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College Football Thread v5.0


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AAC - No good teams here, Cincinnati is my pick but whoever wins the conference has least 3 losses


ACC - Florida St. v. Virginia Tech = FSU Blow out in Championship Game


Big 12 - Baylor, Oklahoma is over rated, has 3 losses, maybe 4


Big Ten - MSU v. Iowa = MSU winners


Conference USA - Western Ky v. La Tech = La Tech


MAC - Toledo v. BG = BG wins a shoot out


MWC - Fresno St. v. Boise St. = Fresno St.


Pac 12 - Oregon vs. Arizona St = Oregon


SEC - South Carolina v. Bama = South Carolina w/ 2 losses


Sun Belt - Troy



1. FSU v. 4. MSU & 2. South Carolina v. 3. Baylor

1. FSU v. 3. Baylor = Famous Jamies steals the show, and some more crab legs


Pac 12 gets left out because Oregon will have 2 losses just like South Carolina but SEC



Army 4-8

BYU 7-5

Navy 6-6

Notre Dame 8-4



Army finally beats Navy, Air Force wins the Commander-in-Chiefs trophy

BG puts a scare into Wisconsin on Sept. 20 for a half, maybe 3 quarters

Fresno St. Beats USC or Nebraska, or both

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I like your predictions, but I totally disagree with Navy going 6-6. Many are projecting they will go 11-1 with their only loss coming from THE.


I also totally do not believe in Baylor, at all. I think Oklahoma will come out of the Big 12.

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I like your predictions, but I totally disagree with Navy going 6-6. Many are projecting they will go 11-1 with their only loss coming from THE.


I also totally do not believe in Baylor, at all. I think Oklahoma will come out of the Big 12.


For some reason the thought Reynolds (QB for Navy) was a senior last year, not a sophomore. That should be good for an extra 2 wins if he's healthy. They certainly have a schedule that can give them a lot of wins.


I think they lose to:




Army - this is probably wishful thinking


Close games that could go either way:

Air Force


San Jose State

Georgia Southern - This will be a great game for those that love triple option and defense


I believe in Baylor's offense more than Oklahoma's

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1. FSU v. 4. MSU & 2. South Carolina v. 3. Baylor

1. FSU v. 3. Baylor = Famous Jamies steals the show, and some more crab legs


As much as I despise this thought, I think the SEC is a lock to have 2 teams in. One will be the winner of the SEC West - so LSU, Bama, or Auburn. If the winner of the SEC West also wins SEC CG, then the loser from the East gets in as the second playoff team. If the winner of the SEC West doesn't win SEC CG, they still get in by virtue of winning the West division.


I like your MSU and FSU picks for the playoffs. I think it'll be Oklahoma, not Baylor, for the Big 12 representative, though I don't think the Big 12 gets in the playoff. Instead, I think it'll be a Pac 12 team like Oregon or UCLA. The Pac 12's strength of schedule is shaping up to be ridiculous.

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As much as I despise this thought, I think the SEC is a lock to have 2 teams in. One will be the winner of the SEC West - so LSU, Bama, or Auburn. If the winner of the SEC West also wins SEC CG, then the loser from the East gets in as the second playoff team. If the winner of the SEC West doesn't win SEC CG, they still get in by virtue of winning the West division.


I like your MSU and FSU picks for the playoffs. I think it'll be Oklahoma, not Baylor, for the Big 12 representative, though I don't think the Big 12 gets in the playoff. Instead, I think it'll be a Pac 12 team like Oregon or UCLA. The Pac 12's strength of schedule is shaping up to be ridiculous.


I think the West beats each other up this year and Bama goes into the CG w/ 2 losses, losing and being 10-3 when the playoff teams are picked. I do agree that if a 2nd loss is because of the CG game both SEC teams will be in the playoffs.


I think Oregon loses to MSU & Stanford and Baylor only has 1 loss (I'm going with OK St).


But who knows, it's the fun of the preseason right? Just like picking Final Four Brackets.

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I think the West beats each other up this year and Bama goes into the CG w/ 2 losses, losing and being 10-3 when the playoff teams are picked. I do agree that if a 2nd loss is because of the CG game both SEC teams will be in the playoffs.


I think Oregon loses to MSU & Stanford and Baylor only has 1 loss (I'm going with OK St).


But who knows, it's the fun of the preseason right? Just like picking Final Four Brackets.


I'd love to see Bama with three L's this year. Hell, I'll buy everyone here drinks if WV happens to pull the upset and knock them off this weekend.


I get your reasoning re: Oregon. Speaking of teams beating each other up, the Pac 12 might fall victim to cannibalism this year, which could keep them from reaching the playoff (and thus reinforce your prediction).


