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Those of you with penises


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Motion to declare this as "Drama Week" on the OR event calendar. lol Personally I don't care all that much. I tend to ignore the threads/people that I don't care about. If I don't like it, I won't look at it...that simple.

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I'm agreeing with BonkerS-- if people wanna be attention whores, and other people want to drool over them, I don't particularly care, but I don't see why we can't ask them to keep it in one of the off-topic areas somehow. TBH, I get irritated when I see all these unread posts at login, just to find it's a 3-day continuation of a bunch of dudes begging some aging barfly for pictures of some shit we'd probably ignore at the bar anyway.


C'est la interwebs.

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Now thats the kind of question Mr. Anderson should be posting.

:lol: I was just reading this post and that is one strange question I would never ask.

I agree with the idea about setting a new rule for the stupid "shows your tits" for the new woman riders.

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Seriously, what kind of an up tight attention whoring prick comes in and starts a thread about someone else being an attention whore. I'm sorry was someone walking on your grass, lighten up Francis. I must have missed the memo that stated you decide what is appropriate subject matter to be posted? I must be slow but what I have seen are appropriate threads posted in the correct areas. Only a fool would try to set a limit to how much attention someone gets. Most posts are made to get a response from another member, if you don't like someone responding to a post STFU and move on. These things have a way of working themselves out usually with much hilarity. Why would one uptight ignorant attention whore be any better than an overly friendly desperate attention whore?
It was hardly a call for attention to myself. I'll totally admit it was a call for attention to what's happening around here. There are off topic areas for off topic discussions, true, but remember the basis of this site is "For motorcyclists in and around Ohio." If you come here for that, welcome! And you're more than welcome to talk about whatever random things you want. But just because you own a motorcycle or ride a motorcycle, that doesn't automatically mean that was your purpose in joining (sara_rides). If you come here because you are trying to give blue balls to everyone you can so you feel better about yourself, I'm not going to welcome you and neither is the majority of the site, as shown by her neg rep she so quickly put together.

uncle punk for president impeach osama

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My first course of action would be to keep the Intro threads clean. I would like to ban the next person that posts "Show Me Your Tits" in an intro. Like we want that to be the first impression she has and how she may be treated on the board.

As far as RedRidingHood goes the reports have been made. So there is no need to look in that direction. We now need to decide where we want this group to go. As far a people being annoyed about posts. Report them. How hard is it to click an icon and type that you think is wrong with a post.

good job now we are going to have about 50 emails everyday :lol: jk

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When I posted last night I could have swore this thread was in the Edumacated fucksticks Only! forum. I would not have posted with the tone I took in an open forum. I'm not standing down however I do think there are appropriate categories for posts. My first post in this thread was a response to the OP not to justin0469. I have other thoughts on this subject but don't think they belong out here in this section.

Yea, me for president!

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When I posted last night I could have swore this thread was in the Edumacated fucksticks Only! forum. I would not have posted with the tone I took in an open forum. I'm not standing down however I do think there are appropriate categories for posts. My first post in this thread was a response to the OP not tojustin0469. I have other thoughts on this subject but don't think they belong out here in this section.

Yea, me for president!

John moved it to OT, he sent me a message.

But I hear you man, to an end all of us are being attention whores, just all for different reasons. But regardless FUCK YOU I HATE YOU..... *shrug* no worries

I'd still vote for you

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Okay back in the appropriate forum. I don't understand a moderator wanting to ban people for asking about pictures. I would hope people joining this site would have spent a little time lurking around to find out if this is a crowd they want to hang with. If you are surprised when someone requests pictures, mentions sheep, ass sex, gay pride, their brand of bike is better than yours, animal cruelty, racial slurs (I'll explain later), sexual innuendoes, etc... You didn't spend enough time with your decision to join and you won't be lasting around here very long.

Someone can't attention whore without other site members participating; maybe they enjoy fucking with the fresh meat. Attention whores will either go away or modify their behavior to get they type of responses they are looking for. Just because you don't wish to participate doesn't mean every thread you aren’t interested in should be closed.

In a thread related to this current drama some of us were making fun of people who were at a bike night who appeared to be of Asian decent by referring to them as ninjas. There were ninjas everywhere, can a ninja take a guy with MMA experience, big fun right. Should that thread have been closed because we were using racial slurs? Maybe so if we had been making fun of a group of black folk and substituted spear chucker for ninjas what would have happened. Moderating is not an exact science but it can get out of hand. Sheep fucking is bestiality, isn't that wrong? Should we complain about everything that might upset someone on any level? If so nothing will get posted that is remotely social around here. The site would become just another motorcycle forum full of information but no entertainment. There are plenty of sites that fit that mold already do we need another one?

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Someone can't attention whore without other site members participating; maybe they enjoy fucking with the fresh meat. Attention whores will either go away or modify their behavior to get they type of responses they are looking for. Just because you don't wish to participate doesn't mean every thread you aren’t interested in should be closed.

I agree, do you know how all this started? I repped her negative for being an attention whore. Then she posted all over the board about how someone is stalking her and giving her rep and how she's not an attention whore.

Then went around negative repping a few of us saying "I KNOW IT WAS YOU"

Then she went into another thread and made a comment about how people don't own up to their actions and if they're going to call her an attention whore (which she is) we need to back it up with details (which noone does)

I agree, don't participate, but when someone is so fucking retarded it's hard not ignore every thread they've ever even been involved in. It's too easy to get people off track, and every thread becomes "OMG SHOW US TITS"

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