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How much do you tip?

russian rocket

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kind of on the tipping topic, how does everyone feel about tipping other people... aka, door men, barbers, taxi drivers, bell boys for hotels that won't let you use their carts and force you to use their service?


Even though I admitted above how cheap I became, I feel that all those you named should be tipped. I even leave a note on the hotel bed with a tip for the room service maids. Tipping even modestly has produced over-the-top service at the places I go, but I think it's at least as important to treat those employees with friendliness and respect. Although I'm sure it seems corny and egotistical, I admit I like being called by name when I sit down at a blackjack table or when I enter a hotel lobby and prefer my car be parked either at the entrance or "first out" and in the line of sight of the valets.


I'm sure others value other things more, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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Barber: I pay $20 regardless because the chick that has been cutting my hair is great and always treats me well including a couple rubs on the tig 'ol bitties as she washes my hair.


Taxi: Yellow Cabs, pay cash only so they can't fuck with your cc. 15% usually plus $1-2 per bag if they help.


Bell Boys: $5 per bag maybe $10 per cart. $2-5 to valet my car.


I ALWAYS tip in cash, my wife use to cut hair at SportClips, she told me they hate it when people leave a tip on a CC because the owner takes a percentage of it and whatever charge it cost him to swipe your card he would take out of their tips

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I thought I was a good tipper (15-20% for most services) until I read this thread. Now I realize I'm one of those cheap old people who think a quarter is a treasure.


Some of it might be due to where I live (small town). I've talked to pizza delivery people here and they really appreciate $2 tips and nearly do gymnastic tricks if I tip $5 on a $18 order (which I've done in bad weather when the order came fast). One told me that they are paid nothing from the added "delivery fee." :(


I think I need to up my game a notch.


Not Brian: classic scene! :thumbup:


This as well.

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Also laughable comparing salaried jobs to servers/delivery drivers.


both know the role when they accept the job. again, pizza guy wants bellmen tips work environment and responsibility, go get that job. I'm salaried, but make commissions too, yet my counterpart managers in accounting don't.....different jobs completely. I'm not tipping based on what someones compensation plan looks like.


Pizza guys are schlepping pizzas in a car, bellmen are usually working in business setting. Again, completely different jobs.

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Both are hoping their current customer isn't a raging cheap ass that can't spare an extra buck or 2 to make their day a little better.


They need less hoping and better job selection then. No different than tending bar at a high end restaurant to waiting tables at Chili's. Chili's server shouldn't expect to make what they bar tender will make. Both are tipped accordingly. I'm sure the valets at Easton and Servers at Ocean Club behind them understand how it works.

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Barber: I pay $20 regardless because the chick that has been cutting my hair is great and always treats me well including a couple rubs on the tig 'ol bitties as she washes my hair.

"Chick"? Ah you mean your hairdresser. Got it.

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What I meant by it makes no sense, is that you choose to tip one based on the amount of bags you have, but not the other on the amount of food you order. You tip less to the person with the more difficult job, who performs a better service for you. I'm POSITIVE if you tipped your food delivery person even $1 more, you wouldn't miss it, and it would mean more to him.


Also your argument regarding which type of setting they're in makes no sense either. Both are in entry level service jobs. I don't understand your logic at all.

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I ALWAYS tip in cash, my wife use to cut hair at SportClips, she told me they hate it when people leave a tip on a CC because the owner takes a percentage of it and whatever charge it cost him to swipe your card he would take out of their tips


Is it like that for pizza delivery? When you order online you can add a tip amount.. and I always do. If cash is easier I'll just do that.

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Is it like that for pizza delivery? When you order online you can add a tip amount.. and I always do. If cash is easier I'll just do that.


I really don't know, that's why I tip in cash so they get ALL of it. could just be the prick that owns SportClips in Pickerington, Blacklick & Lancaster(same owner)

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I would think it'd be more of a situational entry level job. Meaning you know the possibility of tips being an option as compared to a McD's job or the like. I worked at Winding Hollow country club cleaning golf shoes/shine/locker room care. I made $7/hr, but made out with alot in tips. It was a "entry job" but if you provided professional service or acted professional it reflected in your tips. It wasn't hard to walk out with $250-$300 in just tips in a weekend. I wouldn't call that "entry" money at 18 years old.


On 1 pizza I usually go $4, I don't mind paying for not having to go somewhere. Some of you are some cheap sob's.

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