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I got audited today!!


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idk if its a legit audit. or just a survey. it seems to be just a questionaire like they are just trying to get me to admit a purchase.

what exactly does this thing they sent you say?

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this is what is says...

questionaire regarding title transfer of motor vehical

Ohio Law requires the department of taxation to conduct a special audit of all casual (non-dealer) motor vehical title transfers. Our records show that you recieved a title to the above listed vehicle from Tim ____. As part of this audit you are instructed to complete this questionaire on the reverse side of this letter. ANY FALSE REPRESENTATION OF THE PRICE WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF OHIO REVISED CODE SECTION 2921.13. VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION IS PUNISHABLE BY A FINE OF UP TO $1000, 6 MONTHS IN PRISONMENT, OR BOTH.

Failure to respond will resort in an assesment (includes a 15% penalty) based upon the average retail price. please return this questionaire in the pre-addressed envlope.

Edited by Jcroz91
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this is what is says...

questionaire regarding title transfer of motor vehical

Ohio Law requires the department of taxation to conduct a special audit of all casual (non-dealer) motor vehical title transfers. Our records show that you recieved a title to the above listed vehicle from Tim ____. As part of this audit you are instructed to complete this questionaire on the reverse side of this letter. ANY FALSE REPRESENTATION OF THE PRICE WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF OHIO REVISED CODE SECTION 2921.13. VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION IS PUNISHABLE BY A FINE OF UP TO $1000, 6 MONTHS IN PRISONMENT, OR BOTH.

Failure to respond will resort in an assesment (includes a 15% penalty) based upon the average retail price. please return this questionaire in the pre-addressed envlope.

what are the questions on the reverse side?

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what are the questions on the reverse side?

im at work.. so im trying to remember. but they are like..

1. how much was paid to the previous owner for the listed vehicle?

2. what was the value of any vehicle traded in return for the listed vehicle?

3. what was the value of any work or services done for the previous owner in return for the listed vehicle?

4. How much have you already paid in taxes on the purchase of the listed vehicle?

5. Any general comments? ( I was just going to write that that vehicle didnt run when i recieved the bike.)

6. How much interest was paid on the load used to pay for the vehicle?

thats most of what i can remember i believe there were 10 questions

Edited by Jcroz91
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hmmm. i dunno what to tell you man... i think technically you didnt pay the previous (listed) owner anything, so you'd probably be in the clear. if you said you DID pay something, it may be possible for it to come back and bite him somehow... how exactly im not really sure... maybe he didnt report it as income or something? they could be like oh jcroz says he paid you X for this bike, but you never reported it?

i dont know if thats even a plausible scenario...

im at work.. so im trying to remember. but they are like..

1. how much was paid to the previous owner for the listed vehical?

2. what was the value of any vehical traded in return for the listed vehical?

3. what was the value of any work or services done for the previous owner in return for the listed vehical?

4. How much have you already paid in taxes on the purchase of the listed vehical?

5. Any general comments? ( I was just going to write that that vehical didnt run when i recieved the bike.)

6. How much interest was paid on the load used to pay for the vehical?

thats most of what i can remember i believe there were 10 questions

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hmmm. i dunno what to tell you man... i think technically you didnt pay the previous (listed) owner anything, so you'd probably be in the clear. if you said you DID pay something, it may be possible for it to come back and bite him somehow... how exactly im not really sure... maybe he didnt report it as income or something? they could be like oh jcroz says he paid you X for this bike, but you never reported it?

i dont know if thats even a plausible scenario...

yeah that does make sense. ill talk to my lawyer

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Did you get the letter by certified mail? If not, then throw it away if it came in the regular mailbox. I privately traded my Jeep for a Suburban 5 months ago and when I went to the title office, I wrote $0.00 I got the same letter and threw it away. They never tried to contact me again.

By the way same goes for Jury Duty. If you just get a generic subpoena in the mail, don't return it, throw it in the trash. They can't act on any penalty unless they can prove you received it.

