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AEP Wants Ohio Customers To Pay Their Share For The Storms



(Sent from NBC4)




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I remember the reports that said most of the lines repaired especially the ones on Hamilton Rd after the Derecho were old and were past due to be replaced by the company. Now we need to pay? Fuck off that money should come out of their profit, that's their business. The public is not an insurance company.

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Of course customers are going to pay for it, just like the feds raising taxes. Dont act so surprised. It's BS i agree.


Atleast they're providing a service though........I'm more pissed at people who don't work and getting entitlements that have nicer shit than most everyone else and they dont do a damn thing! And you can't even drug test these fucks.


Lifes a shit sandwich

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Of course customers are going to pay for it, just like the feds raising taxes. Dont act so surprised. It's BS i agree.


Atleast they're providing a service though........I'm more pissed at people who don't work and getting entitlements that have nicer shit than most everyone else and they dont do a damn thing! And you can't even drug test these fucks.


Lifes a shit sandwich


I want my Obama phone!

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Does this mean we own the lines and we no longer have to pay aep for line usage if we want a different provider? Prolly not, they will just continue double dipping and raping the public. Just a thought though, wouldn't owning all the power lines be considered something of a monopoly, or would that only apply if the were the sole providers of electric in the US? The reason I ask is because you have to pay to use the power lines even if your going through another provider, you have no choice when it comes to another set of lines to deliver power.
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Of course customers are going to pay for it, just like the feds raising taxes. Dont act so surprised. It's BS i agree.


Atleast they're providing a service though........I'm more pissed at people who don't work and getting entitlements that have nicer shit than most everyone else and they dont do a damn thing! And you can't even drug test these fucks.


Lifes a shit sandwich


+1, this stuff is just ridiculous anymore. Its amazing to see how some of these companies, and the govt, operate anymore. Notice the "Help a Neighbor" fund on your AEP bill each month. They want you to pay the bill for households making almost $60K per year. WTF



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+1, this stuff is just ridiculous anymore. Its amazing to see how some of these companies, and the govt, operate anymore. Notice the "Help a Neighbor" fund on your AEP bill each month. They want you to pay the bill for households making almost $60K per year. WTF




Verizon does the same damn thing, they have a monthly charge on each bill. I called about it and they clearly tell you its so people who can't afford cell phones can get one! WTF! Whole damn country is keeping those who recieve entitlements happy.........It's all about votes.

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Don't you think either way you would be paying for it? If the AEP regulated business didn't have to go through PUCO they'd just raise their rates to keep their profits the same. We're all getting hammered and no ones doing a damn thing to help us little guys out. We all just got slammed with an additional 2% out of our paychecks, now the govt. is talking about raising the debt ceiling again. It's all simple cut out these damn entitlement programs and everyone would be better off (those that actually try at least).
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Verizon does the same damn thing, they have a monthly charge on each bill. I called about it and they clearly tell you its so people who can't afford cell phones can get one! WTF! Whole damn country is keeping those who recieve entitlements happy.........It's all about votes.


Communications Act of 1934


The Communications Act of 1934 includes in its preamble a reference to universal service. It calls for “rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges” to “all the people of the United States.” Communications Act of 1934 - Title I, Sec. 1 [47 U.S.C. 151] The code was amended by the Telecommunications Act in 1996 to include, “without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex…” To comply, AT&T began increasing the price of long distance service to pay for universal service. The act also established the FCC to oversee all non-governmental broadcasting, interstate communications, as well as international communication which originate or terminate in the United States.

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AEP Wants Ohio Customers To Pay Their Share For The Storms



(Sent from NBC4)




Sent from my iPhone


I remember the reports that said most of the lines repaired especially the ones on Hamilton Rd after the Derecho were old and were past due to be replaced by the company. Now we need to pay? Fuck off that money should come out of their profit, that's their business. The public is not an insurance company.


Legal action is the only way to stop these crooks. They are on the books as a profitable company but are not properly maintaining their network. Putting that additional cost back on paying customers rather than insurance or better planning is enough to get something started. My guess is an investigation into the changes made after the last few events would not be good for them. Either they did plan and are holding onto the money, or they didnt plan because they know they have us as an insurance policy.

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AEP tried to send me a bill for $400 saying i never shut off service at my old garage

i had to argue with them for like an hour before i made them realize someones been renting that garage for a year and paying electric, so how could i have a bill



they send me another bill for $18 WTF

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Happy to pay so long as they are doing something to ensure it doesn't happen again. oh, wait...


Exactly, what incentive do they as a for profit company have to upgrade their systems to withstand these storms if they know they can just tack any storm cost as extra onto our bill? And we have no choice in the transmission arena.


It's pretty redicilious that they seem to have 0 interest in burying lines where I live even though there are tons of ancient trees here and everyone who lives here assumes if we get a big storm to expect to not have power for a week. I guess it usually happens about once every three years.


I really need to buy a generator!

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Great, this will go along nicely with my $21 cable/internet raise from Insight. When I called to inquire they said "things are getting more expensive sir". Fucking 22% increase, they aren't that damn expensive. Still cheaper than anyone else for the service I get so I have to suck it up.


This shit is ridiculous. Monopoly much?

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Does this mean we own the lines and we no longer have to pay aep for line usage if we want a different provider? Prolly not, they will just continue double dipping and raping the public. Just a thought though, wouldn't owning all the power lines be considered something of a monopoly, or would that only apply if the were the sole providers of electric in the US? The reason I ask is because you have to pay to use the power lines even if your going through another provider, you have no choice when it comes to another set of lines to deliver power.


AEP owns the lines in this area, and yes, that is a monopoly. However, it is regulated and approved by the gubmint. The cost to AEP is that they are considered a providor of last resort, meaning that, if FES goes out of business tomorrow, AEP HAS to be able to pick up all of their customers and provide power for them at the drop of a hat, regardless of what it costs for them to have this capacity ready at a moments notice.


I continue to advocate that you folks, all of you, find an alternative supplier. Don't like AEP? DON'T BUY YOUR POWER FROM THEM. Yes, you will alway be paying them for distribution, but that is about 33 to 40 percent of your bill. Cutting a companies earning by 60+ percent will get SOMEONE'S attention.

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