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lol i do on occasion also

the one that bothers me though is then/than ....and people using "and" instead of "an"


I type a lot of analysis reports and project proposals. Cause and effect. I can't even find the a key when typing the word. :lol:

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Should of ended it with a "Fuck off with all due respect" :ok:

Good point I will keep that in mind for next time. I.am sure there will be a next time.

FYI Justin you got exactly what you wanted and asked for. I almost posted the negative rep for you, but decided not to search for the thread.

Now Justin FUCK OFF, with all due respect!

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Moar butthurtedness, someone needs hugz :(

reputation_neg.gifseriois question for... 05-15-2012 06:03 PM crb FUCK OFF!

Justin and cheech I will respect the President slightly more than I have previously, although I still dont agree with his policies. I will try to adress him as Obama. I can't promise much more than that!

Did you miss this? And you still go crap in my serious thread. You are the child!!!

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Please fill this form out since I have obviously hurt your liberal feelings so frequently!

:lol: says the guy who threatens to put me on ignore because he can't find a pair of 'big boy' pants to have an adult discussion and has to leave negative rep because that's his only way to fight back. Ohh, and it only took you 4 days to come back and google that image. You're still dwelling on it son. :lol:

Your irony never ceases to amuse.

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Nope found it in my gallery on my phone, photo info shows 12/16/11 sorry. I've had it for a while, but did have to uploaded it to photobucket. I'm not arguing with you. Seeing how the truth hurts your feelings I gave you a form to fill out to fix the situation. I could give a shit less about you, I get tired of reading your liberal douchbaggery(not a word and I don't care)! Your a liberal troll! End of story. I posted it for laughs, but since your so butthurt you don't find it funny. Actually it was more do others anyway I knew you wouldn't get it. Liberals....... :dunno:

Oh and I didn't threaten, I followed through. You can't drop your liberal trolling to have a decent conversation. I have NO USE for you! You have refused to put aside that we will never see eye to eye on politics, be side you believe in liberalism and I am for liberty and freedom. I will not change my stance. President Obama could offer me 1 million dollars sto vote for him, and I would turn it down! Sorry I am morals, values, and standards unlike most liberals.

Now go back to being the "victim"

You the "victim" now that's irony right there!

Edited by crb
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