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I read it. I still appreciate Otis calling you out, which is why I said what I said to him. Didn't need you to jump in.


is that a "call out" though? I certainly didnt take it that way. I guess its because I have mutual respect for Otis and him me that allows for a constructive conversation to happen.

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is that a "call out" though? I certainly didnt take it that way. I guess its because I have mutual respect for Otis and him me that allows for a constructive conversation to happen.


Hmm, good point.


Otis, were you attempting to point out that Panduh's racist statement was racist? If not, I'll have to retract my note of appreciation. Sorry, I was going to let it be but Panduh really wants to clear this up.

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Hmm, good point.


Otis, were you attempting to point out that Panduh's racist statement was racist? If not, I'll have to retract my note of appreciation. Sorry, I was going to let it be but Panduh really wants to clear this up.


You really need a win today don't you? Tell everyone what happened to you thats making you lash out like a high schooler.

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One of my old work buddies, who happens to be black, posted this on facebook the other day.....


Minorities, especially the black community, have been duped into believing that we are always the victims. We keep hearing that society is holding us down, how it's not our fault, how we can't get ahead without handouts. If you're always being told that you can't, you will eventually accept that as your reality and all the excuses will seem justified. And yes, many of us are raised to play the race card and disrespect the police.


If you're trained to view everything through the lens of race, and that everything perceived as "unfair" is because of racism, then you're going to find racism everywhere you look. Including the times when a police officer needs to use deadly force to protect innocent civilians and/or themselves.


It's so easy for some of you to criticize the police (usually without even knowing the facts or proper context) and say what they should and shouldn't do, like you're some kind of expert. If the police were to handle these situations in a manner like some of you suggest, we would have a lot more innocent people dying. Quit blaming the cops and put the blame where it belongs, and stop acting like the police are just going around shooting innocent people for no reason.


It's extremely ignorant and lazy to suggest that a police officer is racist because he shoots a person who happens to be black. The media would like you to believe that the police are targeting blacks and killing more of them, which is false. Look up the statistics for yourself.


I'm a black man that grew up in a poor neighborhood, yet I've never feared for my life during any police encounter. Is every police officer perfect? Of course not, they are human. But the overwhelming majority of these shootings could have easily been avoided had the "victim" simply obeyed the officer's commands, and that's the bottom line.


Food for thought.

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Mace..... come on. Can you think of any way that prejudice in policing tactics (stop and frisk, driving while Black), prejudice in enforcement (Blacks getting disproportionately charged for the equal crimes, and receiving harsher sentences), and prejudice in institutions which affect poverty rates (which is disproportionately high in black communities) might manifest itself in African Americans disproportionately showing up more in FBI crime statistics?


You can't just drop a turd like that into the thread and then say "no prejudice" when the entire national discussion is about how prejudice can affect black communities in exactly the way that you're pointing out.


Plus, this is a fucking meme at this point..


Honest question. Do you think the disproportionately high amount of black on black violence has any sway or influence on how police approach and handle those in the black community? Do you suppose they (LEOs) are molded in any way by their experiences?

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Honest question. Do you think the disproportionately high amount of black on black violence has any sway or influence on how police approach and handle those in the black community? Do you suppose they (LEOs) are molded in any way by their experiences?


Cops say "we don't use racial profiling," and then others say cops are justified in their use of racial profiing. Curious.


Honest question, do you see any fruitful benefits of you and I discussing this?

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when i said no prejudice I was saying look at the numbers. Do you think the fbi is lying? I wouldn't put it past them..lol


But let me ask you this, you were in the service..when or if you were in iraq, did you know the good ones from the bad? If you did, please give me the winning mega millions winning numbers for the next drawing.

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when i said no prejudice I was saying look at the numbers. Do you think the fbi is lying? I wouldn't put it past them..lol


Let's do a little reductio ad absurdum here. What do you think the arrest statistics looked like in Atlanta, GA in 1895. Do you think they also showed black people getting arrested at a higher rate than white people?


