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I got audited today!!


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so as most of you know when i bought the GSXR the guy i bought it off of just put $0 on the title when I transfered the title. Now I got a letter from the department of taxation asking me to fill out a survey. I assuming im should just put I paid maybe $2000 for the bike and tell them it wasnt running when I bought it or should i just stick to the whole its a gift story on this survey?

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Did you receive a "survey", or a "what the hell are you trying to pull" letter?

Makes a difference.

Survey: "Rate your experience with the BMV on a scale of 1 - 10"..

WTF are you trying to pull letter: "WTF are you trying to pull? You expect us to believe someone gave you a motorcycle for free???"

I would consult an attorney (maybe Redkow, attorney in training, can chime in).

My guess is that you will need to report the actual selling price, pay the tax, pay the fine. If you 'fess up, adult-up, and pay you can probably avoid being charged with misdemeanor/felony tax evasion. Probably.

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You should have posted the title as "How can I best evade taxes and get away with it". It will make it easier for the "man" to track down the thread, shut down the forum, and cause the admins to retain counsel. Who puts "$0" as a selling price?

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ive done it before too, but it was always honest. a legitimate gift.

i wouldnt do it if i paid. thats just dumb. at least put like 100 dollars or something. the shit you get if they find out is not worth paying 6 bucks in tax.

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dude...a survery isnt an "audit"

if they audited you, they would have done it without you...its happened to me, they matched up the price i put on title with the deposit in the previous owners bank account, and thats how they knew....they sent me a letter saying i owe them for the tax on XXXX amount and that if there is an error and i did buy it cheaper, i need to send in proof...otherwise mail them their money and they gave me two weeks to come up with it

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Did you mean "laugh"? I can see how "e f t" could be confused for "a u g h" when typing...

lol i was trying to say help... how left got in there i have no idea. must have been thinking of something else when typing:cool:

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First off, don't panic it probably isn't anything. Just tell them you helped the guy put on a new roof, or deck, or patio, whatev and that was a gift.

oh im not freak out.. haha but it says on the survey, how much is the value of any work or services done in exchange for part of or the full value of the vehical.

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