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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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this is 2017, not 1955


I think that you may have inadvertently hit on a very large part of the problem.


1955 may seem like a long time ago to YOU (and me, to be fair), but to a significant percentage of America, that was when they were kids. For instance, my father is 68. He was born in in January of 49. Ever heard of the Jim Crow laws? They weren't even "officially" abolished until 1964, and even then took decades to roll back in some of the southern states. So, I wasn't born until 78...but that mean that I am only a little over a decade away from being an "illegal" baby (Some Jim Crow laws outlawed interracial marriage, and sought to completely disenfranchise mixed race children). My fathers mother was born in 1910 (that 10 years before women could even vote, for those of you wondering), when "Separate but equal" was still a thing. Her grandmother was a slave.


You asked me why I thought that terms like "n*gger" still have such an impact, especially when used by a white person. My answer is that for a long period of time, that word (among others) was used to specifically dehumanize an entire culture group. It was a word that was meant not just to be insulting, but to be used in place of the word "person". Slavers didn't trade in "people", they traded in "n*ggers". And that word was essentially government sanctioned up until the time of our freaking parents. So, not so very long ago. Think of everything you hold dear and to be true and right...how much of it did you learn from your parents? Probably quite a bit. As a kid, I learned that that was a word that was reviled, and we didn't use it. I'm a 38 year old dude, and I STILL wouldn't say that shit around my dad for fear that he'd kick off in my ass.


TL/DR food for thought: All of this heinous shit that we tend to think of as "so long ago", wasn't actually that long ago at all.

Edited by Orion
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I understand that I'm not solving anything, or even putting for an idea for a solution. I don't know how to fix the issue, it's not an easy one to solve. Also, no one should apologize for what they were born into; it is what it is. You do have the opportunity to improve the system, or at least live at peace within it. Just something else to think about.


I really, REALLY just want to copy/paste this again as the final post in this thread, and close it.


Well said, Deej.

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I think that you may have inadvertently hit on a very large part of the problem. 1955 may seem like a long time ago to YOU (and me, to be fair), but to a significant percentage of America, that was when they were kids.


TL/DR food for thought: All of this heinous shit that we tend to think of as "so long ago", wasn't actually that long ago at all.


I see your point and have family with me that spans all of those years. My father recently passed at age 83 and grew up through all of that. My brother was born in 54 so he too had a lot ingrained in him.


That said though, while it is ingrained in their lives due to their age, there's still no getting away with the fact that even 1964 was still 53 whole years ago. With that the world has changed dramatically in the last 10 years. Think about over the past 30-40 years even how many major "change points" we've encountered even. I'm a Gen X'er and remember my first Apple ][ Computer, the internet went public when I was still college, smartphones took off in the mid 2000's then boomed upward in 2007, etc...


My point is simply that we all are facing these changes and need to change with them or else life will continue to pass us by. To your original question, that's why words don't bother me. Those that try and leverage that oppression through words clearly are decades behind. I'd even dare them to come out of the dark ages and actually come up with a better insult as words are pretty out-dated. My brother in law is black and I'm talking dark black. He grew up in the hood of Cleveland, made it out on his own, runs his own business, blah blah, etc....and he's a good example for me as I've been with him when he's been put-down called some pretty shitty things and while he's a big guy, he has never let it ever get to him. I asked why and he said to call him a N*gg....is like recording episodes of Miami Vice with a Betamax. Near meaningless words in today's climate, especially given we as a society have move so far past the times when blacks weren't in the positions that they are today. Hell, we have plenty of black leaders so to act like they are nothing but blue collar workers or slaves is about as backwards and dated as one could get. to the point of make him laugh.

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Awesome, anyone else?


Nothing bothers me, not because I am above anyone else, just because..... nothing bothers me, you can talk trash about my family, my mom, me, I don't care, because talk is cheap these days. fuck with my dog, I'll beat you within an inch of your life though.:lolguy:


I prefer honesty, brutal honesty gets extra points, I have no feelings, I have less on the internet. I have heard it all, been called about everything, I'm not sensitive.....