Does Baylor not play Oklahoma this year? Oklahoma usually owns Baylor; I'd think if they play this year that Oklahoma would be favored over them.

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If FSU-MSU would have looked a lot like FSU-OSU, and OSU stopped themselves in the MSU game, then you're saying that FSU would also have stopped themselves if they played MSU? Because Florida State only averaged something like 50 PPG last year...


Your comments don't really even warrant a response anymore but I can't believe you actually made a post after quoting what I said and removing the part where I explained exactly what you're questioning. Is this just shitty trolling at this point or are you seriously this dumb?

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I'd love to see Bama with three L's this year. Hell, I'll buy everyone here drinks if WV happens to pull the upset and knock them off this weekend.


I get your reasoning re: Oregon. Speaking of teams beating each other up, the Pac 12 might fall victim to cannibalism this year, which could keep them from reaching the playoff (and thus reinforce your prediction).


Does Baylor not play Oklahoma this year? Oklahoma usually owns Baylor; I'd think if they play this year that Oklahoma would be favored over them.


They play Nov. 8, all Big 12 opponents play each other. Oklahoma will have a loss or two going into the game, they might be favored but they won't win. Just my prediction.



Navy is wearing white


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For some reason the thought Reynolds (QB for Navy) was a senior last year, not a sophomore. That should be good for an extra 2 wins if he's healthy. They certainly have a schedule that can give them a lot of wins.


I think they lose to:




Army - this is probably wishful thinking


Close games that could go either way:

Air Force


San Jose State

Georgia Southern - This will be a great game for those that love triple option and defense


I believe in Baylor's offense more than Oklahoma's


I think you are severely underestimating Navy if you think they will get beat by Rutgers and Army LOL. It is a prediction, so you COULD be right, I just think (along with probably 98% of college football fans) that you are wrong lol. But we will see

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I'd love to see Bama with three L's this year. Hell, I'll buy everyone here drinks if WV happens to pull the upset and knock them off this weekend.


I get your reasoning re: Oregon. Speaking of teams beating each other up, the Pac 12 might fall victim to cannibalism this year, which could keep them from reaching the playoff (and thus reinforce your prediction).




Rich Rod's WVU might have done it, but I don't see the current WVU standing a chance.


On the subject of conferences beating themselves up, I think the Big XII is going to absolutely be a victim of this. Oklahoma will have at least one loss (if nothing else, then Texas, they can't beat Texas even if Texas can't beat their freakin' band), possibly two, as will Baylor and Oklahoma State. I just don't see anyone running the table in the Big XII. Hell, the SEC is probably going to be hurting itself this year too. This might be like 2008(?) when a 2 loss team wins the championship, or is elected to the playoff. The 4 team selection is going to be riddled with bullshit and favoritism.


As much as I'm looking forward to Oregon vs. MSU, I think it's a damn shame that these two play each other in the regular season, because both of these teams have a fair shot at going undefeated this year, outside of this game. MSU's road is a little easier, of course, but if Oregon can keep their emotions and morale in check while staying healthy (big key here), they can hang 50 on absolutely anyone.


These first two weeks are going to set the tone for this year like never before, IMO.

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Your comments don't really even warrant a response anymore but I can't believe you actually made a post after quoting what I said and removing the part where I explained exactly what you're questioning. Is this just shitty trolling at this point or are you seriously this dumb?


Here's your entire quote:


I think FSU-MSU would have looked similar to OSU-MSU except MSU didn't really stop OSU from scoring, OSU stopped OSU from scoring and I don't think FSU would have stopped themselves. Clemson did a much better job against OSU's bread and butter plays in the Orange Bowl than MSU did in the B1GCG and FSU buttfucked them @ Clemson.


I left everything there so that you didn't have a reason to go all crybaby on us. Now, please explain how the FSU-MSU game "would have looked similar to OSU-MSU" if FSU wouldn't have "stopped themselves." Go ahead, we'll wait. Or are you going to bitch out on this exchange like you did before? I'm still eagerly awaiting your dissertation on how a QB that is currently out for the entire season (after just throwing a football, mind you) is not injury prone...


I realize you fancy yourself some CFB guru. Unfortunately, things like logic and common sense keep getting in the way of your greatness.

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I think you are severely underestimating Navy if you think they will get beat by Rutgers and Army LOL. It is a prediction, so you COULD be right, I just think (along with probably 98% of college football fans) that you are wrong lol. But we will see


Rutgers has to beat someone right?


Fun Fact: Army's coach beat Florida last year with Georgia Southern. You never know. Plus both my Grandfathers were in the Army so I always pick them to beat Navy.


It would be awesome if Navy could have double digits in the W column. After realizing Reynolds was still the QB, I even think my 6-6 is going to be wrong but it's there so why change it now?

