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Crazy SOB riding today...


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At least thats my opinion, crazy to ride today, its freaking 22deg out according to the dash thermometer on my truck,

theres huge wind gusts not to mention snow and ice, BUT, this guy rode today....


Just snapped this pic in the parking lot of Kroger @ North Hamilton and Morse Rds,

notice the freaking ICE in the parking lot between my van and the bike. Crazy.

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Look at the pic, ther IS ICE on the roads, in places.

Yep! Big pockets of ice all over the parking lot. I never game much thought to maybe their car didn't start,

they probably do work at Kroger cause I was there for awhile and they didn't come back. :dunno:

No windshield, no fairings, brrrrrrrr.

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Just heard from Kozmo that he rode into work today.... And he's up in Cleveland @ 16 degrees!!! :eek:

That's gotta be like 100 below to a "dot not feather" Indian!! :D

Edited by Fonzie
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I'm planning to go ride here in a few (as soon as I'm done updating playlists on my iProduct). The trick on days like this is to leave lots of room in front and beside you, to dodge ugly spots. Also, try to stay within a few miles of civilization (any place that serves coffee, even a gas station), and pay attention to your body-- when your fingers get past numb and start burning, take a break, warm up, and move on. At stop lights, lift your goggles up (or crack your facemask, if you wear a helmet) to help prevent fogging.

Oh yeah, and wear lots of layers-- I'm rocking a Winter Underarmor shirt, a mil-surp sweater, and my jacket with the liner in. Jeans and long johns, thermal socks, all good stuff. The only downside is that you'll pretty much insta-sweat if you go indoors with all that gear on.

Edited by Aerik
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Coldest I rode in GA was 17....I didn't have a car at the time, so the bike was the only way I could get to work. (Yes, it does get cold in GA.) Visor frosted over, fortunately due to traffic I couldn't go very fast so riding with the visor up didn't freeze my eyeballs solid...but it still sucked, lol....

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Haha......I am the SOB up north......when I rode it was 17 with -6F windchill....and gusting at 35-40......what I did I am just copy pasting from facebook....

I don't have heated gear, just the ski gear works fine, boots, a ski pant on my jeans, a regular columbia jacket on sweatshirt...ski gloves, a ski polartec balaclava under the helmet and you are fine.....the ski glove and the balaclava/mask are the two most important stuff to keep the temperature out, if your neck area leaks air in the jacket/helmet....you are toast......that's it....try it...but at your own risk.....


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When we got home from dropping the car off in Cleveland... got home and REALLY thought about jumping on the bike just to get the points for such a cold day....

Too dark though, roads were icy in the development and people have a habit of driving like maniacs in there....

who am I fooling? I'm just a pussy and couldn't do this cold....

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I did alright, I stopped about every 45 minutes to get coffee and regain feeling in my fingers. I'm thinking about getting some of those ATV Mitts that go over the bars, to get a little extra coverage on my hands. Has anyone tried them on a streetbike?

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I had handguards that were from a KTM on my SV last winter...they work ok, but had I stayed in GA for another winter I would have gone with Hippo Hands. They look teh ghey, but everyone who I knew that used them raved about them. One guy had heated grips as well, and wore his summer gloves because they kept so much heat in there.

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It was way too damn cold to be riding today.

You're my proof that I was stoopid enough to do it though!

I did alright, I stopped about every 45 minutes to get coffee and regain feeling in my fingers. I'm thinking about getting some of those ATV Mitts that go over the bars, to get a little extra coverage on my hands. Has anyone tried them on a streetbike?

I think it was Buildit on here that showed a bike that he had them on, although I'm thinking it was a DS and didn't look so out of place.

Edited by jporter12
Wrong quote!!!! Duh!
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Haha......I am the SOB up north......when I rode it was 17 with -6F windchill....and gusting at 35-40......what I did I am just copy pasting from facebook....

I don't have heated gear, just the ski gear works fine, boots, a ski pant on my jeans, a regular columbia jacket on sweatshirt...ski gloves, a ski polartec balaclava under the helmet and you are fine.....the ski glove and the balaclava/mask are the two most important stuff to keep the temperature out, if your neck area leaks air in the jacket/helmet....you are toast......that's it....try it...but at your own risk.....


you officially are my hero now...:)
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