I always remember.... sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.


But really, words are just that, words, and while they can emotionally hurt, it is not forever. Now physically hurting someone.....I won't so much stand to see someone abused physically, I don't care who the parties are that are involved, it just boils down to right and wrong, and just treating people the way you want to be treated.


What was the original question???

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I see your point and have family with me that spans all of those years. My father recently passed at age 83 and grew up through all of that. My brother was born in 54 so he too had a lot ingrained in him.


That said though, while it is ingrained in their lives due to their age, there's still no getting away with the fact that even 1964 was still 53 whole years ago. With that the world has changed dramatically in the last 10 years. Think about over the past 30-40 years even how many major "change points" we've encountered even. I'm a Gen X'er and remember my first Apple ][ Computer, the internet went public when I was still college, smartphones took off in the mid 2000's then boomed upward in 2007, etc...


My point is simply that we all are facing these changes and need to change with them or else life will continue to pass us by. To your original question, that's why words don't bother me. Those that try and leverage that oppression through words clearly are decades behind. I'd even dare them to come out of the dark ages and actually come up with a better insult as words are pretty out-dated. My brother in law is black and I'm talking dark black. He grew up in the hood of Cleveland, made it out on his own, runs his own business, blah blah, etc....and he's a good example for me as I've been with him when he's been put-down called some pretty shitty things and while he's a big guy, he has never let it ever get to him. I asked why and he said to call him a N*gg....is like recording episodes of Miami Vice with a Betamax. Near meaningless words in today's climate, especially given we as a society have move so far past the times when blacks weren't in the positions that they are today. Hell, we have plenty of black leaders so to act like they are nothing but blue collar workers or slaves is about as backwards and dated as one could get. to the point of make him laugh.


How is it possible that you missed the point entirely?


this isn't just about words. The words in a vacuum don't do anything. The weight of those words don't start and end with the person saying them, they come from systems and measures meant to oppress a people, and remind that those systems and measures have continued to evolve and persist. It's not a one time interaction, it's a lifetime of feeling marginalized because society actually does treat you differently because of a trait that can't be changed. It's reinforced by the prison system, which is the constitutional exception to the 13th amendment, it's reinforced by law enforcement who for over a century supported racial bias, it comes from several lifetimes of presidents who have used your kind as scapegoats and instruments of fearmongering, who have taken action that have hurt all of society just to actively to suppress your kind.


It's 2017 and not 1955 but you know what? it's not 2217 either. It took the European civilizations hundreds of years following the fall of the roman empire to undo some of the effects of slavery via conquest (and some things will still never be undone). It took the jews 700 years to overcome the effects of slavery in the middle east (fun fact jews in egypt didn't gain citizenship until 1919) and there are still hallmarks of it all over the culture. In the US it's just been a little over a century since slavery ended, and just about 50 years since the end of segregation. There are still things in our current institutions that were put in place after the civil war to disadvantage a specific group that haven't been removed (and in some cases have been shored up since then). It's not about whether a particular individual feels "insulted" by a specific instance, It's about constant reminders of being a second class citizen, of disparate treatment, of disparate impact, it s the total crushing weight of a society that doesn't accept you but tries to convince you that it does while continuing to hurt you.


For the most part, white people in the US haven't felt this. They have felt the oppression of poverty, drought, famine, etc..and certainly there are a lot of cross overs but they don't typically see the machinery working against them because of race, and it makes it harder for them to see it and relate to it.


We will get there, every generation is better than the last, but we aren't there yet and pretending we are isn't going to make it come faster.

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How is it possible that you missed the point entirely? this isn't just about words. The words in a vacuum don't do anything. The weight of those words don't start and end with the person saying them, they come from systems and measures meant to oppress a people, and remind that those systems and measures have continued to evolve and persist.