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I left everything there so that you didn't have a reason to go all crybaby on us. Now, please explain how the FSU-MSU game "would have looked similar to OSU-MSU" if FSU wouldn't have "stopped themselves." Go ahead, we'll wait. Or are you going to bitch out on this exchange like you did before? I'm still eagerly awaiting your dissertation on how a QB that is currently out for the entire season (after just throwing a football, mind you) is not injury prone...


I realize you fancy yourself some CFB guru. Unfortunately, things like logic and common sense keep getting in the way of your greatness.



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UCLA in my opinion has the best shot at coming out of the Pac12 unblemished. They have Oregon, Stanford and USC all at home. The only games they have against a current top 25 team on the road are #19 Arizona State and #25 Washington. Upsets happen and I would not be shocked to see them drop 1-2 games, I just think right now on paper they have the best shot at winning the conference.
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USC falling apart, team captain goes from hero to suspended for season and now running back Anthony Brown quits citing racism from their head coach. Crazy to look at the state of their program from 2004 til now


Navy to wear white on Saturday (new unis), they are pretty cool




"Freshman will have only an anchor on their shoulders, with sophomores earning a diagonal stripe, juniors earning two diagonal stripes, seniors featuring a parallel stripe, and the team’s captains earning three stripes and a star."

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USC falling apart, team captain goes from hero to suspended for season and now running back Anthony Brown quits citing racism from their head coach. Crazy to look at the state of their program from 2004 til now


Navy to wear white on Saturday (new unis), they are pretty cool




"Freshman will have only an anchor on their shoulders, with sophomores earning a diagonal stripe, juniors earning two diagonal stripes, seniors featuring a parallel stripe, and the team’s captains earning three stripes and a star."


On the USC stuff, I heard something about the story of him saving his nephew from drowning being a hoax - so that's been confirmed? LOL, idiot. Why anyone thinks they can get away with lies like that in today's technological age is beyond me.


USC was the epitome of CFB dominance from 2002 - 2008. Now they are a joke. I don't know whether I want to laugh or cry. Probably laugh. I hate you, USC.


And o0n8 (or whatever that screen name is) posted about the white Navy uniforms a few posts previously. I think they look cool.

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Yeah it was a hoax, he admitted to lying. I remember his recruitment, many wanted and felt he was going to come to Ohio State. He ended up at Florida before transferring to USC. Looking back, it may have been a blessing that he ended up outside of Ohio State. Can you imagine what ESPN would have done with this story if he were here?


USC, Miami and Texas were all pretty dominant in the early 2000s, then Florida in the mid 2000's, now all 4 are just kinda, bleh! It's funny how football works, Bama wasn't shit in the 90's and early part of the 2000's, now they are loaded every year.


I didn't see it posted, my bad haha.

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I love the cycle of college football. I think one of the reasons that people hate OSU aside from our overall idiot fans is because we are always (less a season or 2) dominant.


Name another program that has been consistently as good as us. You'll be hard pressed to name any more than 1-2 over the last 15 years.

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Oklahoma is the only team I can think of that has had the run of consistency similar to Ohio State's. Maybe LSU as well? Though, come to think of it, I can't remember LSU being anything worth mentioning in the 1990s.


Here are programs that come to mind when I think of being good/dominant in the BCS era (in no particular order):


Ohio State









Just missing the cut (again, no particular order):


Florida State






Teams that were dominant just before the BCS era:

Notre Dame



If Ohio State would have won one or maybe two more NC's during the BCS era, they'd be regarded as hands-down the most dominant program in the past 20 years.

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I still think they are...maybe a bit biased.


Funny enough, when I typed that I was thinking about putting no teams have come close, but I stopped and thought "hmm...maybe Oklahoma". BUT, Oklahoma didn't play in as many BCS games or have the dominance in their conference as we did.


Either way, it's good to be a Buckeye. Even better, it's always good to be a Buckeye.

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Oklahoma is def on that list, they played in 4 BCS National Championship games, Ohio State only played in 3. They were also in 9 BCS games (4-5). They have also won 8 conference championships lol.


Stoops is 160-39 at Oklahoma (started in 2000) and has only lost 4 times at home in 14 years. They are just known for choking in big games (worse than Ohio State) and often over looked when thinking about dominant teams of the 2000's.

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Which would you rather have?


Consistency like Ohio State and Oklahoma over an extended period of time, lots of big bowl game appearances, lots of wins, one NC in 15 years, but also several fairly high profile thrashings;




Inconsistency like USC, Alabama, and Miami, with lots of low periods crappy seasons, but with several very dominant seasons and very high profile thrashings of other high profile teams and 3 NC in 15 years.

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