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College Football Thread v5.0


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They was talking about the playoff and how the sec teams still have to play each other, Golic and Chris Carter said the talk right now is just to hype it up. Greenburg said if UGA wins the SEC and one of the West teams didn't get in, he'd flip to the "we need more teams" side. So basically if the SEC is won by the East, people will be lobbying for a team from the West to get in even though they didn't win their conference.
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They was talking about the playoff and how the sec teams still have to play each other, Golic and Chris Carter said the talk right now is just to hype it up. Greenburg said if UGA wins the SEC and one of the West teams didn't get in, he'd flip to the "we need more teams" side. So basically if the SEC is won by the East, people will be lobbying for a team from the West to get in even though they didn't win their conference.


Ugh...you're a Buckeye fan, not a Mississippi State fan. "They were* lol.


I think the only case the SEC has for two teams making it is if the winner of the East (let's say Mississippi State) goes into the SEC championship game undefeated and loses to a 1 loss UGA team.


I think the rankings look like this...


1) Miss St

2) FSU

3) Alabama

4) Oregon


Outside looking in...

5) Auburn

6) Notre Dame

7) TCU

8) Michigan St

9) Ole Miss

10) Kansas St

11) UGA

12) Ohio St


Many of those teams play each other at some point, or will have to play each other in the their perspective conference title game, so things will change dramatically by the end of the year. Ohio State won't get much respect for the PSU win, but they can make up for it and weasel their way up into at least the discussion by the conference title game.

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Was, were, blah blah blah haha. I read Barrett has a sprained knee but will still play this saturday night. Hopefully they can score fast and often to start the game so he can be taken out and put on the sideline for protection. The last thing this team needs right now is Barrett going down with an injury.
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Ugh...you're a Buckeye fan, not a Mississippi State fan. "They were* lol.


I think the only case the SEC has for two teams making it is if the winner of the East (let's say Mississippi State) goes into the SEC championship game undefeated and loses to a 1 loss UGA team.


Obviously, you're not a Mississippi State fan either or you'd know they play in the SEC West, not East.

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Was, were, blah blah blah haha. I read Barrett has a sprained knee but will still play this saturday night. Hopefully they can score fast and often to start the game so he can be taken out and put on the sideline for protection. The last thing this team needs right now is Barrett going down with an injury.


Should be able to get enough on the ground from Zeke, Samuel, etc. to not have to run Barrett like they had to against PSU. PSU's rush defense was #1 going into that game (#3 now) so Barrett had to take what he could get. Illinois features the 123rd ranked rush defense in the country. They allowed Nebraska and Wisconsin to rush for over 400 each and Purdue over 350. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some of the Cardale bulldozer offense early in the game like we see late in blowouts.

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Playoff poll out: miss state, Florida state, auburn, and ole miss in top 4. Yes same ole miss that just lost last week to a crappy LSU team.


Ohio State is 16 in the poll. LOL - We won't sniff the top 4.


Seems clear the committee is riding the SEC's nuts, too.

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How is ND not in the top 4 yet Ole Miss is? ND's sole loss was by few points to the #2 (arguably #1) team in the country, yet they are #6 in this stupid thing? Which btw had it not been for a pass interference call they would've won that game. I know there's a ton of games yet to be played, but this system is just as bad as the damn BCS was if not worse. You have a committee, all with their own personal agenda, selecting who is in a 4 team playoff. To me, this system looks exactly like the AP poll where a SEC team loses and only drops 1-3 spots, while the team that beats them leap frogs to their spot. It ensures the SEC will be in the conversation each and every time. I would not be shocked at this point to see 2 SEC teams get in honestly and that is bullshit. This system needs to get revised to allow more teams in the playoff, I have said this from the very start. The only thing that can ensure only 1 SEC team gets in is if the west winner has 2 losses including a loss in the SEC championship game. If I am any other conference in America not named the SEC I am up in arms over this shit.



Oh yeah, this post has nothing to do with the Buckeyes ranking, they are right around where I suspected they would be honestly. The Va Tech game is killing them, yet losing to a bad LSU team is looked upon as a great accomplishment. The AP and Coaches poll will indeed influence the committee when it comes to this.





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Notre Dame is getting jobbed.


Another thing I agree with Josh on: this poll is set up a lot like the traditional polls, insofar as it basically guarantees a few SEC teams to be hovering around the top at all times.