I didn't miss any point. so says you that the "systems" are continuing to oppress. I'm sorry but that's bullshit in 2017. How long are you going to let that story continue in your mind Kerry? do we give people another 53 years and if so what's that say to the countless people that have made it out from this oppression? Please....Call me whatever name you want and in fact call my brother in a law a N*gg....he'd laugh at you and likely makes more money than you. YOU nor no other system is oppressing him. He won't let that shit happen to him.


It's not a one time interaction, it's a lifetime of feeling marginalized because society actually does treat you differently because of a trait that can't be changed.


What's the trait you speak of Kerry? Is it really the color of ones skin in 2017 or perhaps it's far greater than that as in perhaps a persons culture and how they conduct themselves?


It's reinforced by the prison system, which is the constitutional exception to the 13th amendment, it's reinforced by law enforcement who for over a century supported racial bias




it comes from several lifetimes of presidents who have used your kind as scapegoats and instruments of fearmongering, who have taken action that have hurt all of society just to actively to suppress your kind.


My kind?


It's 2017 and not 1955 but you know what? it's not 2217 either. It took the European civilizations hundreds of years following the fall of the roman empire to undo some of the effects of slavery via conquest (and some things will still never be undone).


yawn....you and "your kind" enjoy playing victims. In the mean time so many around you choose to be victors. Choice is yours.


It took the jews 700 years to overcome the effects of slavery in the middle east (fun fact jews in egypt didn't gain citizenship until 1919) and there are still hallmarks of it all over the culture.


yeah, all the jews I grew up with in Beachwood, ohio, Univerisity and Shaker Heights are all victims and continually suffered from the above :rolleyes:


It's not about whether a particular individual feels "insulted" by a specific instance, It's about constant reminders of being a second class citizen, of disparate treatment, of disparate impact, it s the total crushing weight of a society that doesn't accept you but tries to convince you that it does while continuing to hurt you.


more victim sorry. sad.


For the most part, white people in the US haven't felt this. They have felt the oppression of poverty, drought, famine, etc..and certainly there are a lot of cross overs but they don't typically see the machinery working against them because of race, and it makes it harder for them to see it and relate to it.


wake up Kerry, if you've not noticed there are millions of successful brown people that have amazingly overcome drought and famine here in the US.


We will get there, every generation is better than the last, but we aren't there yet and pretending we are isn't going to make it come faster.


We are all more in control of our destiny that not. YMMV and clearly does. Good luck to all those that fall victim to their own shadows.

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The most insulting thing you can do to a group of people Tim isn't calling them a racial Slur - It's pissing on their leg and telling them that it's raining.


Whether you chose to believe it exists or not doesn't negate it's existence or its impact on society. It does prevent you from ever understanding it or contributing to it's eradication.

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Whether you chose to believe it exists or not doesn't negate it's existence or its impact on society.


and if you lead your life believing that you have less of an influence on the outcome than others do then you're probably correct. again, there are victims or victors in life Kerry; the great news is the choice is up to each of us. choose wisely.



What's the #1 way to avoid the above regardless of your skin color? Don't do stupid shit that puts you at odds with the law. Pretty simple and again, a choice that each of us gets to make. It's especially important for about 13 percent of the U.S. population which ironically have a hard time making good choices....at least from what the data shows.

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So is this a political thread or an inequality thread? There will always be prejudice, racism, bigotry, sexism, and otherwise general ungrounded hatred in people against others who aren't like them, whether it's skin color, religious shit, or whatever. It can't be fixed, and nobody will ever change the minds of others no matter how much traffic they block in the streets. Dwell on it and be miserable or move on and focus on the reals like friends and family and shit.
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What's the #1 way to avoid the above regardless of your skin color? Don't do stupid shit that puts you at odds with the law. Pretty simple and again, a choice that each of us gets to make. It's especially important for about 13 percent of the U.S. population which ironically have a hard time making good choices....at least from what the data shows.


Since I know you aren't going to read it I'll sum up.


Black and white people commit the same crime. Powdered cocaine possession. Statically (and you can open the document to read the statistic) Black people will receive much harsher sentences than white people for the same crime.


This isn't about crime deterrence, this is about you saying there is no such thing as institutional racism and the people that study crime statistics for a living telling you that when faced with the same situation over and over and over again, people of different races get treated differently.


