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Central Ohio drivers


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With the exception of us experts...are literally the stupidest drivers ever. Traffic is so fucked up all over central Ohio and it only snowed what. 1/4 inch? Fuck these fucking drivers that are fucking terrified and drive so fucking slow.
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North end was just a dusting, the roads were clear and dry. As I got closer to Columbus, the roads got worse. Definitely more snow the further south west I went. Industrial parkway was a sheet of ice. Very sketchy in the 240. But to Cody's point, Ohio drivers are horrendous. They don't follow simple traffic laws, nor do they maintain their vehicles. I would put a good bet on half the cars that spun out today had shit tires on them.
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Hey it was slick. I decided to just drive up High St from Clintonville to Lewis Center this morning instead of f-ing with the freeways. Even so I was spinning em off lights in 2wd.


Now, there was certainly the fucker in front of the line every now and then just blatantly going too slow. I find most of the 'not-us' folks tend to need that car in front of them to pace since they have no concept of momentum and road feels...or something to that nature.

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Ice, sooo much ice. I was on my way to work around 6:30 this morning and 270 from Hilliard to grove city was a sheet. I saw at least a dozen cars wreck. I can't believe ODOT didn't brine or salt...


Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

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The ice sucked south of Morse Rd this morning. I got onto 270 from 62 and it was a solid sheet. Everyone was going 25 with their flashers on. Some were sideways in the ditch before Easton. Right after Morse it was just wet.
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I'm pretty sure I get a small stroke every time I get on the roads nowadays. All people need to do is keep right, pass left and keep a steady speed. But no, everyone is entitled to their spot on the the road, and god dammit, they won't move for anyone.
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Ohio drivers are getting to that point too. It's crazy, if the roads are wet they treat it like its a monsoon. Worst yet as Chris mentioned they don't move out of the way unless your right on their ass being "that asshole". It is frustrating as all get out. Then in the winter you have to watch your rear view more than the front because the same dumbass is going way to fast sliding out of control. I damn near was rear ended this morning in the 240 because they were more focused on the coffee in there hand, than the road.
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It was surely not a driver issue this morning. For whatever reason our city failed to treat the roads last night. I got a few miles into my commute this morning, turned around and came back home. Roads were shit and traffic was a nightmare. One of the worst commutes I've seen in the 18 years I've lived here. Thankfully I can work from home in situations like this. I just didn't realize it was that bad until I got into Dublin.
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It was surely not a driver issue this morning. For whatever reason our city failed to treat the roads last night. I got a few miles into my commute this morning, turned around and came back home. Roads were shit and traffic was a nightmare. One of the worst commutes I've seen in the 18 years I've lived here. Thankfully I can work from home in situations like this. I just didn't realize it was that bad until I got into Dublin.


What time were you driving? The only issue I ran into was Hayden Run. Went through Dublin and up Riverside without any issue.

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In SC people tend to go 20mph with hazard lights blinking when it rains.


When I moved to Charlotte I noticed that instead of being able to cruise around the belt in the fast lane like Columbus it's the right lanes that move better.

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Had someone almost kill me this morning because they did not understand what a "TURN ONLY LANE" is on Cleveland Ave. I was in the turn lane going onto a one lane street and the woman in the SUV next to me decided "FUCK EVERYONE ELSE, IMMA TURNING MY CAR!!!" with no blinker in the straight only lane. Fuck Ohio drivers! The Northland area is the worst, I swear it!
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In SC people tend to go 20mph with hazard lights blinking when it rains.


I've seen that here in Ohio too. It can be used a human behavioral experiment on how people act like fucking sheep. One dipshit will do it cause he thinks he's being clever...next thing you know everyone around him starts doing it :yuno:


Perhaps autonomous cars will rid us from these problem.

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I'm up in Detroit today, they don't drive any better.


haha, I just got back. was there this week in everything from 8" to 2" of snow. doesn't slow those fuckers down one bit. just makes the pot holes disappear. I rented a big ass SUV to deal with it all.

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Had someone almost kill me this morning because they did not understand what a "TURN ONLY LANE" is on Cleveland Ave. I was in the turn lane going onto a one lane street and the woman in the SUV next to me decided "FUCK EVERYONE ELSE, IMMA TURNING MY CAR!!!" with no blinker in the straight only lane. Fuck Ohio drivers! The Northland area is the worst, I swear it!


I was on Cleveland trying to get to Morse and it was a fucking gridlock for no fucking reason.


I did not have any traction or control issues driving at 6:30 in the morning. Took me two fucking hours to get to OSD

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outside of 270 was all black ice for me today. inside 270 was just wet. Coming from New Albany into Easton that is.


This. I left for work at 6:15ish. I live of Morse, doing above the speed limit to 270. Took 270S, from Morse to 670 it was fine. Got past 670, started seeing brakes, slow to 50ish. First saw a van off the right. Thought why is everyone slowing for one van? Get around that bend a little more, the car ahead of me starts braking a little harder, I start to brake and start sliding. Luckily the two lanes beside me were empty so I started to slide/get over. Well then I realize that in the lane I'm now in is a 2 car accident that must've just happened because cops weren't even there yet, and two cars are smashed up just sitting there. Luckily I was able to stop with a few car lengths to spare. Once traffic cleared so I could go around it, I hit the gas and even in AWD started sliding again.


TL:DR - it wasn't just a little snow. there was black ice everywhere and the clusterfuck was warranted this time.

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