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10 things we don't know about you...


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slingingchic, let us know when you've kicked his ass to the curb so the :leghump: can begin.
What does #6 say again? I must not be reading this right...


VERY Interesting... so you installing keylogger and hidden camera in our bedroom was.... what exactly?

When a woman has instinct shit is up, chances are something ain't right, things I saw, well it wasn't right, not my style ;)

I second what Scruit says. I would put my :leghump: skills up against any man here.

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My oldest living relative is my mom.

I live alone, no....wife, kids, or pets.

I would rather eat fruit or pizza rather than anything else.

I use to be a very serious runner.

I started riding exactly 30 years ago.

I have had 40+ motorcycles.

I spent 10 years traveling to Asia for work.

I lead a plebian life, my only luxury is my toys.

Not so certain I like myself.

I am a dirt poor, staunch Republican when it comes to economics and The Constitution, but really do not care about the balance between social issues and politics, in my opinion they are unrelated.

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does that mean you work for anandtech or something? (lol, can you tell i'm a computer nub yet?)

also, how many times do you get asked "will this run diablo III lol" per day?

Legitreviews.com actually

lol...I'm constantly hit up at work about computer shit....word gets out.:wtf:

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1. I have a big green toe nail, it got smashed by a pipe and was stitched back together using the toenail as a mold. Part of it's still numb.

2. Had a brain hemorage when I was 12, from putting up woven wire horse fence by myself on the farm because I stretched it too tight with the tractor and I couldn't get it close enough to the post to hammer the staple in and I pushed way too hard. They thought it was heat stroke at the ER, I went a week at home in a delirious amount of pain before they did a cat scan and realized it was a brain hemorage. By then the blood had absorbed a little and I spent a week in the hospital getting shots evey hour. I think I'm normal.

3. I cut most of the end of my finger off with a sickle bar mower a couple years ago. It grew back, the nails got a hump in it now.

4. Married once, and divorced as of maybe 6 years ago?, and have two children. Had a 3 year gf that ended a year ago?. Current member of the heeman women haters club, single and I like it for now, live on a old farm with acerage, 4 horses, 3 dogs, & my kids cat.

5. Played soccer since I was in 3rd grade thru 11th grade, (I wasn't that good), boy scouts, Indian guides, cross country, & track, played sax 1 year.

6. I can fix about anything but hate knowing, because it annoys me when I see things I could fix but don't want to but feel like I should.

7. I went to college to be a cop or Park Ranger, but chose another career.

8. I can blow actual bubbles with my tongue.

9. I've had/have a lot of hobbies and I get bored with them really quick.

10. I can't remember dates very well, have no concept of time, value things differently than most people, & don't care about cosmetic things but am a things person vs. a people person.

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1. I have a dent in my skull from running into a door when I was 2 (I think).

2. I broke both of my wrists in 3rd grade but only got the right one in a cast now my left makes weird noises when I twist it.

3. I am a Sonic The Hedgehog fanatic hence the 57 and my motto under my name.

4. I have 8 video game consoles from SEGA to Xbox 360 and I still actively play them.

5. I lived in Germany for about a year when I was 1 while my dad was in the Army.

6. My family is a big military family and have quite a few stories to tell.

7. I love old muscle cars.

8. I hate Mustang's and Camaro's after 1980 unless they are some special edition (there's just too damn many of them!!).

9. I only went to high school no college for me, yet.

10. If you meet me I will introduce myself as "Jeremy or you can call me Brown either works".

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  1. I have a huge fear of snakes. If I had been on the "snakes on a plane" plane, I would have jumped out and taken my chances with gravity.
  2. I have a love for the Wankel/rotary engines.
  3. My first bike was a Suzuki Shuttle 50 that I passed off to the local cops as a moped, I was 13 at the time
  4. I have been to Thailand, and it was amazing.
  5. I can heat my house in the fall and spring with the heat given off by all the computer equipment in my house. The furnace rarely runs if it is above freezing outside
  6. I have started 3 IT companies over the years.
  7. I hold a job that should require at least a bachelor’s degree, but I have less than 15 credit hours to my name
  8. I can list the states in alphabetical order from memory.
  9. I am handy with the Rapier, and use to teach historical sword play on OSU Campus as part of the SCA
  10. I am into BDSM

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1. I married my high school sweet heart(14 years ago)

2. I have 4 boys ages 4-11

3. I have two fingers I smashed, and cut that have finger nails that grow back split in half.

4. I have work at the same job for 17 years since age 19.

5. I am a closet hillbilly that lives in the city.

6. I have owned the same bike for 12 years now. have had others but still have the the triumph.

7. I bought my first house at 21, was the first time I lived out of my parents house.

8. I have been riding since I was 19 years old.

9. my longest ride on my bike was from cleveland to north Ga. 14 hrs, and 872 miles.

10. I have NEVER had a passenger on the back of my triumph.

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1) Names tom, nothing interesting here...

2) I have my peen peirced...

3) I have never tried a strawberry...

4) My first job out of HS was my highest paying job, I was dumb for leaving.

5) I scored a 100% on my college English placement test, I bombed it the first time with a 43% because I completed it in under 10 minutes. The guy said this has never ever seen or heard something like this happened before :dunno:

6) I failed college math 101 3 times before I dropped out of college.

7) I have the shortest arms of any non midget adult(male and female) that I know.

8) I am partially deff in one ear due to an abnormal wax buildup(treatments don't help much, it builds up too fast and acts like an earplug)

9) I held the highest situp record in my unit @ 98 in 2 minutes

10) I can do just as many 1h pushups as I can 2h pushups, my record 1h pushups is 76. Dunno what I can do now, probably 30-40 1handers.

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10. I'm a liberal

9. I'm atheist

8. I never graduated high school

7. I'm an extreme anti gunner

6. I'm racist

5. Proud KKK member

4. I have a library card

3. I can't drive a stick shift

2. I can't count to 10, but can count backwards from 10.

1. I am BEST FRIENDS and blood brothers with EXARCH


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10. I'm a liberal

9. I'm atheist

8. I never graduated high school

7. I'm an extreme anti gunner

6. I'm racist

5. Proud KKK member

4. I have a library card

3. I can't drive a stick shift

2. I can't count to 10, but can count backwards from 10.

1. I am BEST FRIENDS and blood brothers with EXARCH


Uh huh......sure it is......sure :facepalm:

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