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What style of street riding do you prefer.


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Whats your Ideal style of street riding? Do you hold back a bit in the twisties for safety, or do you go balls to the wall, or do you go somewhere in between? Is there any difference between your style of riding when you're in a group or when you're riding alone? Just curious.

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So when can I go ridin' with you & your demons?

Him and a few of other hooligans do the CSBA rides all the time. Seems hutch might not be at the first one this year though. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=74431&highlight=csba

Not a demon releasing ride, but good nonetheless.

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I'm chompin' at the bit to go on some good rides this year but I'm sort of in limbo right now. Got a death in the family coming up soon. I'll be in touch.

Sorry to here. Whenever you want to come out this way just let me no. Usually ride every weekend

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I ride a bit harder in a group than I do alone, but I don't ride balls to the wall. I have a wife and kid I want to come home to at the end of the day.

+1. My family keeps my right hand in check.

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I would like to call it spirited, speed limits are suggestions anyway aren't they.:D

Normally my riding is centered somewhere between cruiser touring speed and track day speed. I have no problem going fast but I like knowing that if a corner catches me off guard there is still a fair margin of lean angle left if needed.:cool:

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Whats your Ideal style of street riding? Do you hold back a bit in the twisties for safety, or do you go balls to the wall, or do you go somewhere in between? Is there any difference between your style of riding when you're in a group or when you're riding alone? Just curious.

Always intend to leave something in reserve but you never know when something comes up you haven't made an exception for. It would be next to impossible to go balls to the wall unless you travel the same road like you do a track. The reference and break markers are just too numerous to remember on the multiple roads I like to ride. Trying to remember all the things you need to go fast on a road would take the enjoyment out of it for me. Totally different experience than a track where most of the factors out of your control are eliminated and you can challenge yourself with minute changes.

I ride very differently when in a group than I do alone. I will ride much faster than I do on a group ride by myself. I am often amazed at how much time I can make up getting to a group ride when I go by myself. I don't do much commuting riding it's mostly going to a group ride or in one & I don't ride at night much at all. I find the more you can keep a group together the less that will go wrong. This means that if the curves a far enough apart you slow down to 70 or so instead of going as fast as you can between them. This keeps the guys with less seat time from feeling like they need to catch/keep up or enter a corner too fast. Corner entry seems to be the place where most less experienced riders make mistakes that snowball into accidents.

Even on a ride with your buddies/release the demons ride I will pay attention to where everyone is at so at times I check up to get a handle on things. That very thing caught me out last year when I crossed a center line checking on the rest of the guys. That to me is as bad as crashing and it still bothers me that I did it and also makes me question doing rides like that.

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when im alone i usually just putt at the speed limit, but i still sometimes speed up for a good turn if im in the mood. when i ride with others i adjust to their pace unless they are to crazy/fast for me like hutch, 1000rr, and JCMathis. when i ride with danballa i just cruise at 80 on the freeway with him unless he sees a hot chick or someone driving faster and follows.

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Always intend to leave something in reserve but you never know when something comes up you haven't made an exception for. It would be next to impossible to go balls to the wall unless you travel the same road like you do a track. The reference and break markers are just too numerous to remember on the multiple roads I like to ride. Trying to remember all the things you need to go fast on a road would take the enjoyment out of it for me. Totally different experience than a track where most of the factors out of your control are eliminated and you can challenge yourself with minute changes.

I ride very differently when in a group than I do alone. I will ride much faster than I do on a group ride by myself. I am often amazed at how much time I can make up getting to a group ride when I go by myself. I don't do much commuting riding it's mostly going to a group ride or in one & I don't ride at night much at all. I find the more you can keep a group together the less that will go wrong. This means that if the curves a far enough apart you slow down to 70 or so instead of going as fast as you can between them. This keeps the guys with less seat time from feeling like they need to catch/keep up or enter a corner too fast. Corner entry seems to be the place where most less experienced riders make mistakes that snowball into accidents.

Even on a ride with your buddies/release the demons ride I will pay attention to where everyone is at so at times I check up to get a handle on things. That very thing caught me out last year when I crossed a center line checking on the rest of the guys. That to me is as bad as crashing and it still bothers me that I did it and also makes me question doing rides like that.

Group rides are "safer" because if you do go down someone is there to help. wether its someone looking back or the next rider. i remember when uncle punk went down and im glad that me and ben were there to help. Scare the crap outta my gf being her bday ride but the worse was still to come.

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When did this happen?

Correct me if im wrong but are you the guy from dayton that when down on last years CSBA ride? if no then nevermind. I just know he had a newer CBR1000 and went to the ditch because he crossed the yellow line and almost hit a car.

Edited by scottie.harris
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I ride a bit harder in a group than I do alone, but I don't ride balls to the wall. I have a wife and kid I want to come home to at the end of the day.

I don't have a kid to come home to but do have the wife and plenty of

other people that care about me so I try not to get in over my head.

I've got no problem running fast on the highway or in straights but

last season I had two close calls in turns that pretty much told me I

was riding a little over my skills.

I prefer to ride by myself or lead my own small groups, 3 or 4 bikes.

By leading I can control the pace to my own comfort level.

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Correct me if im wrong but are you the guy from dayton that when down on last years CSBA ride? if no then nevermind. I just know he had a newer CBR1000 and went to the ditch because he crossed the yellow line and almost hit a car.

Wrong guy

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I grew up riding alone or with one other. So my style is different. It must work, since I'm still here and don't run off the road more than maybe once every twenty or forty years.

I'll ride anywhere, at any time, in any conditions that allow continuous upright motion.

That means no snow and ice, and really strong side winds will wear me down.

Early morning frost warnings are a clue that you will probably fall down.

Lightning is questionable, since it's attracted to large chunks of aluminum.

Riding last year at night, on the freeway, in the blinding rain, was rather risky.

Fair weather preferred. It's more fun.

I ride my concentration level. Which means sometimes fast and sometimes normal. As soon as the concentration and attention to detail goes away or suffers, it's back to behaving again at slower speeds. Or stop and take a break. I also ride a threat level. A packed freeway will put me in defensive mode, taking position to escape all threats real and imagined. Yes, the older you get, the more you relax and slow down. At least a little.

I am also one who leaves a bit of reserve in lean angle. And it's surprising how quickly one will use it when needed. We used to call it 9/10. Nine tenths. 100% is a razor edge with no margin for error. I always want to see my line before committing.

I lead packs at the pace of the slowest. Which is often either the mechanical limit of the bike they are on, or their skill level.

I like night rides. Midnight rides under Summer full moons are wonderful. This was before Ohio was covered in butt to nose deer everywhere. Not so wise anymore.

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I just cruise right around the speed limit most of the time. I guess I just like enjoying the scenery, fresh air, and sounds of riding. I would be alright with a vintage 2-cycle scooter, as long as it could hit 75 mph. If it comes down to a series of nice corners I usually ride around 75% of what I would consider my limit. The techniques that I've learned at riding schools have moved my 75% limit significantly beyond my old 100% limits. I'm hoping this year I can surpass my 100% limit again while feeling at a relaxed 75%.

When I'm with a group I moderate my riding style slightly to the group. If the group is going slow or fast I'll adjust my style accordingly. If a nice series of corners arrives, I'll take into consideration the abilities of the other riders. I don't want someone crashing trying to pass me or catch up.

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