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Would you hire her?


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I LOL when I came to the part about her 2.7 GPA. Is she really that shocked she's not getting hired when she only had a high C average? Really? Is she also completely unaware of the fact that the nation is still in the midst of a recession and there are TONS of people that have lost jobs, are going to lose jobs, or can't find a new job? What an idiot.

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I have two opinions. First my GPA in HS was 2.8. I didn't go to college, but I went to a tech school and got certificates and a 4.0 at graduation. So to answer your question, yes.

My second thought is on college in general...I heard something on the radio that made me really think and I realized there is some truth to the statement. College a four year extension on reality for kids. I'm sure any college student (maybe some HS) will back me when I say that teachers are getting "graded" at least every quarter, anonymously by the student body. Those anonymous surveys determine that teacher salary, whether they will have a teaching job, the bonus that teacher may get, etc....This program I saw backed with numbers that teachers allow students to make up exams, they grant week or more extensions on final papers, they grade on a curve, they cut students a break. Why? Because a happy student will write a positive survey and that teacher gets more money...College is a lifelong debt and a 4+ year extension on being a kid with little responsibility. College is over-rated.


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I have two opinions. First my GPA in HS was 2.8. I didn't go to college, but I went to a tech school and got certificates and a 4.0 at graduation. So to answer your question, yes.

My second thought is on college in general...I heard something on the radio that made me really think and I realized there is some truth to the statement. College a four year extension on reality for kids. I'm sure any college student (maybe some HS) will back me when I say that teachers are getting "graded" at least every quarter, anonymously by the student body. Those anonymous surveys determine that teacher salary, whether they will have a teaching job, the bonus that teacher may get, etc....This program I saw backed with numbers that teachers allow students to make up exams, they grant week or more extensions on final papers, they grade on a curve, they cut students a break. Why? Because a happy student will write a positive survey and that teacher gets more money...College is a lifelong debt and a 4+ year extension on being a kid with little responsibility. College is over-rated.


I'm sorry, but if you sued your school because you couldn't get a job I'd laugh in your face :)

But you aren't a moron so no worries ... also, you can call it an "extension" on having to have responsibility but it's hard to get in the door with a fortune 500 without a college degree, whether it's silly or not (which I agree it is)...

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College is a lifelong debt and a 4+ year extension on being a kid with little responsibility. College is over-rated.

While I completely respect your opinion, I don't consider my paycheck over-rated.

Now, if we're talking lib arts degrees... then I can see where you're coming from.

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I have two opinions. First my GPA in HS was 2.8. I didn't go to college, but I went to a tech school and got certificates and a 4.0 at graduation. So to answer your question, yes.

Disregarding your rant on college education for a moment, we are not talking about her high school GPA. My GPA in high school was also a 2.8, but I graduated college with a 3.7. College, or whatever post-secondary program you attend, is far different from high school. You didn't actually answer the question at hand.

Now, to address your rant. While college may be overrated, the fact of the matter is that some jobs require a college degree whether you like it or not. As a teacher, I am in debt up to my f'n eyeballs, because not only am I required to have a bachelor's degree, but I am also required to pursue a master's. To top it off, the public generally neglects the fact that teacher's are public employees. Whenever a local tax debate comes up, without fail, people always mention police and firefighters, but rarely teachers. It's sad, but that's why teachers teach for the love of it, not the money. Ok, my rant is over now. :)

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but it's hard to get in the door with a fortune 500 without a college degree, whether it's silly or not (which I agree it is)...

Try and get ANY job (let alone a job with a Fortune 500) that pays a respectable annual salary without a college degree.

Damn near impossible these days....

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She is an absolute idiot for suing the college because no school will ever guarantee a job. She is probably a moron and can't interview, not to mention its hard as hell to get a job right now with experience let alone no experience. I hate my generation because they all think they are entitled to things and don't have to work for it.

I myself have only been out for a year and graduated with a 2.9 (GD 2 years of engineering killed me) and have been able to get 2 jobs since graduating. I'm not a moron by any stretch I just get bored easily and lazy and hate studying lol. College was a good thing for me as it got most of my irresponsibility out of the way but I learned way more from the experiences of internships and jobs in my field as opposed to classes. But sometimes its all in that one very expensive piece of paper that employers want

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I'm sorry, but if you sued your school because you couldn't get a job I'd laugh in your face :)

But you aren't a moron so no worries ... also, you can call it an "extension" on having to have responsibility but it's hard to get in the door with a fortune 500 without a college degree, whether it's silly or not (which I agree it is)...

True, suing is dumb. I'd laugh in my face too.

Disregarding your rant on college education for a moment, we are not talking about her high school GPA. My GPA in high school was also a 2.8, but I graduated college with a 3.7. College, or whatever post-secondary program you attend, is far different from high school. You didn't actually answer the question at hand.

Now, to address your rant. While college may be overrated, the fact of the matter is that some jobs require a college degree whether you like it or not. As a teacher, I am in debt up to my f'n eyeballs, because not only am I required to have a bachelor's degree, but I am also required to pursue a master's. To top it off, the public generally neglects the fact that teacher's are public employees. Whenever a local tax debate comes up, without fail, people always mention police and firefighters, but rarely teachers. It's sad, but that's why teachers teach for the love of it, not the money. Ok, my rant is over now. :)

I did answer your question. The last word in my first paragraph. Yes. But it's ok I'm just here to stir the pot.

I don't ever want a job that requires a college degree.

