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What do you do to stay active?


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Curious what CR members like to do to stay physically active as we all progress through life and age.


Personally, I discovered I enjoy long distance walking and hiking, 12-15 miles at a time and once I got used to that, started doing a dozen simple push ups at the top of every hour from 9 to 5, M to F.


Work from home as most do now and found it is a perfect 2 minute brain break from work. Alarm goes off on my Alexa device, stop and do my push ups and then right back to work. Done it for close to three months now with quite a significant change for myself physically. Struggled to do 3-4 push ups when I started and can knock out over 100 now in a straight shot.


What do you enjoy doing physically? Everybody likes different things and I like gathering ideas of other ways to stay physically active aside from a gym.

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I LOVE weightlifting. I've had a gym in my basement for many years now. But getting older, I'm starting to switch from lifting heavier weight to lifting using a high volume, bodybuilder style workout.


I HATE cardio, but recently stepped up to doing 20-40 minutes of cardio every day and cut back on my calories.


I don't do much away from the gym except work on things around the house or cars, or taxi kids to their activities. Seems like we always have some projects going.

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I've been in my pool, swimming, shooting hoops or just paddling around. Other than rainy days, I've been using it daily and can already feel and see a difference in my upper body, midsection and shoulders. I also take at least a 2 mile walk through my neighborhood every morning before I start my day.
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When hot - Bud light lime

When cooler - Modelo

When out in woods - Newcastle

When feeling rich (Not recently) - a good stout/porter


Really just getting the new house/garage setup is kicking my butt

6 yards top soil

102 bags mulch

New lights in garage (Wiring and installing)

Mowing 5 acres in spare time (I know not aerobic)

Edited by Second Gen
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COVID really threw a wrench in my normal workouts, which were 2-3 days of ice hockey, 5-7 days at the gym. Fortunately, I have some weights in my basement, and I bought a professional gym level elliptical right as the shit hit the fan, because I just had a feeling I wasn't going to get back to a gym for a while. :mad:


That being said, after a week or two of self pity with no gym and hockey, I buckled back down into a new routine at home with cardio and weights. I've actually been able to get myself into better shape during this whole thing. I kind of took it on as a challenge to come out of quarantine in better shape than I went in. I'm also roller blading more, just to keep the skating aspect up.

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I have a small gym in the basement for lifting. Until Covid I was ice skating somewhat frequently on a weekly basis. I also work on cars, so I'm at least moving and at times doing somewhat heavy work on a daily basis.
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I've actually been able to get myself into better shape during this whole thing. I kind of took it on as a challenge to come out of quarantine in better shape than I went in.


Same here actually. I am far stronger then I was at the beginning and with a functional strength which is kinda fun. Didn't realized it until I easily moved a dresser all by myself recently which before I had always needed to get a friend to come help with.

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Cycling. 2-3 nights a week after work (2ish hours, 35-45 miles), and usually a longer 60-100+ mile ride on the weekend. Maybe a second weekend ride on Sunday depending on how Saturday went.


Man my gooch hurts just thinking about that.

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I had started some kettlebell training before lockdown that was meant to supplement my work in the gym. Now it has become the replacement for the gym. Swings and getups 5-7 days a week has helped keep my quarantine eating and drinking in check and hopefully ready for kart racing season.
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Right before covid i started taking Muay Thai classes, loved it and still do. They just recently reopened the gym but i have yet to go back, my wife is still a nervous about the whole covid situation but I want to go so I'm sure i'll return in the next week or two.


Other than that I purchased a kettle bell and a heavy bag for the basement and I can get a way better workout out of those two items in my basement than any gym membership. I like the challenge of putting together a workout with the least amount of gear possible. The ice rinks finally opened up again so I'll start skating again also.


I think its important to choose hobby's that make you work as you get older. I love playing hockey and for the most part staying active... but I also love cheese steaks so there's that.

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