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You better tell us why before we make up something really good.

Regardless of what I say, people will have their own thoughts and just say more shit and it will go on and on. I'll leave it at that.

I don't know many people on here, so just understand where I'm coming from on this. This is a bullshit person who has dozens of times fucked people over to feel better about themselves. They have been given chances at every level and by so many people. Yet they continue to have no problem asking for favors and more chances after lying, cheating and shit talking people. What could you possibly think you will get out of knowing this person that is in any way good? If I was talking about shit from 5 or 10 years ago, then maybe I have no room to talk. I'm saying this is recent and appears to go all the way back to at least high school. What the fuck?

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I met her 1x in 2008 at Dyno day and my 1st impressions were a drama queen nut job. It was like watching a Jr. High girl run her mouth about shit, and I had no idea wtf she was talking about but I heard and saw her always rambling about dumb shit. I'm surprised she wasn't passing notes to a girlfriend or something while there. Very immature for her age is what I pegged her for. As soon as she opened her mouth I instantly knew she was a wacko. I've met many in the past and can tell if a woman is a nut instantly after meeting them.

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Space docking, who would want to and why? And really, what does that say about the girl that allows it? I've dated more than my fair share of crazy women with issues, baggage, low self esteem, broken homes etc and don't think any would go for that.

I'm not even looking it up. Never heard of it. Don't want to know what it is.

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