As over-rated as it may be, it's a necessary evil if I want to pursue the career I want and the six-digit pay I want. Gotta pay to play.

I don't want a six-digit pay. I could care less about money. I've got enough to keep me happy and pay the handful of bills I've got, that's all I need. Money can't buy happiness. And I don't want to go to school and work for the first 40 years of my life just so I can get old and take all that money to the grave.

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I hate my generation because they all think they are entitled to things and don't have to work for it.

That comment couldn't be closer to the truth. It is VERY frustrating to deal wtih as a teacher. Not only do the kids feel entitled, but the parents come storming in every time their child isn't given an A, whether the child earned it or not. We are screwed, LOL.

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That comment couldn't be closer to the truth. It is VERY frustrating to deal wtih as a teacher. Not only do the kids feel entitled, but the parents come storming in every time their child isn't given an A, whether the child earned it or not. We are screwed, LOL.

Gen Why is definitely different than Gen X than Gen Y etc etc....

I'm 26, I'm the "tell me I'm doing a good job" generation... I'm working on it, but it's hard to change. My boss is Gen X... very much the "if I don't hear anything I'll assume I'm good"

As much as you want to change it, it's not going away :)

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Holy shit Likwid.. you're only 26?

And, nice Invader Zim avatar.

Back to the topic at hand. This suing business def. won't help her cause. I'm not in HR, but I don't think they're looking for people who are "sue-crazy" to hire into a corporate position. She's obviously not that bright because she's only in her twenties and this media coverage will be a big CLM for the rest of her life.

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Gen Why is definitely different than Gen X than Gen Y etc etc....

I'm 26, I'm the "tell me I'm doing a good job" generation... I'm working on it, but it's hard to change. My boss is Gen X... very much the "if I don't hear anything I'll assume I'm good"

As much as you want to change it, it's not going away :)

True. I'm 27, but I operate more on the same mentality as your boss. I don't need to be patted on the back all the time, just leave me alone until I do something wrong.

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Same age, same boat here, Likwid. I'd say our generation is the most worthless ever, except--

Since I've returned to school, I've been surrounded by these 18-year-olds. They are convinced I'm some kind of alien genius from the future because I have a 4.0 GPA, when in fact it's just because I show up to class, pay attention, and actually do the work. These same kids spend the entire lecture (when they even show up) playing around on their laptops, never turn in an assignment on time, and are the picture of righteous indignation when they get crappy grades.

So far, I've managed to convince all of two people to try doing things my way, and now they're magic geniuses from the future, too. But they're still outnumbered by assholes in rugby shirts and flip-flops waiting for their 'participation trophies'.

If our generation doesn't manage to implode the planet (provided the boomers don't have a nuclear war first), the generation immediately after ours will be absolutely epic to watch in their failure.

They should make kids watch the movie 'Idiocracy' in school, every day, from kindergarten through college. And then rub their noses on the screen and beat them mercilessly.

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Same age, same boat here, Likwid. I'd say our generation is the most worthless ever, except--

Since I've returned to school, I've been surrounded by these 18-year-olds. They are convinced I'm some kind of alien genius from the future because I have a 4.0 GPA, when in fact it's just because I show up to class, pay attention, and actually do the work. These same kids spend the entire lecture (when they even show up) playing around on their laptops, never turn in an assignment on time, and are the picture of righteous indignation when they get crappy grades.

So far, I've managed to convince all of two people to try doing things my way, and now they're magic geniuses from the future, too. But they're still outnumbered by assholes in rugby shirts and flip-flops waiting for their 'participation trophies'.

If our generation doesn't manage to implode the planet (provided the boomers don't have a nuclear war first), the generation immediately after ours will be absolutely epic to watch in their failure.

They should make kids watch the movie 'Idiocracy' in school, every day, from kindergarten through college. And then rub their noses on the screen and beat them mercilessly.

I wouldn't say we're worthless... we just haven't really had a chance to "offer" a whole lot other than constantly looking for approval... it sucks...

Now someone tell me I did a good job..... I DESPERATELY NEED YOUR APPROVAL!

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Try and get ANY job (let alone a job with a Fortune 500) that pays a respectable annual salary without a college degree.

Damn near impossible these days....

No college degree and I've got, in my opinion, a respectable salary.

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Try and get ANY job (let alone a job with a Fortune 500) that pays a respectable annual salary without a college degree.

Damn near impossible these days....

As long as you're willing to put in the work, no.

I lasted 2.5 years in college before I flunked out. First freshman year, I went completely batshit crazy bananas trying out all this new-found "freedom" stuff. Failed out for a semester. Tried community college, not really for me. Second freshman year (started in spring semester), tried a little harder, needed to take a full ride of summer classes to stay up. I ended up coming .01 short of the cutoff for academic suspension, and my parents would not allow me to appeal. Had I appealed, I would have won due to the margin, but in retrospect I don't fault their decision one bit.

I won't bore everyone with the details of the rest of this story, but to give the Cliffs notes I moved to where I knew the jobs were, got my ass out there to network, and through hard work, putting up with MASSIVE amounts of bullshit, and a little of knowing the right people, I make an respectable salary, enough to have 2 bikes in the garage and a house that I own.

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They should make kids watch the movie 'Idiocracy' in school, every day, from kindergarten through college.

YES!! Thank you!! Somebody else who truly appreciates that movie! I totally agree. Everybody should watch that movie and if they don't understand it, then they're part of the problem.

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