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Dealing with Bike Haters


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keep in mind, certain insurance will not cover any gear outside of your helmet.

Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know that about certain insurance companies, but I do know that Progressive covered everything involved including my jacket, gloves, and aftermarket accessories.

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I disagree...sport bikes are better equipped at avoiding catastrophe, cruisers or any other bike go fast enough to get you into trouble, and don't perform well enough to get you out of it....

I couldn't agree more with the above statement. I absolutely believe that sportbikes are MUCH safer than cruisers. They are lighter, have FAR better brakes, can maneuver better and are much much faster. And speed is a safety factor the way I see it. Let's say you are cruising down the highway and some dumbass decides he is just coming on over in your lane without even looking. There is another car to to other side. On a slow ass cruiser your only option is to put on the brakes and hope it's clear behind you. On a sportbike you have to option of going in front or behind.

I just bought a 2000 GSX-R600 and I'm getting rid of my cruiser and aside from the fun factor, I did it for the better brakes, and handling.

As far as the haters, I get flack form all sides, but it's my life so they will just have to deal with it :p

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Yeah, the sportbikes are more nimble..... I think what he was getting at is many get tend to get really stupid on the crotch rockets hence the risk. I have heard the "its a death trap" thing from day one. I wasn't supposed to get a bike, period. (wife) One day I showed up with one and have been riding ever since. My reason...... like I have told everyone, You only dance once and I'm not gonna be the guy at 80 sittn on his porch watch a cycle go by and think "wish I would have done that". To quote cage in ghost rider.......... "you cant live in fear".

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Some of my family were giving me grief at Christmas a couple years ago when I bought my bike, "It's dangerous don't get killed on it" stuff. I said "How do you know I'm not suicidal"? They didn't think it was funny, but nobody talked about bikes after that.

Eh, gives Gladys Kravitz something to focus on, while I enjoy myself.

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ive been told this many times by many people.. but i harrass them by saying " ur car/truck gets 15-25 mpg?? well me rippin on it all day long still gets 45+ mpg and is a hell of alot more fun and faster than ur car" and laugh.. theres not much they can say after that lol

AMEN.. enough said

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These folks arent your friends, dont get into a conversation with them at all about bikes. We dont need to be second guessing ourselves when we are out there making split second decisions and steering and braking inputs ! Dont even get into that with them. Keep as positive as possible and believe in yourself and your riding skills to keep you alive, not luck ! A negeative attitude or being scared and second guessing yourself and what your doing ,will be the thing that gets you hurt or killed !

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