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What are you currently reading-2013


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Crashed and Byrned: The Greatest Racing Driver You Never Saw


Story of Tommy Byrne, a driver so capable he competed against Ayrton for Ron Dennis' ride and of course lost. If you've ever been to the Mid-Ohio School and had the pleasure of learning from Byrne, you'll love this book. If you haven't, you'll enjoy it too. Just imagine a crazy Irishman screaming the words of the book at you while he pilots an S2000 around Mid-Ohio with one hand on the wheel, one hand gesturing wildly between shifts, all while he's looking at you instead of the road. That pretty much sums up my experience with Byrne.

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Crashed and Byrned: The Greatest Racing Driver You Never Saw


Story of Tommy Byrne, a driver so capable he competed against Ayrton for Ron Dennis' ride and of course lost. If you've ever been to the Mid-Ohio School and had the pleasure of learning from Byrne, you'll love this book. If you haven't, you'll enjoy it too. Just imagine a crazy Irishman screaming the words of the book at you while he pilots an S2000 around Mid-Ohio with one hand on the wheel, one hand gesturing wildly between shifts, all while he's looking at you instead of the road. That pretty much sums up my experience with Byrne.


Couldn't have described Tommy any better myself.

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Wheel of Time Series - Current reading "A Memory of Light" ......again.


A Song of Ice and Fire Series. Best stuff I ever read. The HBO "A Game of Thrones" is based off of this.



Chuck Yeagers Book

Sniper - Chris Kyle

Lone Survivor - Marcus Luttrell


To Fly and Fight: Memoirs of a Triple Ace - Bud Anderson / My next military book I am going to read

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Currently reading the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon.


Awesome series...can't put them down. I'm on book 6 right now.


I will probably start the Jack Reacher series next. Eli, your thoughts on the first 2?



I will say OUtlander is my FAVORITE BOOK of all time, so far.


It makes me happy to know Men will read it as well. It REALLY is a great series.


FYI- the off shoot series with Gray isnt all that exciting IMHO. I couldnt even get past chapter 2.

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Got it for free from my boss. In the book he talks about how great he is and how he became great. How his identity is more than Oprahs man... Its a good read for the side-kick who might have superhero envy.


Lol... I wish I could rep from my phone

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Not sure why all the hatred on reading books??? I love getting into a good book, unfortunately its hard to find the time to dedicate to one when i should be doing homework or reading course material etc... I mostly like science fiction junk and anything having to do with the end of the world. I have a handful of books collecting dust on my shelf that i haven't had time to get to. Maybe after hockey season is over i'll get rid of cable and get around to them?
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American Yesterday - Eric Sloane


Written in the early 50s and all accounts of Sloanes great grandfather. How people lived, how the architecture was done, how towns were arranged. Short and not the most well written but gives a good bit of insight to our past.


Starving Jesus - Craig Gross and JR Mahon


You might be surprised if you pick this up. Both authors write it but unlike most co-written books both of their thoughts on topics are there; on in black ink, one in red. They tackle the hypocrisy of "Christians" today, make very good points, and basically call people out for being idiots. Very well written. These are the guys that got kicked out of their church (both were pastors) for starting http://www.xxxchurch.com.

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I will say OUtlander is my FAVORITE BOOK of all time, so far.


It makes me happy to know Men will read it as well. It REALLY is a great series.


FYI- the off shoot series with Gray isnt all that exciting IMHO. I couldnt even get past chapter 2.


Did you read the whole series? My girlfriend read them and suggested I read them too...and she was already on the 5th when I started. I'm dying to know the ending but will be pissed when I'm done and have to wait for the last book to be published.


What isn't there to love about these books? Lots of war and sex with a good amount of history thrown in. ;)


Damnit...I was hoping the spin-off series was just as good. I'll probably still read them.


I have also read a few Christopher Moore books and must say that "Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" literally had me in tears from laughing out loud while reading. Hilarious stuff.


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Marc, it looks like the second (Jack Reacher) book I read wasn't the same as the second that came out. I don't think it matters.


They're good, but unlikely that the main character would be put in such ridiculous situations time and again. Suspension of disbelief is needed. Entertaining.

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Did you read the whole series? My girlfriend read them and suggested I read them too...and she was already on the 5th when I started. I'm dying to know the ending but will be pissed when I'm done and have to wait for the last book to be published.


