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College Football Thread v7.0


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Less than 3 hours people...


I think it's good that we were the last ones to play. We left the closing statement for the season and the committee, and what a statement lol. I think the whole country would be shocked If we didn't get in.



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Man, lots of analysts pimping OSU this morning, and rightfully so, what a beatdown. I truly hope the Big12 has screwed themselves with this entire CHAMPION(S) campaign, and idiotic rules change. If Baylor was the lone B12 champ I don't even think our win would matter. Briles is the man by the way, he cracked me up.
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Zack, great breakdown - I completely agree with you.


Brandon and Rob, agree with you guys as well. Good points all around.


I said yesterday there was a 50/50 chance of Ohio State making it in with a win. Now, I'm at about 90 percent likelihood that they make it in. They just dropped the mic and walked off the stage, and the entire nation has responded with, "Like a boss."


This was the best performance I have ever seen from Ohio State in my lifetime, and perhaps the great single game performance of any team at any time, considering the magnitude of the game, the stakes involved, the quality of the opponent, and the stage.


I said that I thought Baylor winning would help Ohio State because it effectively keeps a "cap" on TCU. I think I was right in that assessment - and was helped by the in-fighting at Baylor/B12 that has ensued. Baylor knows they have a legitimate beef to be the champions of their conference and are letting everyone know about that. In turn, everyone has to be thinking, "How can TCU get in to the playoff when they aren't even the best team from their conference?"


Some media are saying that the committee has a really tough choice. Actually, I think their job got easier last night with how things played out. If I am on the committee, this is my rationale for picking Ohio State over TCU and Baylor:


- sorry TCU, you lost head-to-head to Baylor, so you can't get in over them

- sorry Baylor, you didn't play in a championship game, so you can't get in over a team with a similar resume who did


Those are undisputable facts, which, I think, is what the committee will want to use, as it makes it difficult to argue against them. Also, the committee will know that the general public sentiment supports their position, as the entire county saw with their own eyes the obliteration that Ohio State wreaked. Meaning, the committee doesn't have to site the "eyeball" test in naming Ohio State the most worthy of the three, but they know that's what everyone is thinking.


Sure, TCU is going to cry foul, and so will Baylor. But someone is going to cry foul when all of this is said and done, whether it's TCU or Baylor or someone else. However, I think TCU and Baylor's whining will be the least convincing, if that makes sense.


IMO, the committee's job would have been infinitely more difficult had Ohio State only won by like 2 TDs and didn't play all that well.


Some other thoughts:


- the QB situation is amazing. Everyone has to be thinking, "Well, apparently at Ohio State they back up Heisman contenders with other Heisman contenders."


- kind of getting lost in this crazy season is how good Elliott is. He is really, really good.


- I really like how little we had to use Jalin Marshall. If we can get into the playoff, then we can surprise teams with adding him to the mix opportunistically.


- is Curtis Samuel as fast as what he appears to be? Christ, it seems like everyone on this team are track stars - and I fucking love it.

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If Elliot makes it to your linebacker he makes it to your end zone. I also like the fact when our 6"5 250lb qb is making a path for Elliot to walk through. Toss Marshall in the backfield and we have more options to play with than Georgia tech
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Samuel is as fast as he looks and Urban told everyone all about his before the season started. One person who I feel should get more credit from last night is Cameron Johnston, that dude killed Wisconsin punt after punt.


Devin Smith is making him self lots of money the last few weeks, he will tear the combine up as well. A lot of people say all he does is score, I don't care, that is his job haha.


Outside of the 2002 National Championship game (03 technically) that was the best game I have ever witnessed as a Buckeye fan as well


I loved the trick play attempt straight out of the Browns playbook, where they sent Cardale to the sideline as if he was confused about the play. I also liked them showing that Marshall can throw, even if it was incomplete it puts it in opponents heads that he can chuck it.


Imagine how good this team can potentially be the next couple years. On offense they lose Devin Smith, Evan Spencer and Darrel Baldwin. Defense they lose Michael Bennett, Doran Grant and Curtis Grant.

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If Elliot makes it to your linebacker he makes it to your end zone. I also like the fact when our 6"5 250lb qb is making a path for Elliot to walk through. Toss Marshall in the backfield and we have more options to play with than Georgia tech


Lost last night in the idiotic targeting/ejection of our WR was the blow that Cardale put on the DB trying to tackle him at the end of that run. He blasted that dude straight into the turf.

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Jive, you ready?


Signature: "Urban Meyer once gave me a dirty sanchez"


Avatar because no one likes this guy really:






Also, jive, how many beers can $100 buy? I'll hang up and listen.

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- I really like how little we had to use Jalin Marshall. If we can get into the playoff, then we can surprise teams with adding him to the mix opportunistically.


This surprised the hell out of me. I assumed we'd be leaning on him or be in trouble. Barely heard his name because of the Cardale/Zeke/Smith show.

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so many great tidbits about the game last night are out there now


"Announcer: "Why do you think you deserve to be in the playoff?"


Bosa: "First, look at the scoreboard. That was our third string quarterback by the way" {walks away}"


He is becoming one of my all time favorites from his play on the field to his tweets. After the game he tweeted a simple, Hi Haters!



Watching the game again now on b10 network and just realized after Elliotts 81 yard run he showed the camera "RIP 53" on his towel. I imagine it had to make Karageorge's family somewhat happy that the team showed so much love for their son, plus played amazing in his honor.

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so many great tidbits about the game last night are out there now


"Announcer: "Why do you think you deserve to be in the playoff?"


Bosa: "First, look at the scoreboard. That was our third string quarterback by the way" {walks away}"


He is becoming one of my all time favorites from his play on the field to his tweets. After the game he tweeted a simple, Hi Haters!


Watching the game again now on b10 network and just realized after Elliotts 81 yard run he showed the camera "RIP 53" on his towel. I imagine it had to make Karageorge's family somewhat happy that the team showed so much love for their son, plus played amazing in his honor.


First, <3 Bosa. I have so many man-crushes this year, Bosa being one of them. No homo. Well, kind of homo.


Second, we had so many built-in excuses for last night: losing star QB to bad leg injury only a few days ago, having a third string QB make his first start in championship game, and the whole missing-star-found-dead-from-suicide thing. I think Meyer and his staff deserve an immense amount of credit for focusing these guys.

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Have you watched the Big10 special on him? He is a quiet dude who lives with 3 regular guys, says it helps him escape from football.


LOL, no, haven't watched it. I guess I should say that his play on the field reminds me of some enforcer type guy.

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