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Your car wash is too slow


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Thats going to be expensive to repair/replace the shit he broke in there, those car wash's are not cheap at all. Probably going to be $100,000 if not more. I know at my old work when we upgraded our car wash (All new everything inside, same building) it was over $250,000 for the equipment.
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Thats going to be expensive to repair/replace the shit he broke in there, those car wash's are not cheap at all. Probably going to be $100,000 if not more. I know at my old work when we upgraded our car wash (All new everything inside, same building) it was over $250,000 for the equipment.


Right on.


The damages amount to almost $100,000...
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I think people should have to re-take a driving test at 65 then every 5 years after that to continue driving. Old people are more dangerous than 16yo Asians behind the wheel.


I prefer yearly. It doesn't have to be long.


Do several emergency maneuvers, for example, the instructor shouts "STOP" at random points on a closed course. if the old people can stop. Good, proceed to step 2.


Step 2: Evasive action. If pass, step 3


Step 3. Random blinking stoplight, respond accordingly. If pass


See you next year.

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I got stuck behind an older lady w/what appeared to be her mother, (at least 50s and 70s, respectively), who was trying to enter the automated car wash here on Georgesville and Clime. It's one where you put your money in and leave the car in neutral as it pulls you through.


Long story, short (yes, it could be longer), bitch backed in and out multiple times over the chocks, into soap, back out again multiple times, almost hit me twice and the car in front of her once - luckily, when she started losing her damn mind, I quickly backed the fuck up - car was half assed washed and the machine was confused. Seriously, I can't even begin to put into words this woman's actions. Eventually, she actually came back around to try again behind me while I was entering my info and money. I very sternly advised her to, "PLEASE, do not pull in behind me. Let me finish my wash and leave."


She looked rattled, lit a cigarette... and waited. I still don't see how the super old lady passenger didn't stroke out.

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I prefer yearly. It doesn't have to be long.


Do several emergency maneuvers, for example, the instructor shouts "STOP" at random points on a closed course. if the old people can stop. Good, proceed to step 2.


Step 2: Evasive action. If pass, step 3


Step 3. Random blinking stoplight, respond accordingly. If pass


See you next year.


Won't be seeing you next year.

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