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College Football Thread v7.0


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The Offenseocalypse.



We are not ready.


It's funny someone on ESPN complained about this saying NCAA football is turning into Arena football...and there are great Defensive Coordinators who aren't being fully utilized, LOL. I kinda see that.

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It's funny someone on ESPN complained about this saying NCAA football is turning into Arena football...and there are great Defensive Coordinators who aren't being fully utilized, LOL. I kinda see that.


The NFL is no different, it's such an offensive/quarterback driven league. Big points put asses in the seats and in front of the television. It's the number one complaint most people have against Hockey and Baseball, they don't score enough.

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The NFL is no different, it's such an offensive/quarterback driven league. Big points put asses in the seats and in front of the television. It's the number one complaint most people have against Hockey and Baseball, they don't score enough.


Make each goal/run worth 7 points. :gabe:

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The NFL is no different, it's such an offensive/quarterback driven league. Big points put asses in the seats and in front of the television. It's the number one complaint most people have against Hockey and Baseball, they don't score enough.

While I completely agree pts generate revenue. The avg pts scored in the NFL isn't exactly increasing.

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So this post is at the top of the cfb subreddit right now and it's pretty incredible really. To understand it know that it's a Baylor fan who posted it...


So I've been thinking. Assuming a playoff of Alabama vs. FSU and Oregon vs. TCU, how do they decide who goes to the championship game. I mean both teams will play each other but say if FSU beats Alabama, what happens? FSU has a good win but Alabama is the better team according to the eyetest and has the better loss. Not to mention head-to-head isn't the be all end all. So if the committee agreed would Bama still advance to championship despite their loss to Florida State? Just curious how they select the champions in a playoff format.


Serious answers only please.


Then a Florida State fan chimes in with "If head to head matchups don't matter, then why the hell are we deciding the champion with head to head matchups?"


It really is pretty insane that TCU is 3 spots ahead of a team who beat them.

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So this post is at the top of the cfb subreddit right now and it's pretty incredible really. To understand it know that it's a Baylor fan who posted it...


Then a Florida State fan chimes in with "If head to head matchups don't matter, then why the hell are we deciding the champion with head to head matchups?"


It really is pretty insane that TCU is 3 spots ahead of a team who beat them.




I've been saying all along that I'd be livid if I'm a Baylor fan.


Can you imagine if, in the NFL, they decided to seed the Chiefs higher than the Broncos because some committee thought that, despite the Broncos winning their two head-to-head matchups and them having identical records otherwise, the Chiefs just "looked" like the better of the two teams?


This whole thing is a beauty contest. Pure and simple, my friends.

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While I completely agree pts generate revenue. The avg pts scored in the NFL isn't exactly increasing.


It is and the growth of fantasy football has pushed it to be an offensive league. Think about this, it used to be an accomplishment for a qb to throw 3,000 yards in a season. Now scrub quarterbacks are doing that and 5,000 yards is becoming common place. The rules have changed to give the qb/wr the most advantage on the field. Running backs are not a necessity these days, that's why most get drafted in the 2nd round or later. No one wants to watch 3 yards and a cloud of dust anymore, they want big plays, big scores, ect.. The game is money driven, much like everything else in this country.


I agree that this is a beauty contest, until it's an 8 team playoff it will continue to be flawed. I wonder how long it takes before they change the setup, if ever. I mean it took them what, 15 years to get rid of the BCS?

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I agree that this is a beauty contest, until it's an 8 team playoff it will continue to be flawed. I wonder how long it takes before they change the setup, if ever. I mean it took them what, 15 years to get rid of the BCS?


I might be overly optimistic, but I think this year alone will be enough for the powers at be to change this crap into an 8 team playoff. I'd much rather see a so-so at-large Cinderella of sorts be let into the playoff than a red-hot team with a legitimate title shot being left out due to not enough slots. As it sits right now, 8 would include Arizona and MSU. Arizona beat Oregon once, but Oregon is amazing and their QB is getting the Heisman. The theoretical MSU spot I'm honestly iffy about, but you could give it to MissSU, GT, KSU, etc., all while having the champions in no questions asked (even including Baylor, who has got to feel incredibly shitty at this point).

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I agree, but just throwing out that one year into it, an 8 team playoff would eliminate 99% of the controversy.


P.S., I've got a strong feel that they put us at #5 to justify us getting an invite if anyone 1-4 lose this weekend. Keep your hopes up everyone!

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P.S., I've got a strong feel that they put us at #5 to justify us getting an invite if anyone 1-4 lose this weekend. Keep your hopes up everyone!