If institutional racism doesn't exist, why are the sentences for the crime different along racial lines?

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Since I know you aren't going to read it I'll sum up.


you assume this is the first time I've actually seen that .pdf


Black people will receive much harsher sentences than white people for the same crime. This isn't about crime deterrence, this is about you saying there is no such thing as institutional racism and the people that study crime statistics for a living telling you that when faced with the same situation over and over and over again, people of different races get treated differently.
I don't recall stating I ever stating that there's no such thing as institutional racism. In terms of races getting treated differently I'll fix it for you and I know you've followed my stating this here and elsewhere before, but fuck them all. Up the sentencing on ALL and lock them all up for LWOP. You have my blessing to do that.


See, you and many others choose to worry about criminals and how the simple fact that life in general isn't "fair" or "equal" to all. Hate to break it to you but life isn't fair and never will be. You and try all you want to keep racism out of society but it's going to continue to exist and the reality is it's less about a person's skin color than you think. It's about lifestyle, culture and in general how one carries them self in life.


What's the difference between white trash and a hood rat? Not much. I put both the white trash junkie pedeling drugs and the black thug selling drugs in the same boat. Does that make you feel better? Does it make a difference what call either or both of them? In the end does it really matter if we lock one up longer than the other?


Is it really productive to spend so much of our mental resources worrying about any drug dealer, murderer, rapist or pedophile regardless of how much melanin is in their skin? IMO hell no. There are way way too many other productive contributing members of our society to focus on.


The big problem with the US is we dick around with a relatively small percentage of people that honestly don't belong in our society among the hundreds of millions of good people. Do we lose some in the cracks? Sure. I'm in agreement that there are likely people in jail that have unfair sentences and in some cases are wrongly accused. That said, we have far more victims that are 100% more worthy of our time and resources that need protected from becoming our next crime statistic.


Life isn't fair and I'm sure being in jail sucks for those that fail to make smart choices and put themselves in that position. Now you and others can go around spending your entire lives worrying about them and the "fairness" of what happens to a criminal OR you can choose to focus on the others in life that are actually worth a damn. Again, your choice. I'm making mine and I'm standing by the good people of this world first.


If institutional racism doesn't exist, why are the sentences for the crime different along racial lines?
because life isn't fair, being in jail sucks and can yield even more unfair shit to bestowed upon people who end up there. Easiest and best and most productive solution is to keep your ass (regardless of it's color) out of the back seat of a cop car. Pretty simple.


Have fun wasting your time on the various colors of turds in our prison system. Personally, I'll respect those that worry more about getting the innocent 8yr old kids in the hood through school by working to get their parents to actually fucking give a shit. (some do, but clearly many don't) Pro-tip, start with the fathers who fuck and run leaving most with only a mamma to raise them.

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So is this a political thread or an inequality thread? There will always be prejudice, racism, bigotry, sexism, and otherwise general ungrounded hatred in people against others who aren't like them, whether it's skin color, religious shit, or whatever. It can't be fixed, and nobody will ever change the minds of others no matter how much traffic they block in the streets. Dwell on it and be miserable or move on and focus on the reals like friends and family and shit.


They are linked Brian, and that's kind of where the conversation started.


Yes there will always be those things, and when it comes to personal opinion you are 100% correct it can't be fixed. Where something can be done is within the laws and government institutions of this country. It is indisputable that our governments at state and federal levels passed laws specifically to supress blacks (called Jim Crow Laws) and that some of these laws are still in effect in the modern age. Politically speaking those laws need to be changed by those elected into office.


What has people on edge right now is that we have a CIC who has not only shows no interest in those issues (esp the issues concerning prisons) but has aligned himself whit people who are noted supporters of white supremacy (Bannon, Miller, Gorka, Sessions) or enablers of institutionalized racism. What little hope we have in making progress on these issues seems to evaporate every day he is in office.

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you assume this is the first time I've actually seen that .pdf


Well it was either that or assume you read it and are marginally functionally literate. I think I made the correct assumption.



