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College Football Thread v2.0

Dr. Pomade

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We lose one of three top players on either side of the ball and that team doesn't beat anyone.


So, like...Braxton Miller? Oh, wait, we did that, and all his backup did was set the school record for touchdown passes, IN A SINGLE HALF.


OR maybe you were thinking defense. So, like a Christian Bryant. What's that you say? He's out, and has been for the past two games? And all we did was trounce both teams and give up a total of 14 points? Oh, well then...


I am finding myself in the odd position of defending a team that I have not been drinking the kool aid on all year, but what you just said is ridiculous. We are undefeated. We are currently running roughshod over our conference. This team is special, and if they go undefeated this season, that will be two straight years, and a travesty to be left out of the NCG. Either way, I will be very proud.

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Not sure if serious...


When OSU played @ Northwestern that was basically Northwestern going "all in." They were as healthy as they've been all season and ridiculously hyped for that game. Braxton was still a little rusty coming back from injury and Urban gave him a little kick in the ass by starting to warm up Kenny on the sidelines. Braxton's stats since Urban warmed up Kenny have been insane.


Iowa is a much better team than people think. Their 4 losses are to teams with a combined record of 33-3. And OSU just shut them down and ran clock after halftime.


Since halftime of the Iowa game, OSU has been firing on all cylinders offensively and defensively. We'll see if they can keep it up moving forward.


past 4 games

48 points for

17 points agaist

568 yards for

321 yards against

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Something else I wanted to comment on. For personal reasons I've missed watching the last 4 OSU games live. <gasp> I haven't missed one in a couple decades but...couldn't be avoided. So, yesterday I spent the morning of my day off 'catching-up' on the games. WOW. The scores, record and media commentary do not tell the real story of an OSU team barely outpacing what is relatively poor competition. I haven't seen this many ugly wins since 2002. So, maybe we should be in the NCG race?! We lose one of three top players on either side of the ball and that team doesn't beat anyone. Sorry guys. Lifelong Buckeye. But I just spent several hours straight watching them face a variety of looks on both sides of the ball. yeouch. Let's just shoot for a Rose Bowl and hope we have everyone healthy AND fired up. Luckily our ace in the hole is that Urban is matched only by Saban in game preparation. I am worried about the team I just watched facing MSU in the B1G championship game let alone talking NCG. We all need to face reality. We are not among the top 4 in the country let alone the top 2.


Is this a joke?


In the last two games, Ohio State has put historic beatdowns on its opponents. I'm not sure how you define "barely outpacing," but I think it's safe to assume you might be erring on the conservative end of things here.


Also, since you invoked the ugly wins of 2002, I think it's worth mentioning that we won the national championship that year and beat a team that had arguably the greatest ensemble of college talent in the history of the sport. So, even if I agreed with you that the wins have been ugly (and they haven't, so I don't), I'd still take it.


Are you sure you aren't watching DVR'ed games from last season?

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All I'm saying is that I saw a team having to work hard against poor competition. Now...I totally get that teams play up to or down to their competion. OSU has always shown that behavior. But the top teams are clearly playing well above their opponents and for the entire game. Like it or not...when a team like Oregon kills their competition...doesn't even look like they are in the same division...but then drops one game to a tough team...they get respect. When OSU goes up against Northwestern or Iowa and struggles...well...you know how much respect we get. I even question how challenging Wisky should have been. Sorry Badgers.

Also...I know the score tally. I'm talking about evaluating a team play by play. It cuts both ways. Some of our scores don't show how dominant we actually were. (Buff, Cal). In my mind PSU and Purdue don't give me any indication whatsoever of how the Bucks would fair against the elite programs this year. If anything...those games distracted us.

In terms of my comments about losing a player...I'm talking about against real competition. I love the smooth jazz but unless Braxton is fronting that team...against a Stanford, Oregon, Baylor, FSU, or heaven forbid Bama...we lose and it isn't close. One more key loss on D....same. From the B1G title game on...we lose Hyde...wrap it up. Sorry. Is this a good OSU team? yes. Is it a GREAT B1G team...absolutely. But we are a top player or two from being considered amongst a whole other lower bracket of teams this year.

Like I said...I went a few weeks just seeing scores and not snaps. When I sat and watched the actual play...It was a contrast. I even knew the outcomes and I was still sitting there nervous waaaaay too much given the poor skill of the other teams.

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All I'm saying is that I saw a team having to work hard against poor competition. Now...I totally get that teams play up to or down to their competion. OSU has always shown that behavior. But the top teams are clearly playing well above their opponents and for the entire game. Like it or not...when a team like Oregon kills their competition...doesn't even look like they are in the same division...but then drops one game to a tough team...they get respect. When OSU goes up against Northwestern or Iowa and struggles...well...you know how much respect we get. I even question how challenging Wisky should have been. Sorry Badgers.

