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536 WARNING if riding it this weekend

Uncle Punk

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536 is a serious road that can and will bite you. We had eight guys in a group and two went down on 536 both of them in the same corner. This curve will take people out so hopefully we can prevent as many people as possible from getting bitten by it.

I can say that I haven't crossed a yellow line in years until riding this road. In my mind that's the same as a crash, it was stupid and I am beating myself up over it. I not only put myself in danger but if someone had been coming the other way I could have harmed them from my own stupidity. I didn't go down only because I didn't give up but I wasn't in control enough to stay in my lane.

We rode across 78 to get there which is a nice road but it kind of lulled us into high speed mode. We get to 536 and start down it heading toward the river. Whoa, this is a fun road, we all stop at the stop sign, the group is now all together and we make the turn to the right up the hill. I am riding in the second spot at this time, as we come up hill to a marked 15 MPH right hand turn, it shouldn’t be a big deal but not so fast, this stupid thing is a decreasing radius turn compounded by the fact it starts to go down hill as it gets tighter so you lose your braking as the road falls out from under you. First guy touches the yellow line on exit, I cross it completely and the third guy low sides on the road, slides across it and ends up in the hay field. The first guy and I check up, I stop and the fourth guy gets up to me and asks if I am alright, why are you stopping? He never saw the third guy go down in front of him. While we are having this interaction around comes the fifth guy and the six guy stands his bike up and rides down into the hay field. Not one rider following the guys that went off knew what had happened. If you look at the pictures you will see there is not too much distance from the stop sign to this curve but this road is so curvy it had separated us by then. No real damage to either bike or riders, they rode them out of the field and on to the road for us all to continue on for the rest of our day.

Please be careful out there. I am sure and I hope others will add their advice to this about their experience with this road.

Overhead view from stop sign to curve


Overhead view of just curve.


Road view approaching curve.


Road view looking at exit of curve.


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oh man i remember that turn i went left of center there too.. was caring way to much and it snuck up on me. if there would have been anything comming well we know the rest..we had just got off 78 all ramped up and we were honestly just taking our time.. and it bought bit me.. point is becareful this is road that challenges everyone.

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You are correct about other posts covering this same subject. I thought I would start one specifically about 536 instead of a thread about the aftermath. I’m just trying to be proactive with a thread that can be bumped to the front page instead of an old ride report. I know the post is kind of an old ride report but it's meant to be anecdotal to show how easy it is to get complacent.

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I remember that corner quite well.

Fortunately I had the wife on the back of the FZ and was taking it pretty easy, otherwise it might have been ugly. Even so I remember thinking I was carrying too much speed through there.

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  • 3 years later...
i may or may not have ridden those.. me and the wife did alot of roads in that area last year, thats near where i grew up.

With the way 536 is seems you would remember that lil biotch.....personally I think its a harder ride than 129 in Tenn/NC.

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Sorry New to this site did not know the PM went wont let me pm again for 2 hours I ride up until they salt the roads then im done hopfuly we can get a ride in.

Talk to casper about that. The 2 hour limit is so we don't get bots/assholes on the site that just want to spam the piss out of everyone.

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And I thought I was slow on that road :bow: LOL

I.P. with his fancy Italian tractor and it's premium suspension likes to make fun of us older AARP types with our I4s motors. It's okay I'm not mad at him.

Here is what not to do when riding with others.


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