I don't recall stating I ever stating that there's no such thing as institutional racism.

here let me jog your memory:


I didn't miss any point. so says you that the "systems" are continuing to oppress. I'm sorry but that's bullshit in 2017.


What does this mean Tim? What's bullshit in 2017?



In terms of races getting treated differently I'll fix it for you and I know you've followed my stating this here and elsewhere before, but fuck them all. Up the sentencing on ALL and lock them all up for LWOP. You have my blessing to do that.


ok, this doesn't fix shit. When someone says "here's an example (with numbers) of how a system inside our government is racially biased" you answer here is "No it isn't and I don't care". Am I capturing that correctly?


See, you and many others choose to worry about criminals and how the simple fact that life in general isn't "fair" or "equal" to all. Hate to break it to you but life isn't fair and never will be. You and try all you want to keep racism out of society but it's going to continue to exist and the reality is it's less about a person's skin color than you think. It's about lifestyle, culture and in general how one carries them self in life.


This is one example. Criminal isn't the only area that can demonstrate racial bias, but it is one of the clearest examples because of the pretty simple notion that sentencing should be fairly equal and it isn't in practice.


What's the difference between white trash and a hood rat? Not much. I put both the white trash junkie pedeling drugs and the black thug selling drugs in the same boat. Does that make you feel better? Does it make a difference what call either or both of them? In the end does it really matter if we lock one up longer than the other?


That's easy, the white trash will do less time. Your moral judgements aren't what I am interested in, it's your willing blindness to an obvious problem, so you can keep your "mantra" intact.


Is it really productive to spend so much of our mental resources worrying about any drug dealer, murderer, rapist or pedophile regardless of how much melanin is in their skin? IMO hell no. There are way way too many other productive contributing members of our society to focus on.


People are people. Either you care about the justice system and it's role and goals in society or you risk the majority of society becoming prisoners.


The big problem with the US is we dick around with a relatively small percentage of people that honestly don't belong in our society among the hundreds of millions of good people. Do we lose some in the cracks? Sure. I'm in agreement that there are likely people in jail that have unfair sentences and in some cases are wrongly accused. That said, we have far more victims that are 100% more worthy of our time and resources that need protected from becoming our next crime statistic.


Here is some more fun information, nobody tracks accurate information for wrongful conviction below death penalty cases. Even at the death penalty level the error rate is something like 1 in 25 (4%). That's a significant number. Of those wrongfully convicted 60% are black vs 40% white. If we extrapolate this number to the whole of the prison population that works out to about 90,000 people a year are wrongfully convicted with all the experts saying the number is probably much higher. I'm sure those 90,000 or more people would rather not be victims themselves and are 100% equally worthy of our time as any other. One of the things that racial disparity statistics also

suggest is that the wrongful conviction rate is higher for minorities than others.


But I just want to be clear about this: your stance on institutional racism is that it's ok when it comes to criminals because they morally deserve it, even the wrongfully convicted ones, and you don't believe in redemption.

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honest question and I am not trolling. Is it prejudice if a race continues the same self-defeating behaviors on their own?


your question is flawed, it presumes that one race contains self defeating behaviors that are more than any other race, and that the system is equal, which it is clearly not. If you can somehow prove that the majority of members in a race suffer from self defeating behavior, then no. However, thinking that about an entire race without having any proof - yes that is. Remember, correlation is not causation: just because a high number of incarcerated prisoners are of a particular race does not prove that the race is susceptible to self defeating behavior.


That's why they conduct all these studies and examine situations, statistical proof to identify a root cause of a problem. Data tells you a lot of things.