They put OSU at #5 because they were #6 last weekend and a team ahead of them lost. I don't think there was any underlying reason there. Now moving TCU up to #3 and dropping FSU to #4... I think someone said it in here (I blacked out on the last couple pages because of the Boise State talk) but that could have been done to create a buffer. OSU/Baylor/whoever at 5 and beyond have no argument over the #4 team now since they're undefeated.

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Off of Twitter this morning;






Saw that on ESPN's bottom line last night as I watched the OSU hoops game. I don't know why it would be bad for Jameis and I don't know how compelled those kids were to say anything. I do know that Darby was part of that hit and run that got swept under the rug a couple months ago so that's neat.

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Saw that on ESPN's bottom line last night as I watched the OSU hoops game. I don't know why it would be bad for Jameis and I don't know how compelled those kids were to say anything. I do know that Darby was part of that hit and run that got swept under the rug a couple months ago so that's neat.


The info that I have says these guys were questioned by THE POLICE, and agreed to sign affidavits that Winston was having consensual sex with the girl in question. One of the guys apparently videotaped it, but then destroyed the camera/phone before it could be used as evidence. So, they are basically his alibi. Now they have been "subpeona'd" (not the right word in this case, as it isn't a criminal hearing, but I'm not sure what the actual word is, since you can decline to appear) by the school, they have refused to speak on Winstons behalf. So, his alibi has decided not to appear before the arbitrator.


Additionally, how fucked up is it that you have a couple guys who (allegedly) are willing to lie to Tallahassee PD, but NOT to the FSU arbitrator?



EDIT: Link to story



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Watching Mike and Mike and they are talking about the playoff. I have began thinking about this, maybe they put FSU at 4 in order to fill the seats at the Sugar Bowl. It's a closer travel for FSU fans than the Rose Bowl would be. Plus that would be a huge ratings draw. Then, if they put OSU at 3 somehow and remove TCU, you have a traditional Rose Bowl (Pac12/B10) matchup. Plus Oregon/Ohio State are 2 explosive offenses that would bring in ratings as well.


Also, do we as Ohio State fans want Baylor to lose this weekend? Wouldn't that make TCU the true champion should they beat Iowa State? That would eliminate some controversy.

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They put OSU at #5 because they were #6 last weekend and a team ahead of them lost. I don't think there was any underlying reason there. Now moving TCU up to #3 and dropping FSU to #4... I think someone said it in here (I blacked out on the last couple pages because of the Boise State talk) but that could have been done to create a buffer. OSU/Baylor/whoever at 5 and beyond have no argument over the #4 team now since they're undefeated.


Fuck, you're right, I was wasted by the Egg Bowl on Saturday. Didn't even make it to the Iron Bowl.


Nevertheless, I still hold that Oregon, TCU, or FSU losing this weekend might give us the in as long as we don't look like shit and scrape by. Plus, ESPN would LOVE to have Alabama vs. Ohio State. Easily the most hyped game of college football in all of history.

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Interesting thoughts by Mike and Mike this morning:


If Miss State had won, would they move to 3 and TCU jump Florida State to 4 and Florida State to 5? If not, why did Miss State have any impact on TCU jumping FSU?


The biggest loser in this week's rankings: Ohio State. If TCU would have been 4, we could jump them with a win. No chance we jump them now that they are 2 spots ahead. Only way we are in now is if someone loses.

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So I check the Michigan boards from time to time for a good laugh or 20. Today I read that they lost another commit to the 2015 class. This time it was 5* TE Chris Clark (kid has committed to 3 schools already I believe now), anyways I started to look at their class and realized they only have 6 verbals currently haha. Whoever takes over that school is in for hell for a while. It's not like when Meyer took over here and most of the class was filled and he added a late mix of his recruits to it. Whoever they get, will have basically 2 months to fill 19 spots (assuming they can take 25 kids). That program is going to take a while to turn around and with their recent track record, you only got 4 years to do it haha.
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Provided Ohio State wins, then they get in for sure if any of the following happens:


1. TCU loses

2. Florida State loses


Ohio State would likely get in if any of the following happened:


1. Oregon loses (it's possible that Arizona might take their spot with a victory and leave Ohio State on the outs)

2. Alabama loses (it's possible they could lose but not fall out of top 4)


Ohio State getting in is an uncomfortable toss up if:


1. Everyone holds serve and wins. That means we'll be dependent on the committee keeping their word that championship games matter and swapping us with TCU.


As Ohio State fans, we want chaos and everyone other than Ohio State to lose, as that would obviously benefit us the most. However, Josh, to your point, I think we don't want Baylor to lose and TCU to win, as then that kills the hold that Baylor currently has on TCU right now. TCU can only claim to be so good knowing that they lost head-to-head Baylor and that the rest of their records are identical.


The committee got a built-in excuse for leaving Ohio State out when JT went out for the reason.

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