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do you cook your steak fast or slow

russian rocket

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Buck..... If I was there i'd volunteer and I'd even provide the damn steak.


I wanna see what shit comes off the grill and if it even looks like it could be eaten. This is even better than lame ass car callout threads since this COULD actually happen, until the grill broke down excuses start flying.

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And no I don't work at AppleBees, and never had a good steak from there.



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Lol the carcinogen comment was a joke smartass. Its just a poke at people who want to catch cancer faster from seared meat. And no I don't work at AppleBees, and never had a good steak from there. You can trust or listen to who you want to. My guess is, I could out cook you backwards, blindfolded with your wife hanging from my ballsack. Opinions.


First of all, you should get your sack checked. It shouldn't be that big. And that's from a man who's balls have been hanging for almost 40 years.


Secondly, I'm gonna call you on the blindfold thing as long as we're not cooking at your house.


And third, if you're cooking backwards, our steaks our going to be raw - automatically making you the loser.


Also, opinions have no place where facts are involved. ;)

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should only flip beef once.


Let steak get to room temp

High heat cook for 2-3 minutes

Rotate steak for the cross hatching and cook for another 2-3 minutes and then flip.

Cook for another 3 minutes, and remove. Let sit for approx 5 minutes


^ nailed it

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If there's one thing I've learned from years of grilling it's that everyone has their own way of doing stuff. I personally have my own way of doing it. I sear, I start at room temp, I cook steak hot/fast, and I rest it although most of the time it isn't intentional. There's always a few minutes between when the steaks are done and I finish up getting the plates ready so that's my rest period. We eat medium rare here so that's just the way I do it. I cook a pretty decent steak but it's not the worlds greatest by any means.....now BBQ....I'm down for that contest anytime. :D
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If there's one thing I've learned from years of grilling it's that everyone has their own way of doing stuff. I personally have my own way of doing it. I sear, I start at room temp, I cook steak hot/fast, and I rest it although most of the time it isn't intentional. There's always a few minutes between when the steaks are done and I finish up getting the plates ready so that's my rest period. We eat medium rare here so that's just the way I do it. I cook a pretty decent steak but it's not the worlds greatest by any means.....now BBQ....I'm down for that contest anytime. :D




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Meijer had a sale on Rib eye today. $24 for this awesomeness.






Cooked on high (500 degrees). turn.. flip. repeat. Kosher Salt and fresh ground pepper.

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we're hauling the camper to va beach in a couple weeks. We have a few places there we're going to eat out at but I want to take some steaks down to cook on the grill one night. I'll have my brother hook me up with some nice steaks. He owns Columbus Brewing and Milestone 229.
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