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Well it was either that or assume you read it and are marginally functionally literate. I think I made the correct assumption.


or I've read it before and you instead continue to try and imply what you say instead is accurate. you do it all the time. it's getting old dude.



here let me jog your memory:

What does this mean Tim? What's bullshit in 2017?

what's bullshit is you seem to think there's a blanket nationwide conspiracy theory in 2017 that the entire justice system from cops to judges to prison guards are in on together despite thousands if not more of them being people of color.


ok, this doesn't fix shit. When someone says "here's an example (with numbers) of how a system inside our government is racially biased" you answer here is "No it isn't and I don't care". Am I capturing that correctly?
So you're using the stats that are provided in this document which someone would imply that the entire justice system and the thousands of people involved in it are out to punish people based solely on their skin color and that they continue to get away with it? Must be a whole lot of pissed off people of color playing a role in this too thus let's gather them all up and label them racists too I guess.


You are correct in that when it comes to the criminals in our society that my give a fuck meter rarely goes above empty.


This is one example. Criminal isn't the only area that can demonstrate racial bias, but it is one of the clearest examples because of the pretty simple notion that sentencing should be fairly equal and it isn't in practice.
IMO sentencing has some guidelines but in practice I side with the party ultimately in power of the sentence taking more than just the guidelines into consideration. We as as society are not better off if we treat an illegal alien drug user with no job or real value to our community the same as a contributing member of society who is busted smoking weed that a buddy gave him at a party or a college freshmen making a bad choice due to peer pressure. There is a difference and one does deserve a harder smack down IMO.


That's easy, the white trash will do less time. Your moral judgements aren't what I am interested in, it's your willing blindness to an obvious problem, so you can keep your "mantra" intact.
I'm not blind to anything Kerry, I just side with the fact that our moral judgements in this country are and have been leaning too far in favor of the fuck-sticks caught up in our criminal justice system due to their own poor choices and instead I favor tilting them a lot more in favor of the real members of our world worth breathing free air among us.


It is time we smack the shit out of the bad guys and stop wasting resources worrying about the bad guys and send a message to everyone that if you fuck around in life and end up in jail, yes, you will get fucked in the ass and life will suck. Maybe it will suck more for the segment of society that

according to the BJS committed 52%+ of homicides while only making up 13% of our population. What you choose to see is whites are getting a break when in fact the rest are just earning a bit more of what they asked for by being such a proven high-risk to our society as a whole

People are people. Either you care about the justice system and it's role and goals in society or you risk the majority of society becoming prisoners.
People are people when they are good contributing members of this world we live in. ISIS terrorists, Pedophiles, rapists, murderers, etc. are not worth nearly as much to our world as the innocent they harm. I do feel we need to start treating them differently. The problem with our world is again, we worry way more about the worthless turds instead of simply moving on. Yes, lock them up and throw away the key or in many cases, just simply end them and move on. Life is too precious to do otherwise.


Here is some more fun information, nobody tracks accurate information for wrongful conviction below death penalty cases. Even at the death penalty level the error rate is something like 1 in 25 (4%). That's a significant number. Of those wrongfully convicted 60% are black vs 40% white. If we extrapolate this number to the whole of the prison population that works out to about 90,000 people a year are wrongfully convicted with all the experts saying the number is probably much higher. I'm sure those 90,000 or more people would rather not be victims themselves and are 100% equally worthy of our time as any other. One of the things that racial disparity statistics also suggest is that the wrongful conviction rate is higher for minorities than others.

I'm sure that number involves a conviction on everything from j-walking to murder. You're right, that's a lot of convictions and many of us here have paid our share of tickets and been found guilty of stupid shit. Still a lot better things in life to worry about. Feel free to spend your days losing sleep over it. I won't.


But I just want to be clear about this: your stance on institutional racism is that it's ok when it comes to criminals because they morally deserve it, even the wrongfully convicted ones, and you don't believe in redemption.
my stance on it is that there's no nationwide mass conspiracy among cops, lawyers, judges, prison guards, jury member, or parole officers to simply put people of color in jail longer.


Yes, I do believe people who make some pretty stupid fucking choices in life that cause them to be put in the worst situations imaginable within our justice system are worth less of our resources that those that are the polar opposite of them. They themselves by their actions removed that right from their stance in our society. It's what's happened because of them, not what's happened to them, that put them there.


