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Do you correct people?


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I admit I can be somewhat "know-it-all-ish," and it's something I consciously try to reign-in in real life (not so much on the internet, if you have't noticed:D)

So i'm sitting here in my cubical listening to 2 of my coworkers talk about cars. I am no mechanic, but I read a lot of reviews, etc. in car magazines.

Anyway, do you correct people, or do you just let them spew misinformation to the unsuspecting public?

The guy next to me just went on for 10 minutes with my coworker about how the Chevy Colorado was "basically an S10 with different bodywork."

Right, because switching from the 4.3 V6 to that 3.7(?) inline 5 wasn't a significant change at all... Plus I want to say it was a complete ground-up redesign, so the chassis was all new too.

Comments on the S10/Colorado are welcome, but should I have jumped in and said something? This isn't the first time this particular coworker has given incorrect car advice, and (shocker) the guy used to sell used cars. He knows just enough to be dangerous.

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I admit I can be somewhat "know-it-all-ish," and it's something I consciously try to reign-in in real life (not so much on the internet, if you have't noticed:D)

So i'm sitting here in my cubical listening to 2 of my coworkers talk about cars. I am no mechanic, but I read a lot of reviews, etc. in car magazines.

Anyway, do you correct people, or do you just let them spew misinformation to the unsuspecting public?

The guy next to me just went on for 10 minutes with my coworker about how the Chevy Colorado was "basically an S10 with different bodywork."

Right, because switching from the 4.3 V6 to that 3.7(?) inline 5 wasn't a significant change at all... Plus I want to say it was a complete ground-up redesign, so the chassis was all new too.

Comments on the S10/Colorado are welcome, but should I have jumped in and said something? This isn't the first time this particular coworker has given incorrect car advice, and (shocker) the guy used to sell used cars. He knows just enough to be dangerous.

At least when you talk on here, you know of what you speak (usually, it seems).

Depends upon how your co-loafer would take the correction/criticism, but I would leave it alone. Know-it-alls don't usually like to be pointed out as blowhard know-nothings.

Different bodywork, different frame, and different engine. Other than that, same vehicle. No correction needed...:)

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that's the thing - when I don't know something, i am usually up-front about saying, "look, I don't know everything about the chevy Colorado, but I know it's not just new bodywork on an S10 frame..."

In this case, I remember reading about them in motor trend when they were redesigned, and most recently, in their 2010 buyer's guide that I browse yearly. That's hardly intimate knowledge of the Colorado, but it's more than my coworker apparently knows...

Oh, and the guy he was talking to already bought one, so I can't pan the I-5 the way MT tends to :p

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i'll correct the other person if i am:

1. absolutely certain i'm right

2. if i give a shit about the subject

3. if i give a shit about the person who is misinformed

4. it will make a positive difference to that person (save them from making a bad financial decision, etc)

otherwise, fuck it. they can go on thinking their stratus has a transmission straight out of nascar cause it has a "+" and "-" notch where you can shift up and down with the automatic, and that cause it's the model with the black wheels, the engine is rocket born of the crotch of thor.

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What j/b/ot said.

99% of the time, it's not worth it because I don't care about what dumb decisions that person makes or misinformation they spew, and they frankly don't care what I (or anyone else) thinks, nor do they want to be corrected or they wouldn't make statements.

They'd have a discussion or be inquisitive, not trying to bullet-point opinions as factual.

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All depends on who it is and what it's about, like others have said. Sometimes I might approach it like "Are you sure it's just an S-10 with a different body? I thought it was completely different?" Then I'm not so much calling them wrong as I am just asking for further clarification myself. Tact.

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All depends on who it is and what it's about, like others have said. Sometimes I might approach it like "Are you sure it's just an S-10 with a different body? I thought it was completely different?" Then I'm not so much calling them wrong as I am just asking for further clarification myself. Tact.

If it was you with the misconception, I'd ask wtf you're smoking! :lol:

Edited by jporter12
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Not me. I'll engage in debate, but generally just let people make asses of themselves. This is a result of my marital relationship in which I am never right and am relegated to silence and/or blind agreement.

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i guess i just feel bad that my coworkers (for some reason) see the guy next to me as a reliable source of automotive info, but I've twice caught him giving incorrect information out.

How dangerous or expensive it is remains to be seen. Last time, I did correct him because he was telling someone to put their new tires on the front wheels... This time, he was giving advice on fixing a Colorado and said it was "the same as working on an S10."

I guess Jbot's line is a good rule of thumb - keep my mouth shut until it's "necessary" rather than just annoying...

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there is a guy at work that seems a little off and always wants to talk sports, half the time his facts or opinions are so far off its not even fair. He's a nice guy so I just agree since I'm only passively listening with my music in my other ear

I have friends that I have no issue correcting when they are talking out of their ass because I can make them look like a bigger idiot, strangers well I just let them go on looking like an idiot on their own

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I have a co-worker that loves to give me 'advice' on everything. I just listen and nod... and pretend I don't know anything about what he's going on about. Anything from welding' date=' to wrenching.... I just pretend I have no clue and have gained enlightenment from listening to his nonsensical ramblings.[/quote']

wow, i do the exact same thing. lol its so much easier that way and i get the opportunity to see how stupid some people are.......thats fucked up isnt it......:(

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I have a co-worker that loves to give me 'advice' on everything. I just listen and nod... and pretend I don't know anything about what he's going on about. Anything from welding' date=' to wrenching.... I just pretend I have no clue and have gained enlightenment from listening to his nonsensical ramblings.[/quote']

That's what we do to you here. :D

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there's usually two sides. the BS'er and the listener. if i care about the listener, i will correct the BSer after he/she leaves. in my experience, you can never correct a BSer.

usually I'll pull the listener aside and say "that guy was full of it -here are credible links to prove he was wrong"

like the guy who told my friend he had an acura NSX 4 cylinder in his civic. "they only made the 4 cylinder in japan" and then "yeah, my 0-60 is good like 4.5 seconds, but i can go 60-120 in 2.5 seconds, that's where it really kicks in" 0-120 in 7 seconds... with a made up engine... that guy was adamant that he was correct too.

some people...

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Per other threads as of late, I think if you had your CCW you were clear to shoot him or them if there was a crowd.

NO, NO, NO. Guns are useless. Only Jewish Kung-fu will work, or didn't you read? ;)

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I tend to just let people be dumbasses...there's nothing in it for me to go blowhardy and fix everyone's stupidity. Even if you're right, they don't love you for correcting them.

What's the point? If it doesn't make you money or make you happy, why bother?

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