In my opinion, there is a MASSIVE problem with releasing a poll at this point and then every week hereafter until you have the final poll. The reason why is because the committee has basically just painted themselves into a sort of corner. Psychologically, they've just wedded themselves to teams being in certain spots. For example, come next week, do you think we can expect there to be a major shakeup in the rankings or the rankings to kind of look like they do now? It's the latter, of course. Why? Because, well, if all of a sudden the polls had Marshall, Louisville, Arizona, and Arkansas in the top 4, we'd all shit bricks and be like, "What the fuck committee, why are you crazy?" The committee will have to now maintain some semblance of "consistency," which essentially entitles the teams toward the top a much greater chance of winning the national championship than teams toward the bottom. It's the same fundamental flaw with polls in general, and something I've been ranting about for years. Polls are a popularity contest and inherently subjective, and a popularity contest or anything subjective should never be used to crown a champion in a sporting competition.

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The only good thing is the SEC teams are about to begin beating up on one another. That will hopefully limit them to only 1 team in, unless Mississppi State runs the table and then loses to say UGA in the conference championship game. Then I could see both those teams getting in the playoff. That leaves 2 spots for 5 power conferences. Barring an upset FSU is in, that leaves 1 spot to 4 conferences. Let the madness begin haha



Miss State - @ #6 Alabama, @ # 4 Ole Miss. Arkansas


Florida State- @ #25 Louisville. Potential Upsets: @Miami and Florida.


Auburn- @ #7 Ole Miss, @ #11 Georgia @ #6 Alabama. Tex AM


Ole Miss- #3 Auburn, #1 Miss State. @Arkansas


Oregon- #17 Utah. Upset Alert: Stanford, @ OSU.


Alabama- @ #19 LSU, #1 Miss State, #3 Auburn.


TCU- @ 20 WVU, #9 Kansas State. @ Texas


Kansas State- @ #7 TCU, @ #13 Baylor


Notre Dame- @ #14 Arizona State, #25 Louisville. @ Navy, @ USC


Georgia- #3 Auburn


Arizona- @ #22 UCLA, @ #17 Utah, #14 Arizona State


Baylor- @ #18 Oklahoma, #9 Kansas State


Arizona State- #17 Utah, #10 Notre Dame, @ #12 Arizona.

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8 team playoff needs to be implemented asap! 5 power conferences, leave open a spot for ND or a non power 5 conference champion and then 2 wild card spots.


Personally I don't think the B12 should get a team in the playoff, they don't play a conference championship game. That should be a requirement, also make ND join a fucking conference finally.

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The P5 conference champs and 3 at-large spots. Done.


On a side note, the SeCspn bias is starting to get a LOT of attention. Fowler coming out and defending it like he did last week has only legitimized the claims and forced other outlets to look into it more. I mean, it's not rocket surgery. ESPN literally owns the SEC Network. They have contracts (soon expiring) with the other conferences. It's just business. There's no argument. Awful Announcing did a little piece on the bias yesterday and Rolling Stone had an article come out today titled "The Worldwide Cheerleader." It's only going to keep picking up steam.


The problem is that I don't see it getting fixed anytime soon. It's the very first year in this system. The BCS had lots of hate for nearly a decade before they did something about it.

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Herbstreit came out and said the notion of an SEC bias by ESPN is outrageous lol. Is he still banned from being at the Woody? Also, I read somewhere that OSU has a ban on ESPN having gameday in Columbus, any truth to that? If so maybe that explains some of the anti-osu sentiment you see on ESPN
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The love fest from ESPN and the SEC is not going to go away anytime soon. I just saw this and didn't really know how long the deal was for, now I do


Just how much does ESPN have invested in the SEC?


- The ESPN-SEC contract that runs till 2034 isn’t just the longest sports rights deal, it’s the longest deal in all of television.


- In 2008, ESPN signed a 15 year, $2.25 billion dollar deal with the SEC.


- This year, ESPN launched the SEC Network and the league’s revenue (and ESPN’s financial investment) is bound to skyrocket. ESPN owns the SEC Network and splits the profit with the SEC 50/50.


- ESPN worked directly with each individual school in the SEC to upgrade their broadcast facilities and capabilities for the SEC Network.


- ESPN runs the official website of the SEC – SECSports.com. On the homepage of the official website of the SEC, you’ll see links to ESPN.com, the SEC Network, and even The Paul Finebaum Show.

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Those of us who have stopped watching ES(EC)PN have gotten tired of the bias. I have been calling them that for a few years now. It's blatantly obvious and the fact that they deny any bias with such vigor is why we all continue to believe the bias.

The sad thing is that Disney owns ES(EC)PN and ABC as well. We are all puppets in Mickey's hands....haha.

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