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So damn tired of comments from the "peanut gallery"


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I know we have had recent threads about "haters' but I've got to rant for a second.

I recently got back into motorcycling after a ten year absence. I guess many years ago I bowed down to the pressure of family and friends, and maybe some of their comments got under my skin. maybe i was just tired of hearing it. Looking back on it now I stopped riding mainly to please others while hurting myself.

But something changed. Last July I took my daughter on a seven day cruise. We showed up on one island with 4 hours to kill so we saw what we could get into. I rented a 185cc half bike half scooter. My daughter and I rode for the full 4 hours and I felt alive and free. Got the bug and it was biting good.

From that night on I had motorcycles on the brain and even though I had just spent $2600 on a cruise, I bought a bike within week of getting home a 95 Magna. The more I rode the more I missed riding if that makes sense.

My mom and family tripped out like I knew they would.

Then I bought another bike, a little project for me (lots of pics coming soon) a 00 GSXR600 for the purpose of going to a trackday and having fun as well as being safer than my Magna.

Now I hear things like "I have a death wish", and I'm "on a path to destruction" after I told people I'm signing up to do a trackday at MI.

Half of me thinks that they can't wait till I crash to say "I told you so"

Can you imagine what they would say if I told them another reason I got the GSXR was cuz I wanted to try a little stuning?

That's why I love being here, you people understand me :D

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Be careful man! Those two whillers is dangerous! Especially when stuning.

You got a death wish or sumptin? :D

There was a story in Columbus years ago, but I remember when a big crane fell over and they said there was a casualty. I remember seeing the picture. The crane boom fell on a car waiting at a red light. Talk about bad luck. To say the guy died instantly would be an understatement.

I was thinking this guy probably did everything right. Good guy good father, etc, etc. Maybe he gave up a wish of riding bikes to be "safe" and responsible. Maybe he lived his whole life "safe" and never REALLY lived. Now he can't be alive or live.

When it's your time it's your time. We all die, living longer the only person you are cheating is death.

That's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it ;)

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There was a story in Columbus years ago, but I remember when a big crane fell over and they said there was a casualty. I remember seeing the picture. The crane boom fell on a car waiting at a red light. To say the guy died instantly would be an understatement.

I was thinking this guy probably did everything right. Good guy good father, etc, etc. Maybe he gave up a wish of riding bike to be "safe" and responsible. May he lived his whole life "safe" and never REALLY lived. Now he can't

That's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it ;)

Thats funny you mention that. A good friend of mine was the Superintendent on that job. It was the Schott.

And I'm with ya. "Live while you're alive" is what I always say.

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Meh, most folks that think motorcycles are death traps are people who have never ridden.

It's funny you should say that. My worst critic is my mom. She can't even talk to me now without mentioning something about my irresponsible behavior.

BUT when she first got married to may dad back in the stone age, they BOTH took a Vespa 50cc (two stroke) scooter on a 5,000 trip from Miami to Mexico a back. Two people on a 50cc bike AND gear. They were lucky to go 15mph up a hill, and my dad had to clean the carbon out of engine parts among other maintenance to keep things going for the trip. I thought that was the coolest story I heard from my parents.

I know she cares about me an loves me, and her heart is in the right place and all. But you can see me thinking her attitude toward me is a little hypocritical. But you really can't get mad at someone for caring, just wished they were more understanding :)

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I'm the asshole that will get defensive and turn around and critique their life.

"OMG, you put butter on that? D'You have a death wish?? You know that shit clogs arteries?!?!"

Judge not lest ye be judged - then judge back 10x as hard and 20x as comical.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

or better yet

"If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

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I'm the asshole that will get defensive and turn around and critique their life.

"OMG, you put butter on that? D'You have a death wish?? You know that shit clogs arteries?!?!"

Judge not lest ye be judged - then judge back 10x as hard and 20x as comical.

I once told my dad he should be ashamed to walk around the house naked if his dick was as big as mine. Of course i was only a toddler at the time and just learning to speak :)

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It's funny you should say that. My worst critic is my mom. She can't even talk to me now without mentioning something about my irresponsible behavior.

BUT when she first got married to may dad back in the stone age, they BOTH took a Vespa 50cc (two stroke) scooter on a 5,000 trip from Miami to Mexico a back. Two people on a 50cc bike AND gear. They were lucky to go 15mph up a hill, and my dad had to clean the carbon out of engine parts among other maintenance to keep things going for the trip. I thought that was the coolest story I heard from my parents.

I know she cares about me an loves me, and her heart is in the right place and all. But you can see me thinking her attitude toward me is a little hypocritical. But you really can't get mad at someone for caring, just wished they were more understanding :)

When Jeff died on his bike 3 years ago, I got MAJOR pressure from my mom & wife to sell 'Birdy.

Funny thing is, if you check my albums on here..... I rode across the country to California & back in a sidecar, at 10 years of age, with..... You guessed it.... My mom & dad ;)

She says it's different now because it's me & it's a sportbike

I'll probably be sayin' the same thing in 20 years if my kids ever get the bug.... And if I haven't killed myself on 'Birdy yet

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Like the OP I gave up riding for little more than 10yrs and never realized how much I missed it until I starting riding again. It brings joy into my life in a way that the wife and kids can not. So, you can either ride and feel alive, or bungee jump, or sky dive, or PCP, or crack, or heroine......

Let "haters" know that it is YOUR life, not theirs. If they choose not to ride you're cool with that, and they should STFU

I had a similar conversation with my mother when I purchased my current bike. After 20 minutes of listening to her tell me how I need to think of my wife and kids, I finally told her "so now that I'm grown up and not only don't want your advice, but don't need it, you want to tell me how to live my life? Tell you what mom, quit smoking and maybe, just maybe your argument might mean something. Until then, my life, my money, my business, so keep your comments to yourself or just don't bother calling any more." She chose to STFU, and then my older brother bought the same bike two weeks later.

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Statistics say... It's way more fatally dangerous in the bathroom and kitchen. You might slip and fall and hit your head or something. But I don't see anyone avoiding those places, or even taking much care to be careful.

So go ahead and ride. Crank your awareness up for safety, use a ton of common sense, and watch out for those bathrooms and kitchens.

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Statistics say... It's way more fatally dangerous in the bathroom and kitchen. You might slip and fall and hit your head or something. But I don't see anyone avoiding those places, or even taking much care to be careful.

thats why more women should be thrill seekers by staying in the damn kitchen

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Im a father of a 24 yr old daughter and a 20 yr old son. I ride and they dont. If they wanted to, as their parent I would naturally be protective and warn them of the dangers, and (dont do as I do...) but I would also respect their judgement and it might even be cool to ride with them. But as parents we are naturally protective because we love our kids. Its just that sometimes it comes out as "Your going to kill yourself on that dam thing" And then we think to ourselves,OMG I sound like my parents.

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