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What do you like best about the shitty economy?


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with some hope things will get better

It's going to take more than hope for things to get better.

Unemployment continues to increase (first time applicants), and they're talking AGAIN about extending unemployment benefits.

They bailed out BIG banks, who bought smaller banks instead of putting money in the hands of people that could have used it to put people to work. Tight credit = no major purchases for a lot of people.

Taxes are going up for EVERYONE (yeah, even those of us that make less than $250,000 per year) which means even LESS money going into the economy.

The deficit is WAY larger than its ever been, and if "health care reform" passes, its only going to get worse.

Yeah...lets "hope" things get better....jesus.

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I hate to completely choose 1 party and I've never voted a straight ticket. However, I do have a memory and refuse to act like the 8 years of the Dubya were blissful and the best years of our lives.

I will take credit for voting him in the first time. I just wasn't in love with the man that invented the internet.

However the second time around--- "Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." GW Bush

That man had a way with words! LOL

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jealous? if you cant beat us join us todd :bigfinger:

Actually, I've been in two unions - UAW, and IAM back in the 80's. Neither of them did anything for me that I couldn't have done myself.

Ok, that wasn't entirely accurate....They forced me to join (couldn't have the job without it) AND they took $30.00 a month from me for YEARS, and both companies moved south anyway (GA and AL) to non union shops.

Unions? Worthless. They're nothing more than big business. By the way, WHY does the UAW own a golf resort in Michigan?

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This message brought to you by a Union County Board of Elections Poll Worker/Election Judge (D).

Props to you for doing that. I get to hear all the funny stories of all the mouth breathers that come into the huge ® district my mother volunteers for.

I also get to hear about how the presiding Election Judge ® in her district can't follow directions that are written down on the freakin' paper. And when she calls him out on it, he gets upset. :rolleyes: It's pretty ridiculous...

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Justin- Thanks! I've been doing that since August of 2007. I live in an EXTREMELY Republican area. I mean.. hard core!

I hear you on the Presiding Judge issue.. I'm taking Presiding Judge training on Thursday evening even though I can't be one in my precinct because its ®. The Board of Elections requested I attend since my Presiding Judge I believe is now well into her 70s and I'm always keeping her on track. She even sends me Thankyou cards for my efforts and ever election makes sure that I'm working to keep things running smoothly.

OH... and on Friday I have Facilitator training. That is the person who services (changes tape, etc) the DRE voting machines.

I guess I'm kind of important to my precinct to be able to complete 3 different jobs during Election day.

Kudos to your mother for her efforts!!

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Props to you for doing that. I get to hear all the funny stories of all the mouth breathers that come into the huge ® district my mother volunteers for.

Another erudite statement from our resident liberal. I thought you people were supposed to be above the fray? You know, "hope", "change", "yes we can"....oh yeah, and "fuck off, we won"

What happened to the tolerance your side preaches? You wouldn't call a gay man a fag, but you'll call a republican a "mouth breather". Somehow, I guess, that's ok?

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Another erudite statement from our resident liberal. I thought you people were supposed to be above the fray? You know, "hope", "change", "yes we can"....oh yeah, and "fuck off, we won"

What happened to the tolerance your side preaches? You wouldn't call a gay man a fag, but you'll call a republican a "mouth breather". Somehow, I guess, that's ok?

There are a lot of "mouth breathing" Republicans in Richland County. True story.

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I don't care what the political affiliation happens to be of said-voter. I just want them to not look at the young girl working the election as horrible spawn of the devil who invented the ID requirements.

I don't know how many lazy (usually older) voters I have to tell that I even ID'd my husband that morning.

It's not like I have to see a photo ID. Show me a friggn' 6 month old utility bill. That works too.

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Actually, I've been in two unions - UAW, and IAM back in the 80's. Neither of them did anything for me that I couldn't have done myself.

Ok, that wasn't entirely accurate....They forced me to join (couldn't have the job without it) AND they took $30.00 a month from me for YEARS, and both companies moved south anyway (GA and AL) to non union shops.

Unions? Worthless. They're nothing more than big business. By the way, WHY does the UAW own a golf resort in Michigan?

you tell me where i can make a take home pay 0f 32.51 plus paid monies into my health and welfare local annuity natnl pension and local pension non union. its around 70 an hr my contractor pays for me to work. i will retire at 55 with full benes. my grandfather retired 4 yrs ago and was getting roughly 6k a month. not too shabby for a construction worker. i will glady pay 30 a month for the above. if it werent for unions the non unions wouldnt make what they make now. thank us for the 40 hr week as well.. and time and a half. and osha.collective baragaining.i can keep going but you get the point todd. the golf resort is no different than any other big biz.

