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Keep your cell phone on


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And near by in case of emergencies.


This annoys the crap out of me.

My bet friends family is basicly my family. A half hour ago my "brother " calls me .. (3am) I immediately know something's wrong and call him back as he doesn't call me at this hour. turns out him and mom were in a bad accident on 75 down in cinci. they cant get ahold of my "sister"/best friend. She lives in NY and they are both pretty upset and possibly hurt and want to talk to her. Her and her husband leave thier cells in the living room at night. WHY??


Mom is sorta a drama llama but she's not prone to 2 am phone calls or anything like that. Why would t you keep your phones in your rooms? What If someone broke in at night? They couldn't call the police.. Ugh.. Frustrated.


Also can anyone find OSHP live feed for butler?? No one reports these wrecks till early morningish news wise

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I know myself and most my family sleep within an arm's reach of our cell's.

Best thing I could offer you to do is call the local Butler Co. OSHP station and see if you can get any info. At this hour I'm not sure if they will have a dedicated "receptionist" for lack of better term, but usually each outpost has minimum 1-2 officers on location if I've been told correctly.

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Damn, I really hope your family is okay.



And my cell is right next to me just about all the time, I may not answer for just anybody, but its set to always ring for family/contacts

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Don't take this post as negative towards anyone, but remember the days when you might have gone out all day or even on a vacation (camping trip) etc when there were no cell phones? People put such a huge importance of the whole getting a hold of someone NOW, that when they cannot reach them they actually get "mad or hurt". It's not always a bad thing to not have a phone within arms reach, yes its a nice convince, but it's also nice to disconnect for a few and just spend time with the family, not worrying about checking CR, FB etc. Everyone is so addicted to the information now age.

Just my 2 cents.

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I agree with you to some extent, but the "days when people didn't have cell phones" people had house phones.


Mom and Bro are fine but the accident has turned in to a very deadly outcome.


The driver was drunk and made a uturn on the highway. He is dead, as well as 3 others. (2 of which are children)

What boggles my mind is the news still is only saying 2 cars were involved and my brothers car isn't mentioned and its totaled. If he hadn't swerved he and mom would have been dead as well, i think. I feel horribly for the families affected by all of this.

He posted this to Facebook

The Mustang is gone for now. I was involved in a very bad accident last night. Mom and I are o.k., but the Mustang has seen better days.

That is not why I am posting of course. Basically a van was heading southbound in the northbound lanes of 75. We came over the crest of the hill approaching the Franklin exit when i saw headlights heading for us. They were going full speed I had about enough time to slide right a little bit and avoid the initial collision. However there was apparently a van off my driver's side rear. This driver hit that van head on. Which spun that van into the Mustang. It shattered the glass and caused a lot of body damage, but we were able to drive it home cold drive btw.

At any rate I am not sure who of you out there are religious or faithful or possibly not, but these families are going to need your prayers today and going forward please just keep them in your thoughts. We are unsure what caused this driver to head the wrong way down the hwy, but they were fatally injured in the accident. Their 7 year old son was also fatally injured. As far as I know the other person in the car was taken to the hospital and is being treated.

As for the family in the Van that was hit they were traveling. They were all asleep aside from the driver. So I don't think any of them saw it coming. The driver and passenger were fatally injured (Parents). Leaving the three kids alone this holiday season. They were taken to Dayton Children's for care. The youngest daughter had to be careflighted and is in critical condition. The other two I believe are just being treated, but their whole world was just changed.

I know this is not a good post to see right before Christmas again I don't know everyone's beliefs, but please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers tonight this is an awful thing that has happened and will change their lives forever.

Again Mom and I are fine and property damage can be repaired, but nothing will repair the emotional damage inflicted on these families last night.

And no none of the articles seem to include anything about the third vehicle me. We gave the report and pictures were taken, but I guess all the media outlets missed that. Not complaining I would not have wanted to give an interview anyway.

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Horrible to hear... I feel SO bad for those kids... Couldnt imagine going a christmas without my mom, let alone having her die days before.


I really hope those kids have some type of family other than the person that was driving the van, they need some family members, not a orphanage now.


Also, glad to hear your "Brother" and "Mother" are ok. Cars can be replaced, people cant.

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Very sad to hear.


To your original question...I was just talking to my SiL...her two oldest daughters now have cell phones, and a few of the moms in her social circle are instituting house rules that all phones/iPads/smart devices need to be turned-off and plugged-in downstairs overnight. This is so that the kids actually get some SLEEP, and don't get into the habit of checking websites, chatting with friends/strangers overnight.


I can appreciate that the kids' social circles are hopefully positively affected, that they are still able to keep in touch without being hyper-involved 24/7. As someone who spends too much time on CR after hours myself, I agree 100% with this rule. :)

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