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here is the skinny on this...

you and the person who is on the title (tim, JD whoever the fuck it is on the title) got a letter

both of you fill it out.. if it comes back both of you put it was zero dollars or whatever.. its all gravy..

basically they are checking to see if you both match up.. if not then both of you are screwed, more so you if he puts he sold it for x amount and you put $0

i had a similiar thing happen with a bike i bought, guy sold it to me, and title jumped (meaning he had a title that was signed off but his name wasnt on it, someone elses name was on it. (like your title)

i got audited... he put $500 on the title..

well not being able to get ahold of the original guy (not the one i bought the bike from) i went to the title office (or wherever i had to go) in person and talked to someone, said hey, after getting this letter i wanted to pay what was the right amount... the guy i bought it off of got it off his friend and had a checp amount on the title, well after only having it a few day wanted to sell it and he title jumped.

they basically said ok no problem, how much did you buy it for... i told them the real price and paid the taxes i needed to pay..

and never heard from them again.

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here's my common sense of your situation. The audit asks you how much you paid to the previous owner (Tim), the truthful answer is ZERO. You did not pay Tim, you did not purchase the bike from Tim. Inserting a dollar amount would be more of a lie than you stating you paid zero for the bike.

IF the audit asked you "how much did you pay for the bike", then you would need to give the real dollar amount answer. As written, the question in the audit is "how much was paid to the previous owner". The answer and the truth is ZERO

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here is the skinny on this...

you and the person who is on the title (tim, JD whoever the fuck it is on the title) got a letter

both of you fill it out.. if it comes back both of you put it was zero dollars or whatever.. its all gravy..

basically they are checking to see if you both match up.. if not then both of you are screwed, more so you if he puts he sold it for x amount and you put $0

correct, i have got 4 of these over the years, always called the pervious owner and reminded them what we wrote as selling price on the title.

A small side issue. Insurance companies only want to pay off what you paid for it. So that would be "zero". They look it up on the title and try to pay that amount. A big hassle convincing them otherwise, on a value. Consider the small tax payment to be good insurance against future damages to the vehicle.

That's funny, insurance against insurance companies screwing a person...


i just had a 01 audi a6 get totaled due to a fire. title says i payed $2,500 for the car, geico insurance gave me a check for $5,400 for my loss..........

Edited by ShAfT
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I only read the first couple of posts..but Here is what this is.

ALmost every motorcycle sale done on a private individual basis gets these now. You should never put "$0" on a title as its an automoatic trigger for these audit papers. You and the seller will receive them and HAVE TO FILL THEM OUT, other wise they consider you to be committing a fraud against the state and you will get hit with taxs, penalties, and interest. The state has tightened up a lot in the last two years on this and as long as you and the seller put the same things down, you will be golden. If I was you I would state you traded something and and make the value of the trade $500 or so. Make sure th seller does the same. SInce you guys put zero, there had to be something exchanging hands. I know their is a section on there for trades, so use it and eat the $$Tax money on the value at $500 and be glad they dont get you for more.

From now on, always use a monetary value, it sucks having to pay tax, but it saves you a lot of headache down te road. I almost always use the same pricing on a newer bike and include it in the price I pay for it, as I buy and sell a lot of bikes, so Iknow how to do it.

Also , always make sure you and the buyer know what was put on the title for price and make them write it down somewhere for the audit that will likely come 6 months down the road after you have long forgotten about the transaction.

Just my advice...I have had about a Dozen of these things and all have worked out well...but I knew the system when I made my purchases which helped tremndously as well.

Good luck.

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Not sure this is entirely accurate. My insurance company doesn't work that way. I wonder if this is specific to a certain private company.
incorrect...... i just had a 01 audi a6 get totaled due to a fire. title says i payed $2' date='500 for the car, geico insurance gave me a check for $5,400 for my loss..........[/quote']

Yeah, usually I explain myself better than that. I mean negotiations with the other party's insurance company for a claim. Not with a person's own insurance company. I don't think that would normally be a problem. I should have said that I've seen problems when people put an amount on the title that is too low for a sale price. But only when dealing with the claim from the other party's insurance company. And it's not the fault of any insurance company, it's basically the owner screwing himself.

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I think you said it really was a survey. Chuck in the round file and not worry about it, since I don't think they can require you to do a survey. :dunno: Couldn't tell you for sure without seeing it though, and no, I'm not asking you to post it up.

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