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wtt: My Riding Lawnmower for your Pushmower


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I have a 1994 Craftsman II Riding Lawn Mower. It's pretty banged up but has served me well over the last 4 years. Late last year, One of the arbor bearings took a crap and It won't mow. It'll start up and drive like a champ, but needs a new deck. I'd say it's worth $100-$150 for the engine and associated parts that work. Would need a couple hundy in used parts to get back to good.


After 4 years, I actually WANT to go back to pushing a mower...did a bit last fall when my neighbor let me borrow his mower. Realized I could use the exercise.


If there is a good, hands-on guy out there that wants to take this bad boy and give me their push mower, I'm open to that. Let me know what ya got.

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  Paul said:
What size motor?, how fast is it... hmmm :ninja:


Briggs&Stratton "Gold Class" 15hp (iron cylinder sleeve), 6speed tranny with a SLOOOOOOOOW reverse (so it's not good for snow removal). It's a well-engineered monster, but the deck just got abused by the roots from my 60yr old trees.


If I could find a decent deck and new arbors, I'd keep the mower. However, I'd rather not search for that crap...just want a push mower.

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Hmmm...looking into rebuilding the riding lawnmower now. I was always ticked off how Craftsman has the lock on their parts (expensive as sh!t), but looks like AYP has a lot of the spindles and bearings used on old Craftsman mowers. AHA! :)


http://www.outdoordistributors.com < < < another good site for reference.

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what size deck do you have? Have you took that spindle off there yet? They're a really simple and cheap part really. You can replace just the bearings in them for $3-4. I'll text you some pictures of what I have later and we'll see if maybe one of my spindles will work on yours.
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  • 3 weeks later...

PM'd Tim for more info...thanks for resurrecting this thread, guys.


I've been using the janky old mower I have for the last couple of weeks...it's fine, although I wear work gloves and headphones and I still have wierd "sizzling" nerve sensations in my hands after doing the yard....WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN' GOIN' ON...


If I can get the Craftsman II repaired, I'll probably just keep it. Regardless, I'm not doing anything until I get Cleetus repaired. I GOTTA GET THAT TRUCK RUNNING/DRIVING BY END OF MONTH...


So...check back with me in May. :)

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  zeitgeist57 said:
PM'd Tim for more info...thanks for resurrecting this thread, guys.


I've been using the janky old mower I have for the last couple of weeks...it's fine, although I wear work gloves and headphones and I still have wierd "sizzling" nerve sensations in my hands after doing the yard....WHOLE LOTTA SHAKIN' GOIN' ON...


If I can get the Craftsman II repaired, I'll probably just keep it. Regardless, I'm not doing anything until I get Cleetus repaired. I GOTTA GET THAT TRUCK RUNNING/DRIVING BY END OF MONTH...


So...check back with me in May. :)




lol glws/transaction clay.

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