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What would you consider yourself politically?

Green Bastard

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We can just go ahead and take Romney off that list. Yes, he is a fucking idiot.


I don't put myself into a certain group or party. It's whoever I think will be able to do the best job between the 2, and least likely to fuck shit up.

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I don't put myself into a certain group or party. It's whoever I think will be able to do the best job between the 2, and least likely to fuck shit up.




Although I have to admit I tend to align with the Democrats on alot of issues, that said I voted for McCain last time around. This time it will be Obama, I personally think he is the lesser of two evils, and I don't trust staunch republicans for shit.

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If republicans would stop trying to run people's private lives (abortion, gay marriage, drug war, anti-muslim sentiments, etc...) I would be one.

This gives the basic concept of where I stand, although I do not choose based on party lines/affiliation, I vote on a candidate to candidate basis.

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Candidates you side with...

95% Ron Paul

on domestic policy, immigration, economic, healthcare, social, and science issues more info


92% Mitt Romney

on immigration, economic, healthcare, and social issues more info


86% Gary Johnson

on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, and science issues more info


76% Virgil Goodeon domestic policy, economic, social, and healthcare issues more info


52% Barack Obama

on economic, environmental, science, and foreign policy issues more info


30% Jill Steinon environmental and foreign policy issues more info


12% Rocky Andersonno major issues more info

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Please explain the criteria that makes someone who has successfully built a net worth of $250 Million an idiot.


Read up on how he amassed that fortune, then think to yourself "would this formula work for the American Economy?". Anyone who says "yes" is a borderline idiot IMO.

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Used to be an otterbein college republicans member, but probably within the last 2 yrs, I have become libertarian. I am fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. Libertarianism isn't a new concept, but has been capturing more attention as more people are tending to identify with them.
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Read up on how he amassed that fortune, then think to yourself "would this formula work for the American Economy?". Anyone who says "yes" is a borderline idiot IMO.


By supporting start up companies, or investing and turning around troubled companies? It seems you may be a little off base in your analysis. In Romney's 15yr stint at Bain besides turning around businesses and reselling them to the public or to other private parties he doubled investors money every year. So I guess in your opinion you can call me an idiot for voting for a successful business man who hasn't been a career politician. Ive seen a few people claiming Mitt is an idiot with no factual basis to back their opinion. The way I see it is it makes someone unintelligent to call someone else an idiot without explaining why or relying on some attack ad for their opinion. It would sound more intelligent to say something like "I dont agree with how Mitt amassed his wealth or Mitt is out of touch with my values".

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I'm a raging moderate with a preference for conservatives who lean left, rather than liberals who lean right.


IMO Jon Huntsman would've been the best thing for this country.


The problem is that while I do see the conservative platform as the best thing for our country's economy, I refuse to support the Republican party based on the overwhelming influence of evangelism in social issues. Barry Goldwater saw it coming, and predicted the no-compromise ways of the current party. Only when the Santorums and Perrys have been eradicated from the party will I consider myself a potential Republican.

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Read up on how he amassed that fortune, then think to yourself "would this formula work for the American Economy?". Anyone who says "yes" is a borderline idiot IMO.


Share with us your view on how he made his money. What he did with Bain was his job. Equity companies don't always take over a company and save everyone. Part of the reason they get involved is because doing so isn't possible and the current executives run out of money trying. He's been very up front about it. He's also very open and others need to reaslize that not every venture capital try works. Such is life and why venture capitalism is risky.


I think those that believe he can't take what he's learned and applied in business to help recoup things are the ones who are less informed. Is he perfect, no, but he knows how to make money, start a business, manage a budget and right a sinking ship way more so than Obama. Like it or not, its down to two and my money isn't on Obama his spending or his support of freebees for the masses.


Sure some people in his deals lost their jobs but he had a job to do and did it successfully. I'll add that those same people would have lost their job either way because their companies were done for and all but Bain gave up on them. His job at that point wasn't to save their incomes or livelihoods. His job was to try and save the company so that he could hopefully save the company and yes, eventually profit from it. Again, didn't work out that way in all cases. Never has and never will. However, he didn't cause the situation they were in. That drama occurred well before Bain became involved.


In the end profiting from his company and their dealings is not a bad thing and yes, I would like to see him apply the badly needed business skills to getting our country back in shape. The last thing we need is Obamacare and most certainly don't need Clinton and other dems and their lack of planning with NAFTA killing us further.


According to the sources, a significant chunk of Romney's portfolio is tied up in Bain investments, and he continues to receive millions from his retirement package. Good for him, he took the risk, reaped the rewards and without his thinking many of those situations would have either never worked out and or ended very badly for all.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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it's not democrats v. republicans or liberal v. conservative


it's haves v. have-nots



And they all are crooks.

I find it hard to vote for anyone who promises me the world if i vote for them, when they know good and dam well that getting their policies made law is not solely up to them.

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