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Are any of you guys bored?


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Life is crazy. I'm at a point now that I never really thought about when I was younger. My daughter is 18, my career is where I want it, and the only goals I have are boring money oriented ones, like paying off my house.


At this point I have lots of free time, and nothing to do. Sure I have chores and stuff I could do, but being pretty burnt out on cars I don't really have any enjoyable hobbies. Not to mention most of my friends are not at this point in life, they have younger kids because they didn't start so damn early, or are still working on their careers. Most of them seem to stay busy with their lives.


My wife and I are happily married, but feel similar. Wouldn't mind doing some stuff with her. My daughter is figuring her life out and doing ok. I really like my job overall and can't picture myself doing anything else.


Anyway looking for something other then some typical things, I have no interest in going to a gym, or doing things that feel like work. Unfortunately my job has ruined my hobbies, and being responsible has ruined street racing.


So yeah I'm bored, if you read all that, thanks. /rant.

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Scuba diving (Twin quarries & Gilboa in Ohio between dive trips)


Mountain biking


Not much to do in Ohio but those keep me entertained... the first two have a very active social scene too if you don't get out and meet new people much.

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You shouldn't have refinanced your house, you should have sold it and profited like w talked about. Get some land, enjoy life, shoot things, go riding, etc.


Of course we move out to the country and no one wants to come visit anymore. Scott. Ahem :D

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Of course we move out to the country and no one wants to come visit anymore. Scott. Ahem :D

shit i moved to the edge of pickerington and everyone stopped visiting lol.





Scott, find something else "cheap" that you enjoy. Being outdoors, hunting, fishing, bird watching, hiking, etc. all can be rather relaxing.

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You shouldn't have refinanced your house, you should have sold it and profited like w talked about. Get some land, enjoy life, shoot things, go riding, etc.


Of course we move out to the country and no one wants to come visit anymore. Scott. Ahem :D


Refinancing was still the right choice, debt is very easy to manage now and my credit score is as high as it’s ever been. Besides I still have $50k of equity in my house. I may still move.

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I'd say I kinda am bored. Already did the midlife crisis thing a few times (3 vettes). Moved over to motorcycles and that's fun a few months of the year. Searching for new hobbies. Getting back into photography, that's fun for me. No real advice, just wanted you to know you ain't the only going through it.
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There is an autocross with Ohio Valley Region SCCA this coming Sunday 8/4/19. Good times and its free to watch.




Register event...https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/ovr-solo-points-event-4-national-trail-raceway-scca-ohio-valley-144409

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You shouldn't have refinanced your house, you should have sold it and profited like w talked about. Get some land, enjoy life, shoot things, go riding, etc.


Of course we move out to the country and no one wants to come visit anymore. Scott. Ahem :D


I mean, I'll come out and do those things. Just don't pawn any cats off on me.


shit i moved to the edge of pickerington and everyone stopped visiting lol.


BS. I have come over 100% of the times I've been invited.




Cordell, as others have said I recommend travelling. Even little road trips to places you haven't been in Ohio and surrounding states.


If all else fails get metal hot and hit it with a hammer. Works for me.

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Home projects to increase its value,

disc golf lol i love it,

Vacations big like out of the country or even camping. Get a camper fix it up and enjoy it.

Fishing, canoeing...fishing from a canoe,

Woodworking buy some stuff refinish it sell it( i want to take this up)

Edited by Paul
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I get bored with hobbies. I enjoy my job too much and make too much money to do anything else, so new hobbies are the thing for me. My 3D printer tied up a year or so with upgrades and getting it to work the way I want. I made the mistake of going shooting with Bob Brayer, and caught the bug for long range shooting, that led to the hobby of reloading ammunition. Home brewing beer, carpentry, etc... Back in the day it was flying RC gliders and racing RC boats. My latest hobby will take me back into carpentry, I bought a CNC router. The big problem lately is finding time to work on the car and go racing.


I guess I should add, that it's not the destination that is important, but the journey. I know it's corny, but I do believe it. I love learning new things. You do too, otherwise you never would have reached the level of expertise you did. Now it's time to learn something else.

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Kart racing has pretty much consumed my free time for the past year or so in both good and bad ways. Let me know if you want a true time and money drain and I’ll tell you more. Haha.


I’d say just be open to trying new things and look for something you can be passionate about.

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Kart racing has pretty much consumed my free time for the past year or so in both good and bad ways. Let me know if you want a true time and money drain and I’ll tell you more. Haha.


I’d say just be open to trying new things and look for something you can be passionate about.


I kart raced from 8 years old until I was 15. Believe me when I tell you I know what’s involved to be competitive. We didn’t go if we didn’t have shot at winning. Sometimes I do miss it. Probably one of the best ways to get on track wheel to wheel.

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Our biggest issue is deciding which side of town to move to so that we can have 2-5 acres and still be reasonably close to visit people (less than an hour). We figure we will go "into town" or visit people when we are bored. Then host a big cook out like once a month to get car people/friends/family together in one place and people can spend the night if it's too far.
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Scott, if you like driving why not do a few road trips? See the country, try new things. I know time can be a limiting factor but it would be a fun way to use the cars you love and break the monotony for you (and the wifey). Don't wait for a cruise or Power Tour or anything like that...just take a long weekend and pick some destinations to drive to.


If Petrolicious has taught me anything, it's that old guys still rocking the cars they've owned and love for multiple years seem to be the happiest. :)


If it's too far to drive from a pain in the back/butt standpoint, look for some cheap flights and take a long weekend to check out somewhere new. You will surprise yourself with the adventures you'll have just grabbing a cheap hotel room and seeing sights in places you've never been before. NYC, Boston, FL, Seattle, Cali, Las Vegas, Texas, Chicago...

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