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Columbus, you wild.


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People say and do many things that, looking back, may not have been the best or just wrong. So does this mean they can never say or do anything right? Please tell me a person well known who has never misspoke or said anything regrettably.
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The majority of police departments do need some major overhauls. But, were getting to the point of crazy.


Have a gun or knife, and using it on other people. Some of these crazies expect the police to just keep asking nicely till the suspect drops the weapon, finishes stabbing or shooting someone. Insanity

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If you are an adult size threat with a weapon, attacking people, you get holes poked in you until you stop being a threat.


"She", gender is no factor. "16 years old", not a factor when you are about 230lbs and attacking multiple people and certainly one smaller and unarmed. Media will always exploit age, sex and religion for the purpose of out cry. They use that bias to trigger people to be upset. When is the media going to be held accountable for their implications resulting in crowds that cause damage and violence? They are literally creating their next headlines by pushing the buttons to trigger the naive people.

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People say and do many things that, looking back, may not have been the best or just wrong. So does this mean they can never say or do anything right? Please tell me a person well known who has never misspoke or said anything regrettably.


This isn't a case of Paul Harvey occasionally "mis-speaking" or it being an isolated case. Despite his excellent voice and warm folksy manner, he was not an unbiased journalist but rather a precursor to the Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson form of punditry without the naked fearmongering. He often (not occasionally) made things up to fit his narrative, pushed a far right evangelical platform that even for the time wasn't close to mainstream, and pandered to homophobia, Ephebiphobia, and to a sense of nostalgia that existed firmly in the Jim Crow era of America.


Regarding his statements on the police, they have to be viewed in light of his longstanding relationship with J. Edgar Hoover and support for both Hoover's and Joseph McCarthy's unlawful persecution of Americans for political affiliation. I'm not going to come out and say Paul Harvey was a fascist, but he certainly leaned that way - and all comments he made about police should be read in that context. For all the romanticism of the police in that speech he would have no issue with them arresting you because you did not agree with him politically.


He was probably one of the greatest writers and orators this country had ever seen, but he didn't innocently misspeak. By the way, I met him at Oshkosh as a kid in 1989, In real life he was quite pleasant a person.



If you are an adult size threat with a weapon, attacking people, you get holes poked in you until you stop being a threat.


"She", gender is no factor. "16 years old", not a factor when you are about 230lbs and attacking multiple people and certainly one smaller and unarmed. Media will always exploit age, sex and religion for the purpose of out cry. They use that bias to trigger people to be upset. When is the media going to be held accountable for their implications resulting in crowds that cause damage and violence? They are literally creating their next headlines by pushing the buttons to trigger the naïve people.


The issue I have with this thread and the political thread, and why I have mostly kept quiet doesn't have to do with the merits of race in either this case or the Chauvin trial. I am disappointed with the fragile white male ego and overwhelming privilege that is on display in some of these comments. This country has a problem with racism, and it has had it for hundreds of years and will continue to have it, but rather than acknowledge that there is a problem some of the commenters here seem to actually delight in finding an example where a cop shoots a person and it may not be about race - as if to say this one example is alone proof that systemic in policing doesn't exist. Furthermore, just the cavalier attitude about tragedy justified or not is literally sickening. Someone lost their life in a regrettable situation and it is a race to the bottom with you assholes to see who can make the most "tough guy jokes". You want to talk about regrettable comments Joe? Start with "you get holes poked in you" as a way of sucking all the humanity from a young person losing their life - whether it was unavoidable or not.

Edited by Geeto67
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Sorry..you want to lead a thug life you get a thug death.


As far as white privilege some do have it but most don't..and what about black privilege ..no one wants to bring that up..all black colleges..miss black america..bet..and the majority of athletes preaching from their lofty perches.


This officer was placed in a no win situation, which most are and are expected to make a life and death decision in a split second. He did a hell of a job not shooting the jerk that kicked a person in front of him.


The best part is the white wokes who bitch about white privilege are the ones who have had everything handed to them and will whine when mommy or daddy doesn't.

