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Any of you found any mushrooms yet?


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I've heard of people finding them already


Nice. I have only went a few times and never had much luck. Got 40 acres to hunt for them on now so I should find a bit. Buddy always brought me a bunch but never gave me any good tips.


If any of you have some tips for finding them, please share

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I have heard horror stories about people misidentifying mushrooms and dying pretty nasty deaths. Is that just the media blowing it out of proportion? Honestly, I eat pretty much everything, I but that is one thing I think I even I would be too scared to trust myself with...eating wild mushrooms.
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Eating anything other than Morels is definitely of concern if you do not know what you are doing. Morels however are easy to identify.




Haven't been out yet. The wifes entire family have been long time hunters of everything. They are experts when it comes to morels. They keep saying it's too early to score big and have a few spots around Ohio they like to hunt annually. Just waiting on the call to go. :)

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this cold front that came in screwed it up in my honest opinion. still going to wait about a week for the temps to come up. im finding them but they are small, so im leaving them and just gonna go back for them. then im gonna eat the bastards.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I like mushrooms. Do they compare to anything???




I don't think so. Kinda a taste on their own imo. Dip in egg, flour and fry in butter. Yum. See if any of your buddies hunt them and can let you have a few to try. Don't even attempt trying to buy them,prices are ridiculous.

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