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What is your maximum time to wait on date to be ready?


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Ok, so everytime i've went out with a certain female, it seems like the time to wait on her to get ready increases. The 15 minutes of the first date has gradually extended to almost 2 hours for tonight. ( I'm waiting right now actually.)

She's always fun and is very sexy, so I don't want to ruin it, by saying, "hurry the fuck up."

what should I do?

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Ok, so everytime i've went out with a certain female, it seems like the time to wait on her to get ready increases. The 15 minutes of the first date has gradually extended to almost 2 hours for tonight. ( I'm waiting right now actually.)

She's always fun and is very sexy, so I don't want to ruin it, by saying, "hurry the fuck up."

what should I do?

tell her to hurry the fuck up, but in a nice way.

"Wow, you look beautiful tonight, but if you needed more time to get ready, you could have asked me to pick you up later, I wouldn't have minded a later date"

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She better look like a damn model if it is taking her 2 hours to get ready. I have NEVER taken more than an hour to get ready and thats pushing it. I have super long and curly hair so a good portion of that hour is used up straightening it. Seriously she better be putting out for wasting your time.

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30mins tops and she only gets 3 strikes. I understand a little late but more than 30 and that just pisses me off which then becomes their loss. My dating life became a lot easier when I figured out how to make women realize they should work for me, not the other way around

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I don't think I have ever really made a guy wait either. I am a very punctual person so I then to hold other people to those same values. When I started looking for a job as a kid my parents always told me that if you are early you are on time, and if you are on time you are late. I some what apply that to dating. If if has to take me forever to look nice for you then we probably aren't meant to be together. I don't wake up with my hair looking perfect and make up on, get over it.

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Personally I don't like make up or done up girls. I love the natural rolled out of bed and threw a ball cap on with jeans and a tee shirt look.

If she's gotta do all that she's hiding something and sooner or later you'll roll over and see it so move on to a different girl, low maintenance and natural beauty.

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Me, I usually take at least 2 hours to get ready. Whats wrong with a little anticipation? It'll be worth it in the end to see the finished product. Be glad you even have a date, so quit your bitching you sissy.. :)

Yeah, I don't think most guys like that. My dad always told me not to go out with a girl that spends hours getting ready and wears lots of make up. One day you'll wake up next to her, she won't be wearing make up and you'll freak because you won't recognize her.

If you (not specifically you Holly) are that insecure in how you look, then that a huge no-go for many guys. You should like who you are, not try to be someone you aren't. At first it might be, "oh, she wants to look good for me" but after awhile we just see it as a huge waste of time and you trying to hide your true self from us.

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No one said anything about putting mounds of make-up on, Im talking about hair. I am oh so anal about my hair. Also what I'm wearing. The first hour may be me just thinking about what to wear. What you guys don't realize is if we are going out on a date we have to wear something youll remember us by. It's the nature of the beast.

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Me, I usually take at least 2 hours to get ready. Whats wrong with a little anticipation? It'll be worth it in the end to see the finished product. Be glad you even have a date, so quit your bitching you sissy.. :)

I don't care how long you take to get ready.... Just do it before I get there ;)

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