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College Football Thread v12.0


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So I'm back to stewing over the Mich St game. Meyer and Co essentially just killed Elliot's Heisman chances along with the CFP chances. Impressive, really, how they killed those two birds with one stone.


I'm afraid Ohio State is going to come out flat and lacking creativity in the play calling department yet again and will get manhandled.


Screw with everyone's head and name miller as the starting qb and see what happenes

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Isn't Meyer calling plays now?


Going to be "more involved" is the wording I've seen around the interwebs. This isn't some magical fix it button though. Urban's never really called plays. Never been an OC. He gets "more involved" with regards to different units of his teams all the time but he never just straight takes over.

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So I'm back to stewing over the Mich St game. Meyer and Co essentially just killed Elliot's Heisman chances along with the CFP chances. Impressive, really, how they killed those two birds with one stone.


I'm afraid Ohio State is going to come out flat and lacking creativity in the play calling department yet again and will get manhandled.


Sadly, I agree. I love the Bucks, but I've got $100 locked in with my friends on Michigan winning it this year. They're hungry, and we're demoralized.


Next year, I won't be surprised to see 2-3 losses.

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Horned frogs. Could this be the first in a string of upsets needed by OSU? Doubtful, but a guy can dream.


That's what I was thinking.


MSU isn't that good of a team to write off PSU.


We did everything in our power to help MSU beat us.


Here's to coming out strong and pushing UM's hole in! Haha

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Alright, so I just allowed myself a sip of the Kool Aid and the luxury of speculating about how Ohio State can make it into the playoff.


1. We must beat Michigan. I think BStowers already said as much previously. No win against Michigan, then do not proceed.


2. Michigan State must lose against Penn State. If they don't, then there is no way Ohio State can win the B10. And I don't see Ohio State being invited to playoff without having won the B10 (unless by some miracle all hell breaks lose and everyone above us except Michigan State loses).


(Note, I think MSU losing to Penn State is the largest hurdle. Here's to hoping Michigan State gets caught with a hangover/looking ahead and/or is lulled into a false sense of superiority because they are playing at home and Penn State is not a good team.)


3. Notre Dame loses to Stanford.


4. Oklahoma loses to Oklahoma State.


5. Alabama loses to either Auburn or Florida.


6. Clemson loses to either SCar or UNC.


I think we get in if #3 through #6 above all occur (because that will be CFP Armageddon). I think we can still get in if 2 of the above 4 occur.


What do you guys think?

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