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Whoa todd! I read most of your long ass post but wheezle is creapy and you should still take davids side on that issue. You are looking too deap into the facebook / or thing. Its not being fake its the equizalent or watching your language around kids.

I do still side with Dave on the Wheezie thing. As far as the language thing...... maybe I missed a comment or two since I dont use FB very often but I dont remember mine or anyone elses being offensive, yes someone mentioned a hot carl but most wouldnt know what that is so it would go over thier heads and the ones that do know ..... well they already know so shouldnt be offended.

Maybe I'm wrong though so I'll sit back down and be quiet.

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Signs Of Insecurity In Marriage*

A feeling that there is a presence of some other person in your spouse’s life

A strong feeling as if you are not being loved the same way as you love your spouse

A regular question, asking if the partner is happy in the relationship or not, along with asking similar questions to the partner’s friend

The feeling that your partner is not spending enough time with you

Having a three way with wheezle and spooning with him afterwards

Feeling insecure about the relation itself and getting worried about the future. A constant doubt about whether your partner will remain in the relationship or will leave you

Cooking up wildest thoughts and weirdest imagination, like the partner is spending time with some of the close friends and thus avoiding you

Getting nosy about minute details about the whereabouts of the partner, like checking phone calls, facebook and ohio rider messages, hanging out in the womens only forum, etc

Unreasonably blaming partner for ignoring you and thus picking up fights on the minor issues*

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I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you Dave as I really dont care one way or the other but Jagr nor I or the others you sent that message to did nothing wrong and your threats of her unfriending us are really usuless as well because you should dig a lil deeper, we didnt request it SHE did she sent the friend requests to us not the other way around. It seems to me you're being a lil insecure here lately and I will not get into the details of the message you sent us since you did it privately and I'll respect that but as has already been pointed out you asked for seperation of OR and FB for various reasons...All of the reasons you pointed out tell me you're trying to lead double roles here and your a fake on one or both of the sites. All of the people you had listed in the message are the same here and on FB and in person we dont seperate the two and what you see is what you get with us, that being said she knew what she was getting when she sent the requests to us. Are you upset about the comments left or the fact she is rquesting us as friends? I'm gonna respect your wishes and not comment to her anymore but I think you have some issues to work out. Uptight and Insecure are 2 that come to mind. I was kinda on your side with the Lance thing and thought maybe you had good reasons but I am personal friends with everyone you sent that message to and know for a fact none of them or I ment any thing disrespectful or in anyway have any intent to hit on your woman so relax and rethink. And I hope all is good with you and her but somthing tells me you two need to talk heart to heart and step away from OR and FB both for awhile but whadda I know?

All that was with respect so dont get all pissy, just calling it like I see it.

I feel like this statement is missing something...hmmmm

Oh some fucking periods.

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I didn't hang her out' date=' she never knew about it. I just jumped on her computer one night to see what was going on in there :eek:...

it was boring reading all the stories of drunken lesbian encounters and wild girl-on-girl, I mean girls only rides :rolleyes:[/quote']

Wow. You've sunk to a new low, checking up on the ladies-only section and bragging about it. Your 'close' relationship with your wife is starting to seem more like you checking up on her all the time, breathing down her neck, etc.

The more I think of it, that's really offensive that you're in there snooping around. Some of the stuff that we are talking about is private and none of your business. You're not a fellow female rider, you're just some creepy dude sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Ben made that section so that we can relax and chit chat about girl stuff. You have no business there.

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Ben made that section so that we can relax and chit chat about girl stuff. You have no business there.

Relax. I peaked in there one time, I didn't even read anything, if you're that worried about it have Ben take

Melissa's girls-only forum privileges away, she didn't even know it existed. And people say I need to relax.

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I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you Dave as I really dont care one way or

the other but Jagr nor I or the others you sent that message to did nothing wrong and your threats of her unfriending

us are really usuless as well because you should dig a lil deeper, we didnt request it SHE did she sent the friend

requests to us not the other way around.

I'm not looking for a pissing match with anyone. My threats (as you put it) of unfriending were

only if you guys couldn't or wouldn't respect my wishes to keep the OR drama here on OR and not on FB.

Who requested to be who's friend is irrelevant.

...you asked for seperation of OR and FB for various reasons...All of the reasons you pointed

out tell me you're trying to lead double roles here and your a fake on one or both of the sites.

We are not fake on one site or the other, we simply have friends here and we other friends there.

The two groups of friends might not see eye to eye on lots of things, somethings are appropriate or commonplace

here that may be considered alittle inappropriate there. I don't think thats really a hard concept to grasp.

...Are you upset about the comments left or the fact she is rquesting us as friends?

I'm gonna respect your wishes and not comment to her anymore

The comments, it was simply the comments. And I never said not to comment on any of her postings,

all I ask is that if you do that you think about what you're posting.

...I was kinda on your side with the Lance thing and thought maybe you had good reasons

but I am personal friends with everyone you sent that message to and know for a fact none of them or I ment any thing

disrespectful or in anyway have any intent to hit on your woman so relax and rethink.

I never accused any of you guys of hitting on her and I don't think any of you conciously meant any disrespect,

and most of this is just me being a bit over sensitive but she is my wife and I look out for her.

...And I hope all is good with you and her but somthing tells me you two need to talk

heart to heart and step away from OR and FB both for awhile but whadda I know?

You couldn't be more wrong. We have been married for almost 16yrs, together for almost 18,

we have a rock solid relationship, we've been thru a lot in 18yrs and have always came out on top.

...All that was with respect so dont get all pissy, just calling it like I see it.

Your comments and thoughts are duly noted.

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