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What's to your left?


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Couch cushions


Pocket knife

Laptop computer

Depending on type of zombie (slow or fast) two similar strategies emerge.

With a slow moving zombie:

a sweep of the legs should take the zombie down, using the pillow as an absorbent material to prevent infection, I stab it about the head and neck repeatedly with the pocket knife until sufficient head trauma has occurred

Fast mover:

Throw one or two pillows to briefly disorient zombie, use a couch cushion as a make shift shield/ tangle, back them against the wall, and use a swift stab through the eye socket or up through the open, gaping maw of the zombie to bring about it's swift (and final) death.

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metal H20 bottle, desk phone, lots of pens, keyboard, mouse, 2 monitors, desk, chair, cabinet, windex, coffee mug, lots of cables, high voltage power cable, and papers

I'm in a locked room though with few windows, and I wonder if they could find me under the datacenter floor and if the cold AC would slow them down.

Edited by cattmouch33
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I have a wall with a cork board message holder and half cup of room temp coffee. I could pull some of the thumb tacks of the cork board and put them on the ground for the zombies to walk on. Then i could throw the coffee mug at the lead zombie, after that, i am out of options.

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On desk:

Top Gear mag someone left at my desk

SolidWorks install DVD's

various e-mails printed for easier reading

Crystal brand glass cleaner

left speaker


Further left:

Empty popcorn tin (vendor Christmas swag I swiped (when full) from someone)

tiny space heater I "borrowed" when someone changed cubes 3 or 4 years ago

various boxes of software

box of old DLT tapes

guess I'll spray glass cleaner in their eyes, retreat a step, and then throw tapes at them and attempt to use old CD's as IT ninja stars...

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I have a wall with a cork board message holder and half cup of room temp coffee. I could pull some of the thumb tacks of the cork board and put them on the ground for the zombies to walk on. Then i could throw the coffee mug at the lead zombie, after that, i am out of options.

What no vrtex360 helmets??? That would be the best, put virtual reality goggles on em and then they would be confused and think they were on a skyscraper and wouldn't want to fall off the edges.

^That makes no sense to anyone but those of us that work here at Lincoln Automation.^

Desk stuff and a box to my left, I'm screwed.

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Sleeping yellow lab pup. I'm screwed. Oh, and a webkinz

Keep throwing fad collectibles at them. Eventually one zombie will really get into collecting webkinz or something else. At that point; the other zombies, smelling weakness, will turn on the collector zombie.

At which point you run away, leaving a trail of pop culture collectibles to slow their chase.

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