Sadly, both sides have innocent casualties. That's nothing new; however we need to begin erroring on the side of the good people worth of living in a free society vs the ones who have proven they can't make solid life choices, regardless of the reason. Doing otherwise is a part of what is greatly slowing down the positive movement in our society.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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honest question and I am not trolling. Is it prejudice if a race continues the same self-defeating behaviors on their own?


IMO we need to remove race from that point and replace it with culture or another term that isn't limited to skin tone. Race is irrelevant really since while it's linked to culture and behavior or lifestyle, it's not the only factor. There are a lot thugs from all races in the hoods of our society that collectively continue self-defeating behaviors.


That said, it's not racist, it's just plain stupidity and cultural failure that to me puts a lower value on them as it relates to the value everyone has to offer society as a whole. Not everyone in life is going to get a trophy nor worthy of being the first-round pick for intramural softball in school and likewise, I suppose every area of the country has pools of worthless turds who practice self-defeating behaviors.

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Did you hear the new liberal conspiracy? Trump and the Government can now create and control hurricanes to wipe out cities :lolguy:


A buddy of mine posted about that and someone on his FB friends list actually was talking about how hard Trump is working and all he's doing, etc. etc.


...but THEN he legitimately said, "I think they should get together and if they're going to drop that bomb do it somewhere useful - Smack dab in the middle of one of these hurricanes and dissipate it. Is that something we can all agree since you guys depise our commander in cheif working so hard and diligently to do the right things?"


That's a direct copy/paste. Buddy replied: "Yes. Exactly. We want the President of the United States to drop an atomic bomb on a hurricane that's currently over US waters and territories in order to prove that he is an intelligent, trustworthy, and hard-working guy. That would definitely solve this."


Moron the says, "If they caught it overnight it would be between Puerton Rico and The Dominican Republic."


Followed by these gems: "I think it could possibly work. They can create disaster, surely this (or something else) may work to stop a catastrophic event as mentioned."


"Even if over a large body of water? I mean the fish and other sea life may be in grave danger but at that point you have to put things in perspective to human life."


Yes. These people exist. They are avid in their quests.


Whether you chose to believe Geeto exists or not doesn't negate ihis existence or his impact on CR. It does prevent you from ever understanding him or contributing to his permaband.




So is this a political thread or an inequality thread? There will always be prejudice, racism, bigotry, sexism, and otherwise general ungrounded hatred in people against others who aren't like them, whether it's skin color, religious shit, or whatever. It can't be fixed, and nobody will ever change the minds of others no matter how much traffic they block in the streets. Dwell on it and be miserable or move on and focus on the reals like friends and family and shit.


Seriously QFT.

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A buddy of mine posted about that and someone on his FB friends list actually was talking about how hard Trump is working and all he's doing, etc. etc.


...but THEN he legitimately said, "I think they should get together and if they're going to drop that bomb do it somewhere useful - Smack dab in the middle of one of these hurricanes and dissipate it. Is that something we can all agree since you guys depise our commander in cheif working so hard and diligently to do the right things?"


That's a direct copy/paste. Buddy replied: "Yes. Exactly. We want the President of the United States to drop an atomic bomb on a hurricane that's currently over US waters and territories in order to prove that he is an intelligent, trustworthy, and hard-working guy. That would definitely solve this."


Moron the says, "If they caught it overnight it would be between Puerton Rico and The Dominican Republic."


Followed by these gems: "I think it could possibly work. They can create disaster, surely this (or something else) may work to stop a catastrophic event as mentioned."


"Even if over a large body of water? I mean the fish and other sea life may be in grave danger but at that point you have to put things in perspective to human life."


Yes. These people exist. They are avid in their quests.








Seriously QFT.

-"Detonating a nuclear device will not dissipate a hurricane."


-"But, that's like, your opinion, man. I'm allowed to believe what I want, and I might be right. What do you know about hurricanes anyway..."


It's comforting to think that their votes count just as much as mine, and it's a good thing we don't vote on when and where to drip bombs...unless they vote their intellectual equal to office...


Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

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