What isn't there to love about these books? Lots of war and sex with a good amount of history thrown in. ;)


Damnit...I was hoping the spin-off series was just as good. I'll probably still read them.


I have also read a few Christopher Moore books and must say that "Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" literally had me in tears from laughing out loud while reading. Hilarious stuff.



Yep, read the whole series. In fact, i was DEMANDED to go purchase it the day my best friend finished reading it.. and she then proceeded to call me every hour till i caved and went to buy it. (its how we roll)


Sure enough finished two days later.

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Marc, it looks like the second (Jack Reacher) book I read wasn't the same as the second that came out. I don't think it matters.


They're good, but unlikely that the main character would be put in such ridiculous situations time and again. Suspension of disbelief is needed. Entertaining.


Aren't there 15-20 books in the series? From what I understand, none of the books are related so you should be ok reading them as you find them. Don't let your logic interfere with your enjoyment of a good book. You enjoy Sherlock Holmes, right? :)


Yep, read the whole series. In fact, i was DEMANDED to go purchase it the day my best friend finished reading it.. and she then proceeded to call me every hour till i caved and went to buy it. (its how we roll)


Sure enough finished two days later.


I'm old school and still read the print version of books...no kindle or anything of the sort. I find it's a little hard to bust through a 1000+ page book in 2 days like I used to but I was able to finish the first book in 4 days. Do you know the projected release date of the final book? I think it's supposed to be this year...


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I'm old school and still read the print version of books...no kindle or anything of the sort. I find it's a little hard to bust through a 1000+ page book in 2 days like I used to but I was able to finish the first book in 4 days. Do you know the projected release date of the final book? I think it's supposed to be this year...



Yes, I read only paper as well, or Audio books if i can afford them.


Im a power reader. The last book i think is projected for this year.


WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (novel)—The eighth of the Big Enormous Books, this will probably be published in 2013. It begins where AN ECHO IN THE BONE leaves off, in the summer of 1778 (and the autumn of 1973—or possibly 1974, I forget exactly).

This page last updated on January 5, 2013.

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Yes, I read only paper as well, or Audio books if i can afford them.


Im a power reader. The last book i think is projected for this year.


Do you use the library? My stepmom has thousands of print books and over the past few years has preferred to listen to them. So, when she can, she checks out audio books at the library to cut down on cost. Apparently she is allowed up to 15 audio books out at a time and has her name on a few wait lists for them. May want to check that out.


Edited by AngryBMW
Forgot the "Audio" part...
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Do you use the library? My stepmom has thousands of print books and over the past few years has preferred to listen to them. So, when she can, she checks out audio books at the library to cut down on cost. Apparently she is allowed up to 15 audio books out at a time and has her name on a few wait lists for them. May want to check that out.



I am terrible about library stuff. I never get to it fast enough..

I feel like if i havnt bought it, im not excited enough about it.

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Reading is a fucking addiction for me. In almost two years, my kindle library has grown to well over 400 books, nearly all Sci-Fi/Fantasy. (btw, the inability to use Amazon Prime to read books on non-kindle devices is a fucking scam)


But anyways...


I just started Old Man's War by John Scalzi today. I'm 35% of the way through and it's a really good read that got me interested in the characters from page 1. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.


One of my favorite series is the Foreigner Series by C.J. Cherryh. I highly recommend it as it has a good story that makes you try to think outside the "human" box and try to understand alien thought processes. I admit it took a few read-throughs to understand the some of the forces behind the scenes that drove the players in the plots. One great thing the author does in her books is have her characters make these cognitive leaps based on social and political interactions that take a moment or two to figure out. Those ah-ha! moments lead to other insights about the plot that you might not have made otherwise.


My library has some real gems, some absolute trash, and a lot of mediocre stuff. But I just can't stop from looking for that next book.

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Couldn't have described Tommy any better myself.


+1. Dude is a trip. We did an advanced instructors day with PCA and he taught the classroom. I got more great quotes in one day than you can imagine. Then after the track went cold we had a keg and pizza and he got even more entertaining.


My favorite quote:


Instructor: "tommy, would you run a different line through there if you were in a momentum car like a miata?"


Tommy: "momentum car....all cars are fucking momentum cars. Just run the right line"


Another time that day I was riding with him in the TSX and someone in a high power car passed us then proceeded to do everything wrong from there (an instructor mind you). He laid on the horn and flashed the lights and gestured at the guy for like a whole lap he was Sooooo pissed at the guys driving. Classic Tommy!

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