doing deadlifts for the first time ever tonight. Any advice? What kinda weight should I try to pull? I squat like 155lbs 4x15reps, leg press prob like 350lbs 4x15reps generally.




Neutral spine, weight in heels, get ass down low/chest up high, the bar will stay in contact with you at all times, tight abs and hips/shoulders will rise/lower together.


just use the bar until all technique/form is perfect

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Neutral spine, weight in heels, get ass down low/chest up high, the bar will stay in contact with you at all times, tight abs and hips/shoulders will rise/lower together.


just use the bar until all technique/form is perfect

lol, then throw weight on and form wont be perfect again so whats the use. you dont really know your form till your close to your max


start with two 45's on it then add weight till it gets heavy.

dont hitch, keep your head up try to start your hips low but not to low

something like this

not quite perfect form, but close enough for a maximal pull


i dont believe in doing more then 5 reps on deads, always deadlift heavy!

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lol, then throw weight on and form wont be perfect again so whats the use. you dont really know your form till your close to your max


start with two 45's on it then add weight till it gets heavy.

dont hitch, keep your head up try to start your hips low but not to low

something like this

not quite perfect form, but close enough for a maximal pull


i dont believe in doing more then 5 reps on deads, always deadlift heavy!


Is that you??


I struggle with my deadlifts. It makes me feel weak. My bench and squat are solid but i cant do a deadlift with any weight to it to save my life

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i am 5'8" there i was drying out for my weigh in, so i was probably 184ish.

raw i have hit

squat: 510

Bench: 435

deadlift: 585

equipped i've done

squat: 650

Bench: 600

Deadlift: 610



no i wish i had a sweet porn stash

and chicks love to feel my titties.


Damn man, good numbers! I would love to get to that point sometime. That is crazy to be doing those heavy lifts at your weight...that's competetion strength at that weight class. I would like to get back to at least the 300s on bench but we will see if my arm holds up.

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yes that's me.

what is your deadlift program like? what problems are you having?



I usually do it after i do squats once a week. I am really not having any problems and it is something i just started doing here a couple months back because i didnt have the equipment available but my numbers just dont seem to be up there with some peoples and i dont like it :p Like for example today (now keep in mind im battling a cold right now) I did a warmup set with just 135 x10 then did 185 x 8 then did 225 x 8 but i tried 1 at 315 and didnt even come close. I really believe i should be able to do more. But i know i havent done it that much and im building those muscles. Honestly i dont really care on how much i just focus on form and getting stronger and building muscle but still....

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ok i did deadlift about an hr ago:


i think my form is ok, could use some improving. initially my lower back feels sore, wrists feel sore, legs are to be determined. I can't tell yet. I had a midget bar stacked with a 45 and a 25 on each side. Did 5x5 at whatever weight this is.

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ok i did deadlift about an hr ago:


i think my form is ok, could use some improving. initially my lower back feels sore, wrists feel sore, legs are to be determined. I can't tell yet. I had a midget bar stacked with a 45 and a 25 on each side. Did 5x5 at whatever weight this is.


muscle soreness from deadlifting should be normal. just as long as its not sore from your sine poping out of place.

for my legs, my hamstrings usually get the sorest from deads, sucks when i have a hamstring pull later that night in bed, talk about pain.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm down to 263 from 280 since I started playing hockey at the beginning of December. Started using the LoseIt app yesterday to start tracking my food intake. If anyone is on there let me know and I'll add you as a friend. I'm trying to make it down to 225 where I was after high school. According to LoseIt I should be there around August of this year. It is definitely giving me some motivation.
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At 214lbs as of this morning. I'm really struggling figuring out what I want to do.


Do I continue down to 200lbs and bulk back up to my current weight or do I start a bulk right now? I honestly think I look a little to thin when looking at the current pic


What type of BF% would you guys guess I'm at now? Was shooting for low teens possibly 10% but I don't know if that's such a good thing



Edited by Benner
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At 214lbs as of this morning. I'm really struggling figuring out what I want to do.


Do I continue down to 200lbs and bulk back up to my current weight or do I start a bulk right now? I honestly think I look a little to thin when looking at the current pic


What type of BF% would you guys guess I'm at now? Was shooting for low teens possibly 10% but I don't know if that's such a good thing


hard to tell in that pic, but id guess your at 17%

you made a lot of progress good job.

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