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June 27, 2010 meeting for Coshocton ride

Uncle Punk

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Just shed my leathers... 285 miles for me' date=' too. :)

I took 93N to Bolivar and grabbed 77N. I got pummeled by a t-storm in Canton. The FZ started to pull water into the intakes. LoL.. I almost didn't make it off the interstate.

With the exception of my little slip, it was a decent ride. Could have been better, but that's what happens when you let the patients run the asylum. No, SRSLY... Thanks to the Coshocton Crew for taking us out today. It was a lot of fun. I owe you all a beer. :cheers:

Good weather down south, though. Excellent weather, actually. Nice to ride with/not meet anybody. I hope the Walrus makes it home ok, and that kid with the orange thing. :eek:

Time for a shower, cigar and [b']homebrew. :guitar:

we gotta get together sometime, i love me some craft brew. wish i could have made it out of bed this am. the alarm went off, i looked at it, hit the snooze. when i finally woke up i realized i wouldn't catch up to the 82/83 crew so i decided to go out for a nice cruise through the metro parks. lame by coshocton standards, but nice none the less.

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What a cluster fuck of a good time. I am home, will post more later but I would like to thank the Coshocton guys for sacrificing their rides by leading and running sweep. Udell was also recruited to help also I put him at sweep on one of the groups and it turned into some work. I owe you a ride brother.

You guys who left after the McDonalds break missed a good ride, we got a little more organized. The next Coshocton ride down will go smoother.

Sorry for the bike damage Ross let me know what I can do to make you whole.

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What a cluster fuck of a good time. I am home, will post more later but I would like to thank the Coshocton guys for sacrificing their rides by leading and running sweep. Udell was also recruited to help also I put him at sweep on one of the groups and it turned into some work. I owe you a ride brother.

You guys who left after the McDonalds break missed a good ride, we got a little more organized. The next Coshocton ride down will go smoother.

Sorry for the bike damage Ross let me know what I can do to make you whole.

what happened?

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Sorry for the bike damage Ross let me know what I can do to make you whole.
no problem man. its cheaper to fix the bike than it is to replace $10 worth of parts from radio shack that some kid in a sweatshop soldered together, that motorola likes to call the "droid"
what happened?
our bikes were cold and wet and felt the need to cuddle against a wall while they were parked
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By the way, those of you who missed out because you thought it would be an out of control race the whole way should have came. I am pretty new at riding and there were several people there going just my speed. Thanks to Udell and Elliot and the Aprilia guy for running sweep behind my slow ass.

Oh, and there were delicious popsicles.

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What a cluster fuck of a good time. I am home, will post more later but I would like to thank the Coshocton guys for sacrificing their rides by leading and running sweep. Udell was also recruited to help also I put him at sweep on one of the groups and it turned into some work. I owe you a ride brother.

You guys who left after the McDonalds break missed a good ride, we got a little more organized. The next Coshocton ride down will go smoother.

Sorry for the bike damage Ross let me know what I can do to make you whole.

Thank you for wokring as hard as ya did today, Tod. I had a really good time, and my body is telling me it was a good thing that i left when I did. I'm honeymooner sore right now, but worth it. Thanks to Zach (I think) and the Coshocton crew for a great day, and it was nice to finally meet some of the knuckleheads on here I have been jabbing with for the past few years.

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Sorry for the bike failure! I knew I needed a battery but not that bad? SO thanks to inyass For trying to help push my heavy ass bike to bump start it. sorry it didnt work. Thank god for the guy who stopped with a set of cables. Once I ran it for a bit it seems fine starts right up now? Next time I will turn the key off and not kill my 10 year old battery again. Thanks to the guys who put this together. After 3 big bottles of gatoraide, time for some beer.

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Thanks to Udell and Elliot and the Aprilia guy for running sweep behind my slow ass.

Haha, you're fine! You were actually running a good pace, I was perfectly happy following.

It did don it really did.

After we got separated from the group (Andy, Brandt, and I) we got hit by that rain and decided to take 161 to 270 to 70 due to 670 being a nightmare in the rain, I had a brain fart and missed the 70 exit! That added another 15 min to the trip. Caught back up with Andy and Brandt at a Pilot off 70 and we just sat there dreading the rest of the trip. I hate highways, my bike is miserable on them.

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Hey there everyone. Great to finally do a group ride after three years of interupted plans. Even better that it was on some decent roads with a spirited pace.

Jim-thanks for trying to link up and sorry for running late

Todd-i appreciate the offer to wait a minute for me to fuel up at circle-k. good job with getting everyone on the same page. kudos for making sure your baby had eye protection...hahahaha

Coshocton/Columbus crew-i didnt really get a chance to talk to any of you but, thanks a lot for leading on your roads. it's been three years since I lived in Virginia and really had a chance to wind it out and lean it over. i can humbly say that my skills have diminished from lack of use. ah well, plenty of room for improvement and reason to get out there more, again.

looking forward to riding with all of you again. i was surprised to see as many riders from up this way

btw...i'm glad i headed out when i did. as soon as i parked, sat on my porch, and cracked a beer the rain drops started. i got hit for about 10 minutes going home but must've been on the edge of it. route home was 83 > 643 > 93 > 250 > 94 > some other roads pointing north. i should've just gone further down 36 to 93. next time

Everyone else, it was great to meet you all

popsicles huh? damn, i always miss the fun stuff

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