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Remember 9/11 thread.


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I was on my way to work @ Beonline/glc and I heard about the first plane hitting via the Howard stern show. At first I was like wow how can such a mistake be made. Then once I got to work I pulled a TV out and seen the second plane hit as it happened.


The internet fell apart that day, Slashdot.org was one of the only NEWS outlets who could handle the load.


Then I remember seeing Airforce 1 and Jet fighters flying over.


Very sobering day





The live Howard Stern

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Was a Jr in highschool, came out of class to my buddies telling us that we was being blown up. Went to study hall and watched tv. Newark City Schools told every teacher to turn off tv's and get back to teaching, my study hall teacher (also my pottery teacher) was a Vietnam vet and refused to turn the tv off. He said they teach history in this school, well we're living it right now. Crazy I can still remember him saying that, he was a cool guy. After school I headed to football practice where we saw Air Force 1 flying by accompanied by 3 fighter jets. I remember coming up out of my stance along with everyone else and just staring...
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Look what popped up on Facebook newsfeed today about 9/11



"R.I.P. to the 2,976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. to the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit. Oh and the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who experience this everyday.

Your 9/11 is their 24/7 ! "

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I was rockin a suit and tie job. Got to work early and was listening to Howard Stern report it as well. I was in a sixth floor window office in Dublin, thinking to myself, those people are a hundred floors up and need help. I stopped working.


My life has changed 100% since then. I feel my eyes are more open now and I will do all I can to ensure those around me are not helpless victims.

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I was in 8th grade gym class and heard my teachers (we had two gym teachers) talking about someone flying a plane into the building and how they thought it was some kind of attack. I remember thinking "that's dumb, who flies a plane into a building as an attack?" I had no real knowledge of the severity of the situation at the time.


Once we got inside after gym and I got to my next class every teacher had the TV's on in the classrooms. No one did much of anything for the rest of the day and we were all really scared that it was the beginning of something much bigger that would be happening later in the day/the coming days. I remember dozens and dozens of people being called to the office over the announcement speakers because their parents had come to pick them up. The rest of the week was pretty much a wash.

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We were in 7th grade English class, our teacher was called out and was gone for probably 10 or 15 minutes and most of us could tell something was up. When she came back, we were told nothing except that we were being sent back to homeroom when we were told. Watched the second plane hit live. We later walked over to the church (catholic school next door to the church) and prayed.
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I was sitting in Fletcher OH Central Office for Ameritech and my pager (Rememebr those?) posted a news alert saying a plane had hit them. I didnt think much of it till I got back the the Piqua office and saw it live on TV.


I had just got my new beater, a 92 SHO. Kid brought it to the bank with no gas in it and I had no choice but to wait in the 2.5 hour line to get gas when everyone freaked out.

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I was a senior in high school when it happened. I remember hearing about it for the first time in 4th period (10ish am?) and watching the second plane hit on tv. the only class that day that I was in that we didn't watch what was going on was spanish, she said "this isn't a class about america". I lost respect for her for that.
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Walked into Art class, saw news on TV with a building burning, watched 2nd plane hit live, thought, "holy crap, this is pretty nuts." Then proceeded to laugh to myself at the ridiculousness that that ensued. Students freaking out leaving school acting like Gahhanna Licoln High was the next target. Seriously...they hit the twin towers, you really think Gahanna is next?


Then I went on with life.

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1 year out of HS. Dad happened to be off and we were getting ready to go to TSC to get some parts for work to be done around the hosue. I was groggy since he got me up much earlier that morning, but anyway, we were watching the news and getting ready to walk out the door when the first plane hit. Watched until prob 11:30 or so so we saw the following attacks.


On the Martin Luther King Jr Day weeked following me and 5 other friends/cousins went to NY for a "get out of dodge" trip. Just for kicks. We hadn't planned on it but ended up at Ground Zero. Some 4 months later the place was still a mess. People walking around asking us, random strangers from Ohio, if we'd seen their loved one. Buildings that were standing near by were still covered in debri and missing massive parts of walls and such. It was eerie. The world was a different place.

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Walking from 1st period to 2nd period as a HS Freshman:


Me - "What'd you do in Mr. _____'s class?"


Friend - "Not much, at the end we watched a plane hit one of the twin towers."


Me - "What movie is that from?"


as we walked into our 2nd period class and watched the 2nd plane hit. Took me a minute to pick my jaw up off the floor.


I've always believed since then, that if we ever give up our freedom of open-mindedness in the interest of pursuing those who hate us for it, they have won.

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We were in 7th grade English class, our teacher was called out and was gone for probably 10 or 15 minutes and most of us could tell something was up. When she came back, we were told nothing except that we were being sent back to homeroom when we were told. Watched the second plane hit live. We later walked over to the church (catholic school next door to the church) and prayed.


I was in the same place as him.


Ms. McMahon (social studies teacher) came in and said immediately it was "Bin Laden, he kept saying he was going to do this, it was him."

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Some here know that I used to work in NYC and spent quite a bit of time there. Even back in the day I would travel with a small camera at most times and have quite a few shots of the towers.


Following are a handful of images, one or two even shot with film :p I also took a handful of shots after the Towers of Light were up.


After reading many of the posts here I feel older than I am. That day was rather unique for me as I had one of my Junior Reps in the air on his very first business trip and his mother was calling me constantly to get updates. All I could tell him was "get a rental car" and head home. My entire team was out in the field and the stories of their travels home sit with me to this day as it was truly surreal.


I watched it all live and was even on the phone with some of my customers in the towers. Included below is what is likely one of the last photos of inside the towers taken by a good friend and customer of mine as he evacuated. I have about 100 of his evacuations shots and go through them with him quite often. He was fairly safe not far up in the towers, but felt the panic just the same.


God Bless all those that perished that day.



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One thing I remember most is the eerie silence of the skies for several days after the attack.


The other point was as the day unfolded all the medical teams prepared for injured victims and there were hardly any. No real quantifiable survivors. I was also floored by the thousands of posters for missing loved ones. Again, none found. :(

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I was in college, and skipped class that morning with a friend so I could buy a new car. I bought the car that morning and heard about the attacks at the dealership. At that time (early AM) people were still unsure of the cause and thought it could be some sort of freak accident. On the way home it was all over the radio that we were under attack.


We got back to the school and the only car in the lot was my buddies. They had evacuated everyone and cancelled all classes. I remember driving home and every gas station was packed, with lines out to the street.


I was working at Circuit City at the time also, selling electronics. The store was empty for a week solid. It wasn't really until days after I truly realized the scope of what had happened and then knew it would change everything.

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Lots of sobering thoughts in this thread.


Mine's pretty trivial, by comparison. It's hard for me to imagine how young you all were on that fateful day.


I'm also wondering if you can become too old to have any more "the day the world changed" defining events related to war and death. I'm thinking the answer for me is yes.


Because this thread is about 9/11, not about me, I put a few of my ramblings here, in the Kitchen: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1606060#post1606060

Edited by Doc
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