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Opp, I was all ready to be in your corner and then out of nowhere you went off the deep end into victimism for those victimizing others. . Damn, so close.


"Fragile white male ego", you are CR's very own CNN. Where the hell did I leave those tissues I have been saving up for all the sad stories of stupid people doing stupid things and dying from it?


CR's very own Clergy is here to tell the people how they should feel. And, to shame them for not pouring out some liquor for someone dying in the street.


You are damn right "Holes poked in you" is the verbage. A threat is no longer a person to care for. No different than a machine. I will talk in desensitizing a kill in just that way. You can not rationalize irrational actions. And a threat to life is no longer a person you care about their feelings. Now, I understand I have hurt your feelings. You are appalled that someone can be this way. I get that. I too am appalled that we have people among us so selfish that they can not control themselves, ego and their urges to where they attack others. And here you are, trying to hold their hand and tell them you are on their side and feel bad for the situation they got themselves into. You want to comfort the situation for the person who showed no care for others.

Edited by Mojoe
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Joe, you teach a class that enables people to defend themselves using a firearm, and yet you make comments that fail to recognize that a subset of people, even those who take your class, have a higher risk and live in greater fear of not surviving an interaction with a police officer than you do. That's the kind of privilege we are talking about, not wealth or opportunity - that you don't know what it is like to fear for your life solely because of race and others do. That's why you think it's ok to be flippant and make jokes and say it's not a racial issue, because you can't put yourself in the shoes of someone who watches that video and thinks "it doesn't matter if I am doing the right thing or the wrong thing there is a good chance that could be me". Maybe you saw a tiny part of that in the service, but we are talking about civilian America here.


As for all the other stuff, I mean just read Mace's embarrassing comments above, you really agree with all of that? that's the look you want to project? Come on man, you are smarter than that.

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The very first thing I teach people are the 5 rules.


1. Don't go to stupid places

2. with stupid people

3. who do stupid things

4. because those are stupid games

5. with stupid prizes


These are rules to live by, and if you don't, then you are likely in a situation you die by.


I also teach to treat everyone as your friend, but have a plan to protect yourself against them. Can't really run around with the full quote from retired General Mattis concept, so just a little tweak.


Fear of surviving an interaction with LEO is a direct reflection of the person's actions. No case is won outside the courtroom, so comply and get your day in court. You don't have to like it. I won't put myself in their shoes, because they don't fit. They did something stupid. I don't wear those stupid shoes. So they just don't fit me, and for most people. That's the privilege I have, I'm not doing stupid things.


As much as I'm sure you are hardened by the streets, and you and Lebron are upset that people can't just stab each other without getting shot by LEO, that is just stupid. I can't put myself in your shoes to have that outlook. If you have that kind of outlook, there's a good chance you are going to do something stupid and should fear LEO's. Sure, that could be you then. Sounds stupid, doesn't it?

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Fear of surviving an interaction with LEO is a direct reflection of the person's actions.


This right here is what I am talking about. You refuse to accept that for a group of Americans this isn't true. It's true for you and that's good enough, Who cares about the others it isn't true for, you don't. If you aren't willing to question this premise, where does that leave us? It's pretty obvious, you getting butthurt about someone pointing out the luxury you enjoy in having that statement so true for you you can't even fathom it not being true for others and then writing your biography because you feel threatened or challenged so you have to explain how you aren't privileged.


As much as I'm sure you are hardened by the streets, and you and Lebron are upset that people can't just stab each other without getting shot by LEO


I can't pretend to know how Lebron James feels about it, I am not him. I can be sympathetic that he may feel differently about it than you or I. I don't presume to tell him or any other black man how to feel about this incident in the context of his race. then again I didn't bring him up. By you mischaracterizing his pain into this absurdist concept you are making fun of him and making yourself feel better for basically telling him how he should feel about it based on his race. Seriously, you can't understand why a black person would be upset by watching another black person be shot by police regardless of whether that person had it coming or not? Maybe you should talk to more people instead of just saying "it's ok to poke holes in that person, they had it coming".


