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imstock2's thread of fail and AIDS


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So my mom called me to let me know a detective is looking for me. So I started counting my stones and checking twice to make sure I need to lawyer up. Well I called the detective and he informed me he caught the guy who jumped me a while like 4 months ago. I was talking to my wife, she was in the truck and this dude came around the front of my truck and asked who I was.. I told him my name and then he swung nun chucks at me.. I blocked it with my left arm but 1 stick hit me in the back of the head. I went to hit him and his boy came from the back of my truck with a wooden base ball bat so I threw the guy out of my way and ran to my brothers house about 5 houses down with these phaggots hot on my trail.. I ran inside and so happen we had a few friends there and we all grabbed weapons n shit and ran outside to find this kid and his friend busting out my brothers windows in his truck. We had a little stand off with me trying to get him to drop weapon and fight fair. They jumped in their car and left rather fast.. I didn't realize it at the time but my phone and keys to the vette fell out of my pockets.. The guy grabbed them um and proceeded to harass my family/friends n shit. Had all my bank info and other important shit. I made a police report and had many witnesses.. Well it turns out the kid was jealous because his ex gf liked me a lot and we was friends and he was on some heavy drugs during the time. He lived somewhere in Columbus but never lived in one place. I didn't know the guy at all but he was like 29.. Well he has like 6 accounts of armed robbery/BnE, some assault charges, domestic shit from beating his mom, gf's, I.d theft/fraud and then the shit against me added.. I learned this when I talked to her the other day. Now here's my question for ya guys. I want this phaggot to pay for this.. He stole my phone,keys to my truck,house,car. How would I go about getting all that money spent changing locks, new iPhone, harassment,pain and suffering, and emotional destress. My brother is getting him for busting his windows out and shit. What would you do?
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1. Lock and load

2. Prepare thou anus

3. Instead of taking time to convince someone to put the bat down to "fight fair" I'd be blasting someone if they didn't unfuck themselves and get off my property when told.

4. Get CCW for next time this shit is around trying to hurt you or a family member. Not sure why you would leave a female behind, however.

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Yeah that ranks up there as a pretty bitch move.


ding ding ding.. we got a real pussy on our hands.


I'm not calling the guy out yet, I'm just short of understanding any logic to most of this story. There is either A: some facts left out or 2: some things that aren't right.

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After reading this again I am bothered about the part where "weapons" are grabbed and then begging for weapons be surrendered for an ol' fashioned brawl. If you aren't 17, that is completely ignorant when others safety is at hand. Not many things are solved today with just a friendly ass whooping. This is how people get hurt/killed or in jail.
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She was in my truck with it running. She took off towards my brothers house and ran in side. As soon as she made it inside I got there. I'm not the one to jump or fight with weapons. The guy had a gun in his car as well according to his ex gf. Would of been bad if we rushed them. You guys really think I would of left my wife behind?
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She was in my truck with it running. She took off towards my brothers house and ran in side. As soon as she made it inside I got there. I'm not the one to jump or fight with weapons. The guy had a gun in his car as well according to his ex gf. Would of been bad if we rushed them. You guys really think I would of left my wife behind?


Now that sounds like a non bitch move. The way you worded it automatically gifted you with bitch status.


Your bitch status has been reduced. Congrats.

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Let me guess.. this is the start of the big long story of why your car won't be done this spring.


Lol really? If I can get some more cash out of this than I'll be able to add some sneaky juice.. Sweet heart worry about your car and I'll worry about mine ;)

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Wait a minute. Someone attacked you ... with nunchucks?


Yes I know. 2 sticks with a small chain between.. Apparently the guy is a big druggy. At least his buddy had a real weapon of choice.. This happened a few months ago.

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She was in my truck with it running. She took off towards my brothers house and ran in side. As soon as she made it inside I got there. I'm not the one to jump or fight with weapons. The guy had a gun in his car as well according to his ex gf. Would of been bad if we rushed them. You guys really think I would of left my wife behind?


We dont think. We know you did, you just told us.

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We dont think. We know you did, you just told us.


Think about it.. I figure that's common sense so I left out that small detail. I don't see why idiots like you would pick out something stupid like that and question it like you don't know the answer. Think about it. He broke the windows in my brothers truck not mine. The guy was drugged out of his mind and it's a good thing there's one less scumbag on the streets.

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