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Looks like I got the last laugh - Ex Girlfriend

DTM Brian

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So the ex has been in touch with me on and off for about two weeks and she has gone from wanting to just be friends to work on dating again. I have been avoiding her every which way I can. She has asked me for the last 5 nights to go out for dinner, a ride, a drive, a date. I find ways of avoiding her every time. Well tonight she came out to the shop and asked if we could talk. I sat and listened to a bunch of nonsense. I finally asked why she would want to go back down this path with me. I could not help but laugh at her response.

1. I am the most kind man she has ever dated.

2. I have a sucessful business.

3. I am good with money.

4. All the guys she has dated since me has put the screws to her and left her.

5. I am the best thing that ever came into her life.

Quote from Lauren

" I swear if you would only change one thing you would be the perfect man for me." Funny thing is she could not tell me what that one thing is.

So I then asked her what happened with Pizza Boy. Her reply was that he had no ambitions of making himself better and could not give her the things she wanted in life and that he was a really bad lay. All he could ever be was a friend.

I told her thanks and wished her the best of luck. I guess pizza boy did not know how use the sausage with the anchovies. :popcorn:

Damn it feels good to know that she knows she screwed up.

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I love 2 and 3. Good riddance man.

I fucking hate it when girls take words out of your mouth and fucking overanalyze everything to make you out to be some asshole. If youre currently in a relationship why the fuck would you try to twist my words around to sound like i dont want to be in it. If I didnt fucking want to be in a long distant relationship, id break that shit off. Its like a divine gift they have. Then youre stuck on the fucking phone for 2 hours...half spent in awkward silence...trying to explain what you really mean. Fuck me.


Best of luck in the future man.

Damn i need to go on a night ride or something and have a few handles afterwards.

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That one thing, I know what it is. She wants you to stop fucking around with my sheep. I told her it was an unreasonable request but she just won't listen. :lol:

I still say you shoulda given her a dirty sanchez or a roman helmet and then posted the pix

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"You've got a successful business"= "I'm after your $"

Fuck that money grubbin ho.

I have no doubt that is what it is.

Lauren " All I seem to date is losers with no future or career."

Um I think he did. :)

Keyword here is "did" and not "is"

Some of you may ask why I am posting this on a public forum. Personally I think the whole thing is funny. :)

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I'm not googling Roman Helmet at work.

While they are passed out, gently and inconspicuously place your fleshy bag on their forehead while carefully laying down your dudemeat down the bridge of their nose in parallel fashion

I read that and started busting out laughing at work. This was a fantastic read

and just for good measure because it makes me happy to see and words to live by:


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. She has asked me for the last 5 nights to go out for dinner, a ride, a drive, a date. I find ways of avoiding her every time.

you clearly dont want to be with her, so why finding ways to avoid her? why not just say "no. i dont like you, stop calling me?"

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Through all this I'm continually gobsmacked at how un-subtle she is at her golddiggery. She can at least pretend like she was interested in you for other reasons, instead she just lays her weak-ass hand on the table prematurely and expects to rake in the pot.


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