Also...I know the score tally. I'm talking about evaluating a team play by play. It cuts both ways. Some of our scores don't show how dominant we actually were. (Buff, Cal). In my mind PSU and Purdue don't give me any indication whatsoever of how the Bucks would fair against the elite programs this year. If anything...those games distracted us.

In terms of my comments about losing a player...I'm talking about against real competition. I love the smooth jazz but unless Braxton is fronting that team...against a Stanford, Oregon, Baylor, FSU, or heaven forbid Bama...we lose and it isn't close. One more key loss on D....same. From the B1G title game on...we lose Hyde...wrap it up. Sorry. Is this a good OSU team? yes. Is it a GREAT B1G team...absolutely. But we are a top player or two from being considered amongst a whole other lower bracket of teams this year.

Like I said...I went a few weeks just seeing scores and not snaps. When I sat and watched the actual play...It was a contrast. I even knew the outcomes and I was still sitting there nervous waaaaay too much given the poor skill of the other teams.


Does this guy work for ESPN?

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All I'm saying is that I saw a team having to work hard against poor competition. Now...I totally get that teams play up to or down to their competion. OSU has always shown that behavior. But the top teams are clearly playing well above their opponents and for the entire game. Like it or not...when a team like Oregon kills their competition...doesn't even look like they are in the same division...but then drops one game to a tough team...they get respect. When OSU goes up against Northwestern or Iowa and struggles...well...you know how much respect we get. I even question how challenging Wisky should have been. Sorry Badgers.

Also...I know the score tally. I'm talking about evaluating a team play by play. It cuts both ways. Some of our scores don't show how dominant we actually were. (Buff, Cal). In my mind PSU and Purdue don't give me any indication whatsoever of how the Bucks would fair against the elite programs this year. If anything...those games distracted us.

In terms of my comments about losing a player...I'm talking about against real competition. I love the smooth jazz but unless Braxton is fronting that team...against a Stanford, Oregon, Baylor, FSU, or heaven forbid Bama...we lose and it isn't close. One more key loss on D....same. From the B1G title game on...we lose Hyde...wrap it up. Sorry. Is this a good OSU team? yes. Is it a GREAT B1G team...absolutely. But we are a top player or two from being considered amongst a whole other lower bracket of teams this year.

Like I said...I went a few weeks just seeing scores and not snaps. When I sat and watched the actual play...It was a contrast. I even knew the outcomes and I was still sitting there nervous waaaaay too much given the poor skill of the other teams.



You should probably just stop. Thinking the OSU team right now is the same as the beginning of the year makes you sound dumb. We're firing on all cylinders right now. We will walk through the next 4 games without skipping a beat. People like yourself are the only reason we're not in control of our own destiny.

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We lose Hide, we have Jordan Hall and Rod Smith, they all can run the ball very well behind the O-line. We lose Braxton Miller, we have Kenny G, who can play just as well. The Offense is firing on all cylinders with or without a a key player or 2. How are you to criticize anything when you admitted your self that you haven't been keeping up with college football for the past 4 weeks.
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We lose Hide, we have Jordan Hall and Rod Smith, they all can run the ball very well behind the O-line. We lose Braxton Miller, we have Kenny G, who can play just as well. The Offense is firing on all cylinders with or without a a key player or 2. How are you to criticize anything when you admitted your self that you haven't been keeping up with college football for the past 4 weeks.
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We lose Hide, we have Jordan Hall and Rod Smith, they all can run the ball very well behind the O-line. We lose Braxton Miller, we have Kenny G, who can play just as well. The Offense is firing on all cylinders with or without a a key player or 2. How are you to criticize anything when you admitted your self that you haven't been keeping up with college football for the past 4 weeks.


Jordan Hall is probably done playing football.

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We need to become our own harshest critics before this league has any chance at competing in the playoff era.


A harsh critic would be "man, when we go to a nickel, it seems that Powell and/or Brown really whiffs on their coverage, causing Roby and Grant to play outside their responsibilities. That really needs tightened up."



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Ok fine. Psu and purdue numbers are tots legit. Cool. Keep thinking that. We look totally put together. My bad. No cause for alarm. We'll walk through MSU. Completely. We'd look just as good if we were playing in the SEC. It's a grand confederate conspiracy. ;)
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Meyer said it's poor sportsmanship and Spencer won't be speaking with the media for a long time.


— Kyle Rowland (@KyleRowland) November 12, 2013



"I don't like disrespecting other teams." -Urban Meyer


— Kyle Rowland (@KyleRowland) November 12, 2013

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Meyer said it's poor sportsmanship and Spencer won't be speaking with the media for a long time.


— Kyle Rowland (@KyleRowland) November 12, 2013



"I don't like disrespecting other teams." -Urban Meyer


— Kyle Rowland (@KyleRowland) November 12, 2013

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