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$1,000,000 for you if...


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I saw this movie coming out on DVD but it got me thinking

You can have $1,000,000 but you'll be responsible for the death of 1 random human being... could be any person, you won't know ahead of time.

What would you do? I have a hard time saying I'd turn it down.

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That would be tough. At first the money angle, cash is always nice. If there was a way to tweak the rules to know that it would somebody you don't know, or ever meet, or not even in this country, then maybe. But the draw back is that if somebody else also has that choice to make, the person that dies could be you, or somebody you know.

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Even if it was crazy money, like a 100 mil, I think no matter what you bought or did with the money, it would seem hollow, since it is literally "blood money".Although a few Duc RR's could take my mind off the fact of how you got the money.

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Even if it was crazy money, like a 100 mil, I think no matter what you bought or did with the money, it would seem hollow, since it is literally "blood money".Although a few Duc RR's could take my mind off the fact of how you got the money.

It's a crazy scenario, people die all the time for all different reasons... at least someone would get something out of it.

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Nope. I am POSITIVE that if i got to pick the person, I would take it. I would even do it if I got the pick the person. But I wont be responsible for the death of someone else unless they "deserve" it.

And exactly what would qualify for them deserving it? Just curious, not trying to bash you here....

Edited by jporter12
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And exactly what would qualify for them deserving it? Just curious, not trying to bash you here....

Without trying to sound like "that guy," after being through both Iraq and Afghanistan, there are MANY people I have come across that would deserve it. Some of them got what was coming to them and some of them did not. This could open up some opportunities to take care of loose ends, :D And get paid for it.

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you know i pray all the time that my ex pulls out of work in her car alone in front of a RTA in Dayton and gets so dismembered that a blood test and dental work has to be what identifies her remains...... prayer is free, and i hope god is listening to my prayers!!!!

no other comments.....

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you know i pray all the time that my ex pulls out of work in her car alone in front of a RTA in Dayton and gets so dismembered that a blood test and dental work has to be what identifies her remains...... prayer is free, and i hope god is listening to my prayers!!!!

no other comments.....

Wow... that was... um... ya.

It was a great relationship i see huh?

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