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Here's to you Buckeye Haters


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"Nothing gives you more joy than the collective misery of Ohio State fans following a loss. When you watch Ohio State, you want them to wreck, not piss excellence. But you know, and I know, and you know that I know one thing: Ohio State does piss excellence, week in and week out. More frequently than an alcoholic diabetic. But you live for that car wreck, don’t you? Because for one, maybe two Saturdays a year, you get to text your Ohio State buddies and say ‘U SUX LOLZ!!!’ But we don’t do that to you, because most of us can’t afford all the texts we would have to send, week in and week out, to reinforce what we both already know: Your team really does suck, and never will piss excellence like Ohio State does"


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"Nothing gives you more joy than the collective misery of Ohio State fans following a loss. When you watch Ohio State, you want them to wreck, not piss excellence. But you know, and I know, and you know that I know one thing: Ohio State does piss excellence, week in and week out. More frequently than an alcoholic diabetic. But you live for that car wreck, don’t you? Because for one, maybe two Saturdays a year, you get to text your Ohio State buddies and say ‘U SUX LOLZ!!!’ But we don’t do that to you, because most of us can’t afford all the texts we would have to send, week in and week out, to reinforce what we both already know: Your team really does suck, and never will piss excellence like Ohio State does"



Exactly why I sometimes watch NASCAR.

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