If so, do you think that says more about the people who were getting arrested, or the people doing the arresting?


I don't doubt the FBI statistics. But if one possible explanation for those statistics is that racist cops going around looking for black people to arrest, like the white racist cops in Atlanta, GA in 1895 were probably doing, then I don't think we can infer much from just those statistics.


(Note that I'm not saying cops today are just as racist as cops in the post-reconstruction era South. I'm not saying any cops today are racist. I'm just making a point about how prejudice can bear itself out in statistics.)


But let me ask you this, you were in the service..when or if you were in iraq, did you know the good ones from the bad? If you did, please give me the winning mega millions winning numbers for the next drawing.


I'm a comm weenie, I did all of my shooting at 25m with someone carefully looking over me to make sure I didn't accidentally shoot myself in the foot.

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How many of you or know someone that: Yelled at a cop, snatched/ripped up a ticket a cop gave you, Cussed at a cop and/or called them all kinds of names, ran away from cops and still lived scratch/bullet hole-free to tell about it?



Now, imagine if a black person did ANY of that what do you think the outcome would be?

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How many of you or know someone that: Yelled at a cop, snatched/ripped up a ticket a cop gave you, Cussed at a cop and/or called them all kinds of names, ran away from cops and still lived scratch/bullet hole-free to tell about it?



Now, imagine if a black person did ANY of that what do you think the outcome would be?


Do you know any cops? Have you ever watched an episode of Cops? That stuff happens all the damn time and it's not just from white people

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Sam Harris interviewed Rener Gracie last week and they discussed the lack of training police offers receive on average. I think most states require less than 700hrs of training to become a police officer. Its interesting that most basic professional jobs require 2x that much training. Cosmetology school requires 1500 I think. I think he said the average cops is required to have 6hrs/year of some sort of physical violence training.


He's advocates for jiu jitsu training for cops to help them cope better in violent situations where they dont always have to resort to deadly force.


He also talked about how many cities (New York) now have policies that dont allow leo's to try and detain anyone using there neck, back, stomach areas because of the Floyd murder. This is the end will mostly likely result in additional deaths which just stem from cops not being able to detain people safely and deadly force being used.


You guys can now go back to arguing about race.

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How many of you or know someone that: Yelled at a cop, snatched/ripped up a ticket a cop gave you, Cussed at a cop and/or called them all kinds of names, ran away from cops and still lived scratch/bullet hole-free to tell about it?



Now, imagine if a black person did ANY of that what do you think the outcome would be?



I don't know anyone, personally, who has done that.

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My buddy's ex-wife was doing pretty well for herself in commercial real estate sales, she started to let it go to her head. She got pulled over in DC and started doing one of these "Just give me a ticket so I can go" arguments. She ended up screaming in handcuffs in the back seat of the cop car until she calmed down.


As funny as that was, it was yet another example of a cop flexing his authority to prove that he could.

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Sam Harris...advocates for jiu jitsu training for cops to help them cope better in violent situations where they dont always have to resort to deadly force...


I recently posted a video depicting just this.


Having taken BJJ myself, alongside police officers, I can say it's effective doing exactly what you describe. You can also very effectively kill someone in the exact way George Floyd died though, so YMMV.

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I recently posted a video depicting just this.


Having taken BJJ myself, alongside police officers, I can say it's effective doing exactly what you describe. You can also very effectively kill someone in the exact way George Floyd died though, so YMMV.


I love it!


Im not an expert on any of this but my thoughts are this; The more comfortable you feel in a situation the less likely you are to feel the need to go to extreme measures. There is a name for it and I cant remember exactly what it is but its basically what your mind does in these situations for self preservation and you take any steps necessary. (Pull my firearm so there is zero chance of someone taking it and using it on me). Sure you could use that training/skill level to kill someone but Im willing to bet that happens a very small percentage of the time. Even choking someone out has a very small chance of someone having long lasting effects.

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