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you tell me where i can make a take home pay 0f 32.51 plus paid monies into my health and welfare local annuity natnl pension and local pension non union.

There are plenty of places you can make that kind of money. Maybe not in your chosen field, but people make it all the time.

its around 70 an hr my contractor pays for me to work.

If you're taking home $32.50 per hour (I'm gonna guess here that is most likely your gross hourly wage), I can guarantee the contractor is paying WAY more than $70.00/hr for your burdened wage. I'm guessing you Don't forget to add in his payroll tax and everything else that comes with paying an employee. Its probably costing him in the neighborhood of $90.00/hr.

i will retire at 55 with full benes. my grandfather retired 4 yrs ago and was getting roughly 6k a month. not too shabby for a construction worker. i will glady pay 30 a month for the above.

Yeah, not a bad deal. What's your point?

if it werent for unions the non unions wouldnt make what they make now. thank us for the 40 hr week as well.. and time and a half. and osha.collective baragaining.i can keep going but you get the point todd.

Seriously? Yeah...thank the unions for minimum wage? How can you compare a guy making $7.25 an hour to what you make? 40 hour work week? The unions did that? - please. OSHA? Another government bureaucracy that costs EVERYONE more than they're worth. Collective Bargaining? Ok, yeah the unions got that one - but they're the only ones that "benefit" from it.

What else have we gotten from the unions? I dunno, how about low quality cars that cost way more than they should? Unreasonable labor costs and regulations that have cost more jobs than they've saved? How about a lazy, under worked, over paid labor force? Oh, yeah - the unions helped get us BHO, there's something we can thank them for. I'd go on, but I think even you're smart enough to get my point.

the golf resort is no different than any other big biz.

Riiiiight. Aren't the union's "anti-big business", you know, "workers of the world unite" and all that shit? They're no better than the companies they're supposedly "protecting" you from.

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i almost make a third of what you do........... maybe this is why i think it sucks?

all seriousness. i worked my ass off to get this far. it wasnt easy. started off making 10 an hour as a little bitch basically and working another job to make ends meet.dont get the skilled trades confused with the uaw. not all unions are the same. if we dont perform we get laid off. period. uaw does have it made for what they do, but they only make low -mid 20;s an hr. its not like it used to be, they have to work now. we all made choices to get us where we are now. i made my choice you made yours.

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There are a lot of "mouth breathing" Republicans in Richland County. True story.

Where's the tolerance?

You couldn't have just said "Republican"? I mean, if someone demeaned a liberal democrat, your side would be outraged, wouldn't they?

Or does "political correctness" only apply to the "downtrodden"?

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Where's the tolerance?

You couldn't have just said "Republican"? I mean, if someone demeaned a liberal democrat, your side would be outraged, wouldn't they?

Or does "political correctness" only apply to the "downtrodden"?

How else would you like me to describe a collective group who breathes out of their mouths?

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There are plenty of places you can make that kind of money. Maybe not in your chosen field, but people make it all the time.

If you're taking home $32.50 per hour (I'm gonna guess here that is most likely your gross hourly wage), I can guarantee the contractor is paying WAY more than $70.00/hr for your burdened wage. I'm guessing you Don't forget to add in his payroll tax and everything else that comes with paying an employee. Its probably costing him in the neighborhood of $90.00/hr.

Yeah, not a bad deal. What's your point?

Seriously? Yeah...thank the unions for minimum wage? How can you compare a guy making $7.25 an hour to what you make? 40 hour work week? The unions did that? - please. OSHA? Another government bureaucracy that costs EVERYONE more than they're worth. Collective Bargaining? Ok, yeah the unions got that one - but they're the only ones that "benefit" from it.

What else have we gotten from the unions? I dunno, how about low quality cars that cost way more than they should? Unreasonable labor costs and regulations that have cost more jobs than they've saved? How about a lazy, under worked, over paid labor force? Oh, yeah - the unions helped get us BHO, there's something we can thank them for. I'd go on, but I think even you're smart enough to get my point.

Riiiiight. Aren't the union's "anti-big business", you know, "workers of the world unite" and all that shit? They're no better than the companies they're supposedly "protecting" you from.

todd- the truth is unions are going nowhere. actually numbers are up across the board. low quality cars. really. id disagree 110%. paying doctors and lawyers six figures is unreasonable. any ever say anything about them being lazy under worked sharks. nope. take the blinders off bud.

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