I get that Lebron is angry and saying stupid shit. My question is, What do you, or RedRocket, or Mace or any of the others here have to be angry about to justify the stupid callous shit in this thread?

Edited by Geeto67
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What flavor is the Kool aid you are drinking? I think there might be a little something in that Kool aid.


I accept that there are a group of Americans that fear LE because they were brought up to hate and fear them. I also accept that there are people who do stupid things and have a reason to fear interaction with LE that is going to hold them accountable for their actions. I have nothing to fear for my actions, so again, their shoes do not fit me. I conduct myself within the Constitution and the laws of where I live. I understand that should I decide to violate laws, there are consequences. I am accountable for my actions. The people I can not relate to are those who do not want to be accountable for their actions,and think they get to play the victim card when they are held accountable.

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When is the media going to be held accountable for their implications resulting in crowds that cause damage and violence? They are literally creating their next headlines by pushing the buttons to trigger the naive people.






Also, if someone were attacking me or mine with a knife (or any type of object) and an LEO (or anyone else honestly) had the opportunity and means to stop that using up to lethal force I would certainly hope they would.

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Help me understand why you think you have reason to fear an interaction with LE? If there's a good chance you think it could be you in a situation being shot by LE, why would LE act in a manner that would make you feel threatened by them.
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Honest question. Can somebody link me to just one police shooting where the victim wasn't doing something asinine that got the whole thing started?


Legitimately, the only one I can think of is the white kid lying on the hallway floor of a hotel that gets lit up by a cop with a twitchy finger.

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Honest question. Can somebody link me to just one police shooting where the victim wasn't doing something asinine that got the whole thing started?


Legitimately, the only one I can think of is the white kid lying on the hallway floor of a hotel that gets lit up by a cop with a twitchy finger.


I have said something like this repeatedly..they were criminals either performing criminal activities or resisting arrest...they all have been culpable in their deaths or injuries.


But it doesn't fill the liberal agenda.

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Honest question. Can somebody link me to just one police shooting where the victim wasn't doing something asinine that got the whole thing started?


Legitimately, the only one I can think of is the white kid lying on the hallway floor of a hotel that gets lit up by a cop with a twitchy finger.




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Honest question. Can somebody link me to just one police shooting where the victim wasn't doing something asinine that got the whole thing started?


Legitimately, the only one I can think of is the white kid lying on the hallway floor of a hotel that gets lit up by a cop with a twitchy finger.


That's Daniel Shaver.


See also:

Breonna Taylor

Tamir Rice

Ismael Lopez

Duncan Lemp

Amadou Diallo

Atatiana Jefferson

Botham Jean

Aiyana Stanley Jones

Philando Castile

Ryan Whitaker


That's more than one.


I have said something like this repeatedly..they were criminals either performing criminal activities or resisting arrest...they all have been culpable in their deaths or injuries.


But it doesn't fill the liberal agenda.


Massive oof.

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good call greg..can't disregard those...the only one is hill..the reason I say that is we don't have audio on it, but I will say it look bad on the cop..I'll give you 2 3/4 out of 3. And he rally doesn't look black...honestly I have cousins darker than him


Dafuq does it matter the shade of melanin? The question posed was, and I quote, "Can somebody link me to just one police shooting where the victim wasn't doing something asinine that got the whole thing started?" It didn't mention race.

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I agree - there are several shootings we have all seen with video that were just wrong. They absolutely do exist and need to be prosecuted.


On the other hand, there are many shootings that are a direct result of the perps actions that elevated or forced the LEO to make that decision. Its a super complicated issue, but we live in a world where POC just do not respect cops in an way. Media only makes that worse.


By protesting this shooting in Columbus, the entire movement is alienating tons of people that otherwise are supportive to a certain degree but after seeing the reaction here as going walk away from it. Its a complete miscalculation on their part.

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